Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 190 Jingxuan Juechen

In the wooden house in the Valley of Unrequited Love, Wang Jingxuan sat in the Lotus Position and practiced with her eyes closed, because the Spiritual Qi here is extremely rich and suitable for cultivation, and for the cultivator, the time for cultivation will be faster.

"Dong dong..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Wang Jingxuan opened his eyes and asked suspiciously.

"Hehehe... Girl! It's me." The familiar voice of the middle-aged female cultivator who rescued Wang Jingxuan came from outside the door.

Wang Jingxuan opened the door upon hearing the sound, and saw that the middle-aged female cultivator showed joy on her face, and saw that she was still holding a bowl of clear water with strong Spiritual Qi in her hand, and her eyes showed shock.

"Ah! senior! This is Lingquan liquid!" Wang Jingxuan said in surprise, recognizing the thing in the bowl at a glance.

"Hehehe...Since you came to my Heartless Valley, it is also a fate,

And you will be leaving early tomorrow morning, a bowl of clear water will be given to you, it will be considered as the end of this Karma, I hope the girl will not be disgusted. "The middle-aged female cultivator smiled kindly.

Lingquan liquid is a rare treasure of genius. It is equivalent to the thick version of Lingquan water. The connotation of Spiritual Qi is very rich. It is rare that it can be directly absorbed by the cultivator.

The cultivator can be used to improve the Cultivation Base and cleanse the tendons, and the effect is very obvious.

"Ah? Such a valuable thing for me?" Wang Jingxuan said happily.

"Hehehe... I'm a little careless, drink this spirit spring liquid quickly! If the Spiritual Qi dissipates too much, it will damage the efficacy." The middle-aged female cultivator persuaded amiably.

"En! Thank you senior for your kindness and virtue." Wang Jingxuan, who is deeply involved in the world, happily took the bowl from the middle-aged nun and drank it.

When the Lingquan liquid entered the abdomen, it was directly absorbed through the spleen and stomach and turned into Spiritual Qi and flowed into Dantian. A warm current filled the whole body, which was very comfortable. Wang Jingxuan immediately felt a breakthrough in his own Cultivation Base.

"Huh? This senior, who are you?" Wang Jingxuan felt that the Cultivation Base was about to break through. At first, she had a look of surprise on her face, but soon her face turned cold. She looked at the middle-aged female cultivator in front of her suspiciously and asked.

"Hehehe... I am your master Miexin Daoist, and you are my disciple Juechen, remember? Alright! Disciple breakthrough quickly, after your breakthrough, I will come to you as a teacher again." Mie Xinren said with a pleasant smile.

"Are you my Master? I'm Juechen?" Wang Jingxuan looked at Miexin with confused eyes.

Daoist, murmured softly, his mind went blank, it seemed that there were only these two sentences.

Seeing this, Master Mie Xin muttered something, and shot a light blue light beam at Wang Jingxuan.

Wang Jingxuan froze for a moment, his eyes changed from confusion to clarity, and his face changed from deserted to joyful.

The memory in my mind, the middle-aged female cultivator in front of me is indeed my own Master, I was originally a mortal when I was young,

Because of the famine, I was separated from my parents. When I was suffering from hunger and cold, it was the Master who suddenly appeared like a fairy with a long sword, and brought me back to the Valley of Heartlessness.

And gave himself a new name "Jiechen", which means to isolate the past and mundane world, and practice Taoism with peace of mind.

From then on, teach yourself Cultivation Technique, teach yourself the principles of life, etc.

"Hehehe...Master! Why are you here? I feel like I'm about to break through, hehehe..." Wang Jingxuan called out affectionately.

"I came to see you as a teacher. Since you feel something, my disciple, then you break through first, and then I will come to you." Master Mie Xin said with a smile full of heart.

"En! Disciple sends master respectfully," Wang Jingxuan bowed respectfully.

After the master Mie Xin Daoist left, Wang Jingxuan got up, began to sit in the Lotus Position, closed his eyes and practiced the formula, felt the powerful energy in Dantian, and began to attack the Foundation Establishment middle stage...

On the martial arts arena of Qianyang City Lord's Mansion, after the butler briefly explained the rules and competition content, he announced the official start of the competition.

Because the specific rules and content of the game were sent to Lu Chen and Dongfang Yuanhua in the form of Jade Slip before,

The competition is divided into three games. In each game, the three referees will score the performance of the two pill refiners, and the final total score will be used to determine the final winner.

So even if one side takes the lead in the first two games, there is still a chance to win later.

At this moment, two cultivators came to Dongfang Yuanhua and Lu Chen, and placed two piles of the same Spiritual herbs and a piece of Jade Slip on the stone platform.

The first competition is the experience of the two parties. The requirement is that the two parties need to describe the name, level, and pharmacological properties of Spiritual herbs, as well as the parties that can be formed, in Jade Slip.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yuanhua smiled, looking very calm, covered the Spiritual herbs on the stone platform with Divine Sense, already had a trick in mind, picked up the Jade Slip on the table and began to describe.

Lu Chen

Divine Sense swept away, and there were ninety-nine and eighty-one kinds of spiritual herbs on the stone platform, including several high-grade spiritual herbs, some rare spiritual herbs, and even a third of the spiritual herbs that Lu Chen had never seen before. Pass.

"Hehehe... This Dongfang Yuanhua is really good. If he can win this time, I don't mind accepting him as a registered disciple. I believe that old monster Dan Chibai should have no objections!" Pill Ghost murmured,

He saw that Dongfang Yuanhua had been drawing for quite a while, while the pill refiner named Lu Xiaoyao on the opposite side was still holding every kind of spiritual herbs in his hand to examine them carefully.

"What is that kid doing? Scan Divine Sense, don't you know everything? You don't understand Spiritual herbs, so you can see it by looking at it?" Pill King Yu Tongwei frowned slightly and looked at Lu Chen.

"I think the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce may not be using the right person this time. You see, that kid hasn't started to portray Jade Slip yet." The crowd began to discuss.

Seeing that the incense was almost halfway burned, and Lu Xiaoyao was still doing some strange actions, they all started pointing at him.

How did they know that most of the theoretical knowledge that Lu Chen learned came from Shennongmen Baicao Garden, and there are some spiritual herbs that they didn't know before.

Therefore, Lu Chen had to rely on the powerful analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to analyze and derive every kind of spiritual herbs.

And it has to be touched by Lu Chen's hand to be effective, so in the eyes of outsiders, Lu Chen is just holding the spiritual herbs in his hand to identify them.

Fortunately, only one-third of Spiritual herbs Lu Chen did not know, and soon Lu Chen picked up Jade Slip and began to describe.

Seeing that Lu Chen began to portray Jade Slip, Yan Zixia finally breathed a sigh of relief. He also believed that a pill refiner who could refine top-level Medicine Pills could not even know Spiritual herbs.

As the sticks of incense burnt out, the steward announced to stop the movement in his hands and took back the Jade Slip,

Then let the other two cultivators redraw three Jade Slips with the same content according to the contents of the Jade Slip, and record that the No. 1 Jade Slip represents Dongfang Yuanhua, and the No. 2 Jade Slip represents Landing Xiaoyao.

This process is actually completed very quickly, which is about the same time as copying and pasting.

The purpose of this is to prevent the judges from judging the ownership of Jade Slip based on the Divine Sense imprint in Jade Slip, so as to be fair and just...

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