Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 191 Silent Tears

When the three judges were judging the answer sheet Jade Slip,

Lu Chen is deducing the whole process of pill refining with his eyes closed. Before that, because there is no new knowledge of spiritual herbs and new pill recipes, Lu Chen’s pill refining technique has stagnated, and some spiritual herbs on the market are not yours. If you want to buy it, you can buy it.

Now that he is idle anyway, how could Lu Chen waste this opportunity to improve his own.

And among the more than one hundred people in the auditorium, there was a pair of eyes staring at Lu Chen. The man was wearing a white robe and a bamboo hat, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

"Very good! Lu Xiaoyao, right? I remember you. If you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman. Just wait for me." Ximen Qinghong said viciously in his heart.

Ximen Qinghong couldn't see Yan Zixia looking for him because the game was about to start, so he got a ticket for the auditorium through own means,

He wanted to see who could make Yan Zixia, a slut, fancy, and be sure to defeat Dongfang Yuanhua instead of him, instead of trying to keep him.

After taking note of Lu Xiaoyao's appearance, Ximen Qinghong left the scene of the competition early, and he was also the only cultivator who left early.

On the high platform, Pill Ghost Yincang sometimes frowned, sometimes showed a clear look, and sometimes nodded to Dongfang Yuanhua and showed a satisfied smile.

When he just got the two answer sheets Jade Slip, he roughly looked at the content of the two Jade Slips.

Judging from the portrayed time, it is obvious that Dongfang Yuanhua's answering time is longer than Lu Xiaoyao's answering time.

So he saw that the No. 2 Jade Slip was longer than the No. 1 Jade Slip, so he concluded that the No. 2 Jade Slip should belong to Dongfang Yuanhua.

Moreover, all ninety-nine and eighty-one types of spiritual herbs were answered, and the number of pill recipes that make up is one more than the standard answer. This made Yin Cang very satisfied with Dongfang Yuanhua's performance, and felt very moved. Bai Shi, cultivated a good apprentice.

At the moment, I gave No. 2 a score of 90, which is already a very high score. As for why 10 points are deducted, this seems to be a common practice, just like when we usually write essays, it is a reason why we rarely get full marks.

But when he read Jade Slip on the first answer sheet, he still unconsciously glanced at Lu Xiaoyao. He had to say that the pill refining teacher named Lu Xiaoyao was also a rare talent.

In addition to not expanding a pill recipe, the content of the answer sheet is quite satisfactory, and being able to identify so many Spiritual herbs shows that the other party has basic knowledge.

The noodles are very hardworking.

Yin Cang thought for a while. Although he represented the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, he also hoped that the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce would win.

But he still has some conscience in Alchemy, and finally gave Lu Xiaoyao a score of 89, and then handed the own result to the referee Liang Chaobei.

Dan Wang Yu Tongwei also judged the two Jade Slips at first, and then carefully read the two answer sheets Jade Slips, each gave 90 points, and then submitted it to own for evaluation.

Liang Chaobei, as the chief referee, did not deliberately distinguish who the two answer sheets Jade Slip belonged to. He gave a relatively fair score according to own requirements, and each gave 90 points.

Then combine the judgments of the two assistant referees to finally take an intermediate value.

The last No. 1 Jade Slip scored 89.6 points, and the No. 2 Jade Slip scored 90 points.

When the result was announced by the butler, there was an uproar from all the cultivators present, and various discussions followed.

Although the real identities of No. 1 and No. 2 will not be announced until the end, it is not difficult for a discerning person to guess the ownership of their respective numbers from their performance.

"Unexpectedly, that pill refiner named Lu Xiaoyao is so strong, only 0.6 points lower than Dongfang Yuanhua, no wonder he can represent Feiyu Chamber of Commerce to participate in this competition."

There were many such sighs, and they all preconceived that Dongfang Yuanhua was the number two player, after all, his reputation was there.

"Phew! Luckily, it's not too low, and there's still a chance to catch up later." Yan Zixia breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself,

Because Lu Chen answered the question late, she also thought that Lu Chen was number one.

"Let me just say, how could the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce send an incompetent person to appear on the stage?" The cultivator in the crowd who had previously denied Lu Xiaoyao began to change his own opinion.

"Hmph! Don't worry, distinguishing between spiritual herbs is a test of the knowledge of both parties. Rote memorization is not difficult for a cultivator. What is difficult is the final pill refining, which is the time to test the real technology."

A cultivator in the crowd said coldly, it seems that this cultivator is still not very optimistic about Lu Xiaoyao.

Next, the butler announced that the second match will begin...

Lin Tian is in a very good mood today, so he deliberately rested at home. Recently, Mrs. Lin has been seeking medical advice in the "Xuan Dan Pavilion".

It is said that the pill refining master of "Xuan Dan Pavilion" has made great achievements in solving the fertility problems of cultivators.

His wife, Wang Yuehua, also felt that Own's body had changed. The two have been together for more than ten years.

I have no heirs for a year, and now my wife's health has improved,

So the two happily decided to make a baby at home for a day today.

In fact, the battle started last night and lasted until almost dawn, when the two fell asleep in each other's arms.

Not to mention, because Wang Yuehua was in the recuperation stage, the two of them hadn't exercised for a long time. After a night of nourishment, Miss Lin's complexion looked great and became even more beautiful.

At noon, Lin Tian, ​​who was originally resting, suddenly received a message from the head of the Divine Beast Mountain branch, asking Lin Tian to go to his house immediately to discuss important matters.

Where does Lin Tian want to go? Wouldn't it be nice to make a human at home? So he was about to excuse himself, Wang Yuehua, who was sensible, immediately persuaded Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian reluctantly left.

Not long after Lin Tian left, a master sneaked into Lin's mansion and knocked out more than a dozen servants in the mansion's cultivator. Lady Lin's Cultivation Base was also banned.

Miss Lin, who lost her true essence, even wanted to send Lin Tian a distress message.

At this time, Song Yushu appeared in front of Mrs. Lin, and all of this was actually a plan he designed to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

"It's you?" Mrs. Lin panicked. She remembered that the young cultivator in front of her was Song Yushu who molested herself at the gate of "Xuandan Pavilion" and was then chased away by Lin Tian?

"Hahaha... little lady... didn't expect that, did you? I miss you so much, wow hahaha..." Song Yushu smiled triumphantly, with greedy eyes in his eyes, and threw himself at Lady Lin after speaking .

Lady Lin was upright, knowing what would happen next without her true energy, she glanced at the gate with nostalgia, and even tried to slam into the wall to die, but was stopped by Song Yushu.

"Crack!" Song Yushu turned around Madam Lin, slapped her on the face, and warned viciously: "Stinky bitch! If you dare to seek death again, I will immediately order Lin Tian to be killed. If you don't believe me, try it." .”

As he spoke, he took out a communication bead as if threatening.

"Don't..." Mrs. Lin hurriedly stopped, and subconsciously retreated some distance.

"Hahaha... that's right! As long as you obey me this time, I promise you won't hurt Lin Tian, ​​otherwise you can wait to collect his body!" Song Yushu said lightly.

Then he directly pressed Mrs. Lin on the table... In order to save Lin Tian's life, Mrs. Lin shed silent tears...

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