In addition to Shennongmen, the headquarters of the seven sects are located outside Yulin Prefecture because Yulin Prefecture is more suitable for the growth of various spiritual herbs.

The headquarters of the other six Sects are all located in the various fairy mountains of Qianling Prefecture, and Qianyang City is just located within the jurisdiction of Shenshou Mountain.

Therefore, as the grandson of the head of Shenshou Mountain, Song Yushu naturally has a lot of say in Qianyang City.

Before Song Yushu heard that there was going to be an auction in Qianyang City, and there was Rongsheng Pill appearing as a lot, he was very interested in the completion of the Foundation Establishment period, and arrived in Qianyang City more than ten days ahead of schedule.

Lin Tian, ​​as one of the stewards of the Shenshoushan branch in Qianyang City, was arranged by the general manager to be in charge of Song Yushu's reception and security work.

After all, Lin Tian is a military officer in this branch, and his subordinates are those who are in charge of No. 800 fusion period. To put it simply, Lin Tian's position in the branch is equivalent to the manager of the modern security department.

Song Yushu's behavior is perverted and playful, and he is extremely lustful. He is not very interested in young and beautiful girls, but he is keen on mature and charming women from good families.

So Song Yushu, who had just arrived in Qianyang City, without the constraints of Sect's gate rules, he let go of himself like a wild horse, and directly nestled in the "Piaoxiang Building" for three days and three nights.

Seeing this, Lin Tian smiled bitterly. He had no choice but to let him go. He just sent two men to follow. Anyway, there shouldn’t be any accidents in Qianyang City, which is a big city. leisure.

On this day, Lin Tian's wife came to a medicine hall called "Xuan Dan Pavilion" according to the scheduled time for a follow-up visit, because Lin Tianzi and Lin Tian had formed a companion for more than ten years, but she failed to provide Lin Tian with Give birth to a boy and a half girl.

This made both of them feel pain in their hearts, but Lin Tian never said anything, but this incident became a heartache for Mrs. Lin.

No, when Mrs. Lin heard that there was a pill refining master in "Xuandan Pavilion" who was quite famous in terms of fertility, she came to seek medical advice. This was the second time Mrs. Lin came for a follow-up consultation.

Song Yushu happened to come to the "Xuantian Pavilion" because of excessive indulgence, and planned to buy some medicine pills that nourished the kidney qi. By coincidence, he met Mrs. Lin at the gate of the "Xuantian Pavilion".

Even though Song Yushu was attracted by Mrs. Lin's beauty, she felt in her heart that this was not the type she liked, but

And the opponent is the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment late stage, it is not an own opponent at all.

So Song Yushu molested Mrs. Lin in the street, and Mrs. Lin refused Song Yushu's molestation with awe-inspiring righteousness. When the two were entangled, Mrs. Lin's maid saw that the situation was not good, and ran to find Lin Tian's savior.

After hearing the news, Lin Tian rushed over with his sword desperately, just as he was about to kill the dandy who dared to moles his wife with his sword.

However, he found that the dandy who turned around was Song Yushu whom he was ordered to protect. The long sword Lin Tian held high froze in mid-air for a moment and could not fall for a long time.

Song Yushu didn't expect that this little girl would be Lin Tian's companion, so he smiled awkwardly, seeing that Lin Tian didn't dare to do anything to him, so he just left as if nothing happened.

At that time, Lin Tian saw Song Yushu's complacent face, although he was filled with anger, but because he was afraid of Song Yushu's power, he gave up.

This time, after Lin Tian and others brought the unconscious Song Yushu back to Qianyang City, they were severely scolded by the head of the branch. After learning the truth of the matter, the head of the branch classified it as an assassination.

Otherwise, seven fusion-stage cultivators would have been lost all at once, and it was because Song Yushu took the initiative to intercept and kill a Foundation Establishment-stage cultivator. He, the general manager, would also be responsible.

After Song Yushu woke up, he was furious as Lin Tian and others expected, smashed many things, and threatened to peel Lu Chen's skin.

Then he thought that the reason why things happened like this was all because of Lin Tian's incompetence. New hatred and old hatred were added together. Song Yushu thought about how to get Lin Tian's wife, vented first, and then figured out a way Find the whereabouts of Lu Chen...

In a valley surrounded by mountains, there is a row of wooden buildings, a bit like a small village in the countryside. There is an open space in the village, about the size of a football field.

But at this moment, there are more than a hundred girls of 15 or 16 years old in the open space, neatly arranged horizontally and vertically, sitting in the Lotus Position, each with a serious expression on their faces, listening carefully to the preaching of the big Elder in front of them .

"Don't! Don't come here, ah..." Wang Jingxuan screamed in sleep, then sat up abruptly, looked around with lingering fear, and saw that she was in a room.

I looked down again. Own's clothes were still intact, and my body didn't feel it.

What's the difference? I let out a sigh of relief.

Guessing in my heart that it must be a senior who happened to pass by and kindly rescued himself.

Immediately, Wang Jingxuan got up and prepared to look for the senior and thank him. The moment he opened the door, a strong Spiritual Qi came over his face.

It made Wang Jingxuan's body tremble, and he said in surprise: "What a rich Spiritual Qi! What is this place?"

Looking around, there are high mountains all around, only a wide space in front, this place should be a huge valley, Wang Jingxuan thought to himself.

The mountainside is shrouded in clouds and mist, and a clear spring flows down from the mountain on the left, like a ray of veil, coupled with the rich Spiritual Qi around it, this is simply a rare and blessed place for cultivating truth.

At this time, Wang Jingxuan noticed that there was a spacious open space not far in front of him. There were many 15 or 16 years old girls with immature faces on the open space, listening carefully to the words of a middle-aged female cultivator in front of her. .

Wang Jingxuan walked out of the house and continued to look at the surrounding environment. At this time, she could clearly hear the words of the middle-aged female cultivator.

"From the beginning of Taiyi Sanqing to ordinary people, the Lingtai is transparent and self-deprecating.

Abandoning the three thousand lives of the mortal world, leaping into the void


Xuantian's forgetfulness is ruthless, cutting off grievances and condensing Dao heart.

Dao and deeds are superficial and careless, and there is no desire, no seeking, and self-sufficiency.


Heaven and earth have their hearts on me, and Wanfa can do as I please.

Xuantian forgets love and is ruthless, and he becomes immortal and ruthless. "

After listening to the middle-aged female cultivator's narration, Wang Jingxuan's mood fell to the bottom.

Because the whole content revolves around a point of view, that is, ruthlessness, and the cultivation essentials of ruthlessness, need to cut off three thousand threads of love, as well as the seven emotions and six desires, forgetting emotion is ruthlessness, and ruthlessness can become immortal.

Wang Jingxuan thought she was dreaming, because she didn't like this kind of Cultivation Technique at all, and pinched Own's thigh hard, the pain made her tears almost fall down, still not sure what the man said was true.

"Hehehe... girl! You are awake. I just passed by yesterday and saw that you were being bullied by gangsters, so I rescued you and brought you back to this Valley of Heartlessness. I saw that you are also a pitiful person, and Qualifications are acceptable,

Are you willing to join my Wangqing Sect, learn profound Taoism, and kill all the damned people in the world? "At this time, the middle-aged female cultivator came to Wang Jingxuan and smiled.

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