Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 188: The Competition Begins

Wang Jingxuan didn't answer directly, but looked at the female cultivator in front of her.

I saw that she was about forty or fifty years old, her complexion was cold, and her appearance could be regarded as very beautiful, but her two eyebrows drooped slantingly, and her face looked very uncoordinated.

"Uh...not senior, thank you senior for saving my life, I still have a father who loves me at home, I ran out this time secretly, he must be in a hurry, so I have to go home quickly..." Wang Jingxuan smiled awkwardly and refused.

"Hey... It seems that you have no destiny with my Wangqing Sect, so let's just stay here today, and I will send you out of the valley when the morning dews tomorrow!" The middle-aged female cultivator sighed in disappointment.

Seeing that Wang Jingxuan had some doubts again, he continued: "It's not that I won't send you out today, it's just because there is a powerful natural formation in this valley, and you can only leave the valley when the morning dew comes, otherwise it will be very difficult to get out. go."

"Hehehe... Alright senior, then I won't bother you, and I will ask the senior to give me a ride tomorrow." Wang Jingxuan let go of the doubts in her heart and said with a smile.

Then the middle-aged female cultivator told Wang Jingxuan not to run around, it's better to stay in the house and wait for her tomorrow, because the whole Sect doesn't like foreign cultivators very much.

Wang Jingxuan naturally returned to the room obediently after hearing the words, and waited for the arrival of tomorrow.

Wang Jingxuan in the room habitually took out the communication beads. Ever since she learned of Lu Chen's death, at first she just sent messages to Lu Chen crying because of sadness, but later she fell in love with this way of speaking her heart.

However, today's communication beads are different. Originally, there were only four Divine Sense imprints in the own communication beads. After Zhang Haoyang's Divine Sense imprints were deleted,

It stands to reason that only the Divine Sense marks of Father and Uncle Zhao will light up, indicating that they are also sending messages to themselves because they ran away from home recently.

However, Lu Chen's Divine Sense imprint actually lit up today, which really surprised Wang Jingxuan, and almost threw away the communication beads.

You must know that the Divine Sense imprint of the fallen cultivator will not light up again, even if the communication beads fall into the hands of others again, such a thing will not happen.

Wang Jingxuan plucked up the courage, injected Divine Sense into the communication bead, and carefully checked Lu Chen's

A message from the Seal of Divine Sense.

After reading the content, she realized that Lu Chen did not fall in the endless forest at all.

This news stirred up Wang Jingxuan's heart, as if some precious thing was lost and found again, very happy,

"You bad guy, the bad guy who eavesdropped on others," Wang Jingxuan replied shyly.

She thought that she had said a lot of things in her heart to the communication beads before, and guessed that Lu Chen must have listened to them, and felt very embarrassed.

Then he briefly explained what happened to own, and told Lu Chen that he was going to find him, and then, like a girl in love, happily waited for Lu Chen's reply.

In Qianyang City, on the top floor of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce Branch, Lu Chen replied to Wang Jingxuan, Young Master Yu Xiao, Zhong Tao, Gu Feng, Ling Manyu, and Mu Kexin in turn.

Unexpectedly, the first reply he received was actually from Mr. Yu Xiao. He was shocked that Lu Chen was still alive, and then the two had a brief chat about the current situation, and then they made an appointment to meet in Banyue City, Yidu Prefecture, Central Plains.

After waiting for a while, seeing that no one replied to him, he guessed that each of them should be busy with their own business, then Lu Chen put the communication beads into the storage bag to receive the message.

According to the time calculation, Wang Jingxuan is still in a coma at this moment, so Lu Chen has not received the message from her after waking up at this time.

Immediately, Lu Chen restrained his mind, blocked his six senses, and began to practice, so that time would pass faster.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye,

With the attention of many forces and the expectation of many cultivators, the day of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce's gambling competition finally came out. Biqu library

The venue for the competition was set at the City Lord's Mansion in Qianyang City.

The start time of the game is set at Si time, which is like nine o'clock in the morning.

Because this competition is related to the two chambers of commerce and the ownership of the entire market in southern Xinjiang, it has not been made public on a large scale. Only a small number of people or forces know about it.

Early in the morning, Lu Chen put on the Houtian Lingbao mask that Yan Zixia tried to make for herself three days ago.

This required Yan Zixia to understand Lu Chen's thoughts, and even if she agreed, Spirit Stones wanted to

Deducted from the remaining expenses.

Lu Chen didn't get this mask until last night. Even so, Lu Chen still shocked the strength of Feiyu Chamber of Commerce. You must know that this mask was customized according to Lu Chen's request.

Moreover, it is also an Acquired Spirit Treasure, and it is not an easy matter from material selection to refining.

It is said that unless you encounter the Power of Transcend Tribulation period, even the cultivator of Nascent Soul period Dzogchen can't see that Lu Chen is wearing a mask on his face.

Lu Chen cast a formation light curtain on the wall, and looked at his current appearance with the help of the projection. Although he was not as handsome as before, he was still very good. You must know that he was completely based on the reference of Li Xiaoyao played by Hu Ge. picture.

Unexpectedly, the master craftsman who made the mask is so good, and the effect of refining is simply lifelike.

Because Lu Chen liked to watch Li Xiaoyao played by Hu Ge in his previous life, when he drew the picture, he subconsciously thought of such an image.

At the martial arts arena of the City Lord's Mansion, guests have already arrived one after another at this moment.

In the middle of the martial arts arena, there are two stone platforms that are more than one meter high and as wide as a tabletop. The stone platforms are more than ten meters apart. This is where the two contestants compete.

There is a high platform directly in front of the two stone platforms, which can seat twenty people without being crowded.

On both sides of the stone platform are guests from the two chambers of commerce, which can seat about ten people.

Right behind the stone platform, there are about 100 seats arranged in steps, which belong to the auditorium, and they come from the juniors of various major forces, mainly to increase their knowledge.

"Hahaha...the number of people watching doesn't seem to be many!" Qi Yutang, who was sitting in the auditorium, asked in surprise.

"That's for sure. This competition is of great significance. Those who can come are not ordinary people, hahaha..." Zhao Chengzhi smiled proudly,

They praised themselves openly and secretly, because they were able to come this time, all thanks to Zhao Chengzhi's father-in-law relationship, and bought tickets from others at a high price.

"The time is almost here, why haven't the people on the referee's platform come yet?" Yang Yunfei asked.

"Where are the bumpkins, who have never seen the world, they have been muttering nonsense, it's really noisy! If you don't shut up, believe it or not, I will slap you?"

While Yang Yunfei and the others were chatting on their own, an untimely voice sounded...

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