Dongfang Yuanhua was obviously in a very unhappy mood. He thought he could easily crush the unknown person, but he didn't expect that he was ahead of the opponent by less than a point.

Such a result is undoubtedly tantamount to failure for the proud him.

"Lu Xiaoyao, right! Rote memorization of the theory of pill refining is not enough, I will show you what infinite refinement is later on." Dongfang Yuanhua thought to himself, and then looked at Lu Chen with hostility.

"Hehehe...the next competition is pill refining, please start! The time is one hour." The butler laughed,

Then shoot a hair-thin flame at the incense stick on the incense burner, the incense stick is ignited immediately, and a wisp of green smoke curls up, which represents the start of the timer.

The Medicine Pill level of Cultivation World is divided into Lingpin Medicine Pill and Shenpin Medicine Pill, and each level is subdivided into first rank to ninth rank.

Lu Chen and Dongfang Yuanhua need to refine a batch of Ninth Grade Panacea and Fushen Pill within an hour.

The content of the competition mainly includes the quality and success rate of Medicine Pill.

It's almost noon now, which is equivalent to eleven o'clock in the morning. Fortunately, it's early spring, and even with the sun, it doesn't look so hot.

"The most exciting part is about to begin," Yang Yunfei patted Qi Yutang on the shoulder and reminded him softly when he saw that Qi Yutang was a little drowsy because of the boring medicine identification in the first round.

There are not a few cultivators who have such thoughts, especially the juniors in the audience, but they each have their own goals and must watch the game, and they still have patience as cultivators.

"Uh...hehehe...if you don't call me, I will almost fall asleep." Qi Yutang laughed awkwardly.

"Boom..." At this time, a burst of flames shot out, very eye-catching.

Dongfang Yuanhua confidently glanced at Lu Xiaoyao on the opposite side and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.

After he took out a simple pill stove, with a thought, an orange flame appeared in his hand, and with a consonant finger, he pointed to the bottom of the pill stove.

The palm-sized orange flame grew louder with a "boom", wrapping the entire bottom of the pill furnace, and a heavy earthy aura spread around.

"Wow..." As soon as the orange flame came out, it caused a commotion at the scene.

"Look, it's Houtu Jingyan!" The young cultivator behind Yang Yunfei exclaimed,

The same exclamation was also heard in the supporting guest seats.

"Hehehe... not bad! Old Freak Dan is really willing to spend his money, and he actually handed over such a precious flame to this kid."

Looking at Dongfang Yuanhua's performance on the high platform, Yin Cang said with a gratified smile, one must know that flames are very important to pill refining master pill refining.

"What is Houtu Jingyan?" Qi Yutang asked curiously, looking at Zhao Chengzhi, hearing the exclamations coming from everywhere.

Yang Yunfei also cast a questioning look at Zhao Chengzhi. Among the three, Zhao Chengzhi, because his family is in the Jade Slip book business, has read a lot of books since he was a child.

"Hehehe...I told you to read more books, but you didn't listen. The key...ah! Fuck me! Why are you beating me?"

Zhao Chengzhi was showing off, but Qi Yutang slapped him on the back of the head, his face turned ugly, and he said angrily.

"Humph! Did you give me a face? Asking you is that you think highly of you. Where did you come up with so much nonsense? You have to say the main point, or I'll ask someone else." Qi Yutang dismissed and complained,

Yang Yunfei also nodded in agreement, expressing his support for Qi Yutang.

Zhao Chengzhi saw that both of them were a little angry, so he smiled embarrassingly and said:

"Hehehe... I just made a joke, brothers, don't mind,

There are a total of 108 types of known flames in this Cultivation World: Spiritual Fire, Earth Fire, Sky Fire, Immortal Flame, Divine Flame,

Among them, there are 51 kinds of spiritual fire, 36 kinds of earth fire, 21 kinds of sky fire,

And this Thick Soil Jingyan is ranked twenty-eighth in Earth Fire, but it is extremely rare. "

Lu Chen also felt a heavy earthy atmosphere, ended the deduction in his mind, and opened his eyes to look at Dongfang Yuanhua.

At this time, Dongfang Yuanhua was continuously forming the seal, and according to the established pill refining steps, the spiritual herbs were put into the pill furnace one by one to purify the liquid medicine.

Lu Chen knows about Fushen Pill. Its main function is to restore Divine Sense. It belongs to the ninth-grade panacea. Lu Chen has never refined it before, and there is no corresponding ninth-level Spiritual herbs.

So just now Lu Chen has been using Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to analyze and deduce the refining process of Fushen Pill.

During this period, Lu Chen was surprised to find that Fushen Pill has two sets of refining plans, the first one is to use the eighty-one kinds of spiritual herbs currently on the stone platform.

But these Spiritual herbs are relatively scarce, which is why

What is the reason why the price of Fushen Pill is outrageously expensive,

Because Divine Sense is very important to cultivator, once Divine Sense is damaged, the milder will suffer from memory loss, and the severer will become an idiot.

And it's hard to repair, it takes a lot of recovery pills to restore the injured Divine Sense, and some injuries can't even be repaired.

And the second is to use some ordinary spiritual herbs to refine, especially the main medicine only needs first-level spiritual herbs, and the effect is two or three times that of Fushen Pill.

Of course, this is the result of the deduction of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, and it has not been verified exactly, and the name is different, it is called Bu Shen Dan.

But if the Bu Shen Pill can be successfully refined, it will undoubtedly be a huge fortune.

"Pa..." A shoe flew from nowhere and landed on Lu Chen's stone platform, making a "pop" sound, awakening Lu Chen who was deep in thought.

"Hey... why are you in a daze, kid? You probably don't know how to refine the god of recovery pill! Hahaha..." A young cultivator in the auditorium shouted loudly at Lu Chen.

"Hahaha... Let me just say, that kid can't do it at first glance. Dongfang Yuanhua is almost finished refining, and he hasn't started yet. I think the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce has entrusted someone to someone this time." Another cultivator Count down.

Yan Zixia was also anxious, and it was hard to say anything. The only thing she could do was to pray that she would not misjudge the person.

At this moment, Lu Chen saw that Dongfang Yuanhua had started to receive pills in Jieyin, and looked at the burning incense sticks. There was one third left, about forty minutes, which was enough time for Lu Chen .

Immediately, Lu Chen took out the pill furnace he got from Yishan's genius doctor, directly cast the fireball technique, and then threw all the spiritual herbs needed for refining the god-recovering pill into the pill furnace.

Divine Sense has more than one share. While pill refining, he pays attention to Dongfang Yuanhua's actions. He wants to see Dongfang Yuanhua's pill production rate so that he can control his own pill production rate, as long as he can beat the opponent.


Then, Lu Chen's fluent operation drew another wave of ridicule.

Seeing this, Yan Zixia frowned, feeling that she had really found the wrong person, and began to suspect that the top Foundation Establishment pill was not made by Lu Chen.

There was only one person present, the staring-eyed boss carefully watched every movement of Lu Xiaoyao, thinking deeply...

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