After Song Yushu was suddenly attacked, his body fell rapidly, which startled Lin Tian and others, no matter whether it was life or death, they hurriedly flew towards Song Yushu.

Lin Tian had the highest Cultivation Base among them, so he was the first to catch the falling Song Yushu. After checking, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the other party also had some scruples about Song Yushu's identity, so he didn't kill him, but knocked him unconscious, otherwise Lin Tian and others would suffer.

"Let's go!" Lin Tian snorted, and Yu Jian took Song Yushu and flew towards Qianyang City. There was a Gold Core cultivator who stood up for that kid, so they could only leave with hatred.

The other two late stage cultivators picked up Song Yushu's Magic Treasures long sword, put their Demonic Beasts into the spirit beast bag, and followed Lin Tian to fly away with the sword.

However, everyone's heart was gloomy and gloomy. There were eleven people when they came, but now only four of them fled in desperation, and the young master was knocked out.

With Song Yushu's behavior, when he wakes up, he doesn't know how angry he will be, and he will definitely offend several people, so Lin Tian and the others are very worried.

"Hehehe... Thank you senior for helping me, Zi'er! Thank you too, I will definitely repay your kindness if I have the opportunity in the future. I still have friends below, so I will excuse you."

Lu Chen cupped hands respectfully smiled, and flew directly with the sword to the place where Lu Zhishen fell.

He felt that the identity of this beautiful woman named Zi'er must not be simple. The original Cultivation Base should have been hidden, otherwise it would not be possible to breakthrough so fast, and maybe even the name was fake.

Moreover, the current Zi'er always gave Lu Chen a shrewd feeling, not like the image of the little waiter in his impression at the beginning, so Lu Chen didn't want to have too much interaction with her.

"Hehehe...Zixia! This kid looks exactly like the news said, he is very cunning, I don't know..." The middle-aged female cultivator looked at Lu Chen's leaving back, shook her head and smiled slightly.

"Hehehe... so what? He said he wanted to repay his favor. How could I let him miss this opportunity? What do you think? Auntie?"

Yan Zixia smiled brightly, as if everything was under her control.

Immediately, the two of them landed on the flying boat and flew towards Lu Chen... Pen Fun Library

Wuchuan Prefecture, Jialing City,

A medium-sized flying boat takes off from a designated area. The entire flying boat is about the size of a bus and can carry dozens of people.

A small flying boat like Lu Chen can carry up to five people. It is not impossible if it is overloaded, but it will affect the speed of flight.

Medium-sized flying boats or large flying boats generally belong to a small chamber of commerce, or a chamber of commerce that specializes in the transportation industry.

For example, no individual in real life will buy a bus to drive as a private car. This has little to do with whether there are Spirit Stones.

At this moment, there were more than 50 people on board a medium-sized flying boat flying at a high speed. Among them was Wang Jingxuan, a beautiful woman with an exquisite figure who was wearing a red dress.

Because Wang Jingxuan ran away from home, without Wang Haocang's protection, she had to rely on herself for everything, and she didn't have many Spirit Stones left, so she couldn't last for too long.

So much so that, when she saw a small business association recruiting cultivators who had completed the Foundation Establishment period and formed a team to go to the Wanyao Mountains to collect information on spiritual herbs, she decisively chose to sign up.

Generally, after a small chamber of commerce like this takes over business, if there are not enough people, it will often recruit some temporary members, as long as the corresponding Spirit Stones are paid,

After the task is completed, these temporarily recruited members will be dismissed, so that the cost of the chamber of commerce's personnel can be greatly reduced.

But this time, Wang Jingxuan, as a temporary member of a company called the Dachuan Chamber of Commerce, went to the Wanyao Mountains to collect Condensing Light Grass together with the other fifty or so cultivators on the flying boat.

Lightning Grass belongs to the fourth-level spiritual herbs, and it is one of the three main medicines for refining complex pills.

Futi Dan is a kind of healing medicine, not only has a certain healing effect on internal injuries, but also has a relatively good healing effect on external injuries.

This kind of Medicine Pill is quite popular in the world of comprehension, so the demand for Lightning Grass is very large.

As a result, some small chambers of commerce have been derived, vassalized under the Pill Pavilion or the Medicine Pavilion, to help them collect various commonly used spiritual herbs.

Ningguang Grass: The leaves are quite unique. There are more than a dozen pairs of leaves on a petiole. Each pair is alternate and feather-like. The leaves are crystal clear and flashing with faint light.

In addition, it will also bloom. The flowers are spherical and small.

,light red.

The most well-known characteristic of Ningguang grass is that when it is stimulated, it will shrink the leaves and close them together,

If the stimulation is particularly strong, the leaflets of the whole plant will close at the same time, and the compound leaves will droop. It looks like it is shy, which is very magical. After a period of time, it will recover by itself.

Therefore, the condensing grass is very recognizable and common, but the growth is relatively scattered, so the Dachuan Chamber of Commerce invited 50 cultivators of the Foundation Establishment period to collect it this time.

When Lu Chen Yujian approached Lu Zhishen, Lu Zhishen just opened his eyes. Seeing that Lu Chen was safe and sound, he knew that everyone should be safe.

"Are you okay?" Lu Chen asked with concern, seeing that Lu Zhishen was fine, his heart was finally relieved.

This innocent disaster was caused by Lu Chen. If something happened to Lu Zhishen, Lu Chen would also feel very sad.

"Hehehe... still can't die." Lu Zhishen said with a bitter smile, feeling a sense of survival after a disaster welled up in his heart.

After Lu Chen released Lu Su from the formation barrier, the two brothers inevitably talked and sighed.

At this time, Yan Zixia and Wang Xiumei landed beside Lu Chen in a flying boat.

"Hahaha...senior! Zi'er! I don't have anything to do here anymore. Thank you again for your life-saving grace. If you are busy, you can leave first and leave us alone." Lu Chen smiled embarrassingly. .

"Hehehe... Lu Chen Dage, are you driving us away?" Yan Zixia smiled harmlessly.

" can it be! Hehehe...Aren't I afraid of delaying your time? Besides, we have to leave here immediately." Lu Chen smiled.

There was no embarrassment or blush at all for lying.

"Lu Dage! I need your help on a very important matter, and I hope that Lu Dage can agree to Zi'er's request."

Yan Zixia's face suddenly became serious, and she looked at Lu Chen expectantly.

"Hahaha...Miss Zi'er, you really know how to joke. I'm a little guy in the Foundation Establishment period. Even if I want to help you, I can't help you!" Lu Chen laughed at himself.

The meaning of refusal was obvious, but what Zier said next really surprised Lu Chen...

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