Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 180: Capturing The Leader And Disappointment

Even though he will face the cultivator of four fusion periods, Lu Zhishen is not afraid at all, at least Little Brother Lu Su is still safe and sound.

"Ho Ho Ho..." The roar of Demonic Beasts pulled Lu Zhishen back from his thoughts.

Before he could sigh too much, Lu Zhishen turned his head sharply, raised his true essence, and kept waving the Lingbao mace in his hand again, making a desperate posture.

However, there is a saying that two fists cannot defeat four hands,

The wolves condensed by Lu Zhishen's true essence were quickly wiped out by the opponent.

Then, the two late stage cultivators dodged and controlled the two Demonic Beasts, and surrounded Lu Zhishen.

Simultaneously launched attacks on Lu Zhishen from all directions, caused by the Sword Ray, and the speed was so fast that Lu Zhishen struggled to parry the opponent's attack, and at the same time, he had to avoid the attacks of the two Demonic Beasts.

The blue-winged dragon kept spouting fiery flames, while the flying bats kept spewing out energy beams.

Soon there were several hideous wounds on Lu Zhishen's body.

During this period, because he couldn't dodge in time, he got a solid blow from the Sword Ray. The speed of dodging was obviously slowed down a bit, and several waves of energy hit him again. The speed was so fast that the injured Lu Zhishen was unable to continue to dodge.

"Ah..." Lu Zhishen let out a scream of grief and indignation, spurting several mouthfuls of blood,

The body fell from the air at a high speed and hit the ground. After a bang, the ground was filled with dust, and Lu Zhishen's life and death were unknown.

"Dage! Woooooo..." Lu Su in the formation light curtain cried, and beat the formation light curtain desperately, wanting to get out, but the formation light curtain was like a copper wall, and he couldn't shake it at all.

The moment the two Demonic Beasts appeared, Lu Chen knew that the other was the cultivator of the Divine Beast Mountain, and at the same time guessed the identity of the young cultivator.

Because before the auction, the beautiful steward of Feiyu Dange told Lu Chen two things,

And the second news is that the owner of private room No. 37 is called Song Yushu, who is the grandson of a big man in the Shenshou Mountain headquarters. He has a big background and is also investigating his own details.

Combined with this news, if the expectations are correct, that young cultivator should be Song Yushu, the grandson of a certain important figure in Shenshou Mountain.

Lu Chen did not expect that the other party would deliberately intercept and kill him because of the failure of the bidding.

The situation on Lu Zhishen's side Lu Chen was also secretly worried, but he had no way to stop this from happening, he just hoped he could last a little longer.

At this moment, Lu Chen has already approached Lin Tian, ​​and at the same time approached the goal in his heart.

Seeing Lu Chen desperately rushing towards him, Lin Tian took out his Magic Treasures spear and flew towards Lu Chen again.

However, this time Lu Chen did not choose to confront the opponent head-on, but controlled a black stone the size of a mountain and smashed it directly at Lin Tian.

At the same time, with the help of the huge black stone blocking the line of sight, dozens of array flags were thrown, and the array flags turned into dozens of purple brilliance in the air, flying towards Lin Tian's surroundings as fast as lightning.

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly took back the black stone, and the black stone that originally covered the sun in Shrouding the Heavens suddenly disappeared, and Lin Tian was still a little puzzled.

Immediately, dozens of purple brilliance fell around him.

"Not good! Protect the young master!" Lin Tian shouted with his true energy,

The moment he saw the purple brilliance, he saw that it was the formation flag, and he understood Lu Chen's intention. The other party wanted to arrange a formation to trap him, so he hurriedly flew Yujian to the point where the formation flag fell,

However, because the black stone blocked his sight before, by the time he reacted, it was already too late.

I saw a lavender formation light curtain closing instantly, covering Lin Tian in it, Lin Tian became anxious immediately, and desperately attacked the formation light curtain.

Because if something happened to the young master Song Yushu, he and his wife and children would probably be doomed, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Almost at the moment when the formation light curtain closed, Lu Chen flew desperately with his sword and flew directly towards Song Yushu. He had to hurry up,

Because of the hastily arranged trap, under Lin Tian's crazy attack, it can only last a dozen breaths at most.

"Quick... go and stop him." Song Yushu exclaimed, and then ran away with Yujian desperately.

The remaining two cultivators that merged with the middle stage and five that merged with the early stage also showed Lu Chen's idea of ​​catching the thief first.

They took out their weapons and attacked the flying Lu Chen.

After hearing Lin Tian's shout, the two late stage cultivators on the ground immediately understood what Lu Chen was thinking. Originally, they wanted to make up for Lu Zhishen to kill him.

Now fly directly in the direction of Song Yushu, because they know very well that if something happens to the young master, they will not be able to bear the consequences.

Lu Chen, who was flying with a sword, came in front of five fusion early stage and two fusion middle stage cultivators within a few breaths.

Raising his hand, there are countless small palm prints all over the sky, with strange traces, accompanying them without a shadow, looming, like a gust of wind and rain, attacking the seven people with the aura of destroying the world.

In the face of Lu Chen's absolute strength in killing the fusion early stage and slamming the fusion late stage,

Lu Chen passed through instantly

Their line of defense continued to fly towards Song Yushu, and the seven figures behind them fell from the air at an extremely fast speed without even a chance to scream.

At this time, the two cultivators who fused the late stage, and the Demonic Beasts whose heads were comparable to the middle stage fused, also rushed to block Lu Chen.

Seeing Lu Chen approaching quickly, they all tried their best to attack, and suddenly there was a flash of swords and swords.

"Go away!" Lu Chen roared, and the black stone smashed towards him like a mountain.

At the same time, Buddha Palm, the sect of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty, spread out with all their brains, big and small palm prints, with Lu Chen's invincible will, mixed with the aura of destroying everything, stormed the two fused late stage cultivators like a storm, And two Demonic Beasts.

Then, he bypassed the two opponents from the side. With Lu Chen's speed, the opponent had to deal with his own attack, and he couldn't stop Lu Chen's progress at all.

Almost all of this happens in just ten breaths.

Song Yushu, who was fleeing desperately from Yujian Fei, was furious in his heart. He didn't expect Lin Tian to be so useless, and he couldn't even kill a Foundation Establishment period cultivator.

Putting himself in a dangerous situation, he thought in his heart that after returning home, he must play with Lin Tian's wife well to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Suddenly, Song Yushu felt that he was being locked by a Divine Sense, and subconsciously looked back, which surprised him.

I saw Lu Chen, the murderous god, flying towards him at a very high speed.

Song Yushu didn't dare to think too much, and tried his best to use the flying skill of Yujian, wanting to escape, but he didn't even have the courage to fight.

Lu Chen, who followed closely behind, raised his hand to Song Yushu and hit a small Buddha Palm, controlling the strength well,

Because Lu Chen was worried that if he used too much force, if he accidentally killed that bastard, Lin Tian would not let him go.

Lu Chen wanted to catch Song Yushu and use him to blackmail Lin Tian. This was their only way out.

Song Yushu, who was hit, let out a scream in the air, and his body fell rapidly like a kite with a broken string. Lu Chen followed closely, trying to catch him.

However, at this moment, Lu Chen keenly felt a dangerous aura attacking him, and when he looked back, it was Lin Tian who was out of trouble, attacking him.

Lu Chen sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to dodge, feeling very disappointed, seeing that his plan of capturing the thief first and the king was about to succeed,

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Lin Tian broke through the barrier and arrived in time.

"It seems that God is going to kill me!" Lu Chen, who was standing in the air, sighed...

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