Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 182 Who Are You? Zier?

Once people are angry, they will be swayed by emotions and do some things that break the rules.

Zhang Haoyang is usually gentle, elegant and personable, regardless of his family background or his own conditions, he is a rare young talent.

However, because Wang Jingxuan, who was engaged to him, left without saying goodbye, he was so angry that the emotions accumulated in his heart burst out.

In order to retaliate and vent, he directly threw 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, and ordered two beautiful beauties cultivators at "Piaoxianglou".

In and out of the hall, in front of the table, behind the table, under the bed, after some hand-to-hand combat, Zhang Haoyang successfully subdued the two beauties, and the energy in his heart was able to vent.

Zhang Haoyang who calmed down was like a child who had done something wrong, and he regretted what he had done.

I felt a little sorry for Wang Jingxuan, but then I thought, this person has already run away, so what is there to be sorry for?

Before, my father asked me to find an opportunity to get close to Wang Haocang, looking for clues to the big event my father said, but I was still scruples because of Wang Jingxuan's relationship, so I tried to shirk it several times.

But now, since Wang Jingxuan was unkind, don't blame yourself for being unrighteous. Zhang Haoyang showed a vicious look, as if he had made some decision in his heart.

Zhang Haoyang, who wanted to understand, felt relieved, and immediately raised his gun and mounted the horse again. After all, he had spent 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, so he should enjoy it more.

In Qianyang City, in a room on the top floor of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce branch, Hu Shilong and his master Yin Cang sat facing each other, with a square chessboard in the middle.

Because he couldn't find the cultivator carrying the aura of sky fire, Dangui Yincang was not in a good mood recently, so Hu Shilong invited Master to drink tea and play chess together.

I saw Hu Shilong's two fingers close together, a faint brilliance flashed between the fingers, and he pointed to the position he wanted on the chessboard, and a white "Tianyuan Chess" piece fell on the chessboard, making a crisp "pop" sound .

"Hehehe... Master! Accepted." Hu Shilong picked up the teacup, gently sipped the spiritual tea in the cup, and smiled with a slightly smug expression.

Dan Gui Yincang was covered in black robes all over his body, and his expression could not be seen, only his hoarse voice said:

"Oh? Is that so? Sometimes the enemy shows weakness, but it doesn't mean that the other party is really afraid of you, and I don't know why retreat is an advance?"

As soon as Yin Cang's voice fell,

I don't see any movement from him.

I saw that the black "Tianyuan Chess" chess piece on the right hand flew out of the jade box automatically, and landed on the chessboard.

There is still an essential difference between this mind control and Hu Shilong's real element control.

I saw that the black side, who had already won or lost the game, at the moment this black piece fell, was like the finishing touch, and the whole game instantly turned from defeat to victory.

Hu Shilong looked at the chess game in front of him in astonishment, and remembered what the master said just now, respectfully said: "Remember the Master's teachings,"

At this time, Xia Ji walked in with a smile on her face and reported a news she had just received to the two of them.

According to the news, Ximen Qinghong suddenly left the branch of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and lived alone, which is a bit abnormal.

Xia Ji guessed triumphantly that Ximen Qinghong might have had a falling out with Yan Zixia, maybe Ximen Qinghong would abandon the game three days later, and the Yuan Chamber of Commerce would have won that day.

After Hu Shilong heard the news, he was also very happy. According to his past style, he must immediately send someone to get Ximen Qinghong back, and put eye drops on Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

But thinking of what the Master said just now, he pretended to be scheming and said:

"Xia Ji! Do you know why retreating is the only way to advance? Leave him alone, just do our own things well." Pen Fun Library

After finishing speaking, Hu Shilong took advantage of the tea break and squinted at Master Yin Cang. Seeing that he didn't say anything to refute himself, he knew that Own's handling was correct.

"My lord! What I said is that the slave has retired." Xia Ji twisted her body and retreated.

Seeing Hu Shilong salivating, if Master Yin Cang was not here, Hu Shilong would have jumped on him.

The story is divided into two parts. Lu Chen lost to Lin Tian and the others because of the huge difference in Realm. Seeing a flying boat approaching, and the middle-aged female cultivator Cultivation Base is advanced, so he begged for help from the other side.

The two people on the flying boat naturally also saw Lu Chen's figure.

At this time, the young female cultivator suddenly shouted:

"Lu Dage! Come here quickly."

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt that there is no unparalleled road, and he was sure that he should have met that young female cultivator somewhere, otherwise how would the other party know that his surname is Lu.

At the moment, no matter what happens, Yujian lands directly on the opponent's flying boat, and the flying boat has already stopped in the air at this moment.

"Hahaha... the senior is polite, Junior Lu Chen

, thank you senior and the girl for saving your life," Lu Chen cupped hands respectfully,

Regardless of whether the other party wants to save himself or not, thank you first.

"Lu Dage! Do you still remember me? Hehehe..." The young female cultivator smiled sweetly.

Only then did Lu Chen start to look at the female cultivator, and saw that she was wearing a purple female cultivating robe, with a melon-shaped face, willow eyebrows and almond eyes, and skin as white as jade, exuding a fresh and refined temperament, and she was also a rare beauty.

" are Zi'er?" Lu Chen tried his best to think about his own memory, and asked uncertainly.

In my mind, I suddenly thought that the beauty in front of me was very similar to the female cultivator I received at Feiyu Dan Pavilion when I first went to Shun'an City, Qujing Prefecture.

At the beginning, I didn’t buy anything because of her warm reception and considerate service, and because I didn’t have enough Spirit Stones, I gave her a special Foundation Establishment Dan before leaving.

The reason why I'm not sure is that Zi'er was at the Great Consummation of Qi Cultivation Stage at that time, but the beauty in front of me is a late stage Cultivation Base, and her temperament is also different.

"Hehehe... Lu Dage, you finally remembered who I am, and thank you for the Foundation Establishment pill you gave me back then." Zi'er smiled happily, her voice was very pleasant.

Lu Chen became even more puzzled when he heard this. Zi'er's Cultivation Base at the beginning only had the Qi refining period, but now Zi'er is a Cultivation Base that integrates the late stage, and is accompanied by masters.

"Hehehe... Lu Dage, I didn't expect to meet you here by such a coincidence. I know you have some doubts in your heart. I'll tell you later. Let's solve the problem now!" Zi'er laughed, and at the same time He also saw Lu Chen's doubts.

At this time, Lin Tian and the others had arrived, but none of them acted rashly, because they all felt the powerful aura coming from that middle-aged female cultivator.

For a while, the two sides were deadlocked in the air.

"Bold! I am Shenshoushan, the grandson of Song Wanli, and I am arresting Sect fugitives. I advise you not to meddle in your own business, otherwise..."

Seeing the stalemate here, Song Yushu flew over Zibao's house and shouted loudly,

In the end, before he could finish his sentence, he was hit by a shot of real energy from a middle-aged female cultivator, and fell down from the sky with unknown life or death on the spot.

"Young master! Young master!" Lin Tian and the others said in horror, and flew towards Song Yushu, who was falling at a high speed, with their swords...

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