Yin Cang stepped into the air and stood in the air, the robe on his body fluttering with the wind, making a rattling sound. Seeing that the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce had no intention of handing over Lu Xiaoyao, Yin Cang's eyes under the black robe froze.

Immediately, the body turned into an afterimage, flying directly towards Lu Chen.

"Back!" Steward Wang shouted,

Then, he turned on the body-protecting qi, formed seals with his hands, and the green leaves condensed with countless true essences flew towards Yincang like a mad dragon sailing out to sea. The speed was so fast that it arrived in the blink of an eye, wanting to entangle Yincang .

Hearing the words of the Gold Core stage cultivator left on the flying boat, the flying boat retreated a few kilometers in a fast posture,

Most of the remaining cultivators on the flying boat are in the Foundation Establishment period and the fusion early stage. They don't know about this trip and other protection missions. They just treat it as a normal mission. These people are not qualified to participate in the war.

The cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage on both sides retreated to both sides, including Lu Chen, a Nascent Soul-level boss fighting, even Yu Wei could kill them easily, so everyone chose to avoid the edge.

Yin Cang saw that the other party's spells seemed ordinary, but the energy fluctuations contained in them were very powerful, so he didn't dare to make too much of it. After all, the other party, like himself, was the Cultivation Base of the Nascent Soul late stage.

I saw Yin Cang's thoughts moved, and the light red protective energy instantly wrapped her whole body, and she spread her left hand, and a black seal the size of a teapot appeared in her hand,

It was too late, but soon, the black seal flew out automatically under the control of Yin Cang Divine Sense, and instantly turned into a giant impression of more than ten meters in length, width and height, facing the attack of Guanshi Wang's leaves.


Countless leaves slammed into the mountain-sized seal like a giant dragon, making a bang, the sound was earth-shattering, and the huge energy quickly spread to the surroundings.

"Back! Back quickly!" Someone in the crowd shouted anxiously,

In fact, even if he didn't shout, everyone could feel the powerful destructive power contained in the overflowing energy fluctuations, which was beyond their ability to bear, and they retreated again with their swords.

"Is this the fighting power of a Nascent Soul stage cultivator? It's really strong," Lu Chen clenched his fists, his inner excitement was beyond words. This was the first time he saw a Nascent Soul stage cultivator fight, and he was shocked by the strength of both sides.

Seeing that the opponent's Magic Treasures seal easily blocked the own attack, Wang Guanshi changed his handprint again, and shouted: "Tianyuan Qi"

As soon as the words fell, a void the size of a basketball court was formed under Yin Cang's feet almost in the blink of an eye.

On the chessboard, countless basketball-sized black and white chess pieces, with a destructive momentum, fell quickly like shooting stars.

Yin Cang just wanted to sacrifice the black jade seal, but found that the entire space still has the effect of Restrictions Magic Treasures, and cursed "Damn"

Then he dodged to get out of the chessboard space, but found that the entire space was blocked by the formation light curtain, and he couldn't break through the formation light curtain in a short time.

At this time, the dense black and white chess pieces had already fallen, and in desperation, Yin Cang had no choice but to activate the protective energy to carry these black and white chess pieces.

Many cultivators at the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce saw that the big move trapped the opponent's Nascent Soul stage cultivator, and they all cheered,

Lu Chen was even more excited when he saw it, thinking when he would be able to learn such a profound spell.

The Gold Core stage is a watershed for cultivators. For cultivators below the Gold Core stage, the true essence is relatively weak and cannot support large-scale spells.

The means of attack are often relatively simple, usually with the help of Magic Treasures as a medium to condense true essence into interesting entity-like energy to attack,

However, cultivators above the Gold Core stage can learn some relatively large spells, or attack methods such as sword arrays are relatively varied.

"Old Yin!" Zhen Guanxi shouted worriedly, if something happened to Yin Cang, it would be difficult for him to explain to Hu Shilong when he went back.

Steward Wang stared at the sky on the void chessboard with a solemn expression, because he felt that Yin Cang's momentum was still strong and had not weakened, which meant that the opponent had not suffered too much damage.

Sure enough, when the void chessboard dissipated, Yin Cang rushed to Guanshi Wang first, Divine Sense locked on to Guanshi Wang, and the black jade seal smashed towards Guanshi Wang so fast that almost only the afterimage of the seal could be seen.

Guanshi Wang did not panic, and took out a Magic Treasures in the shape of a chessboard. Under the infusion of true energy, the Magic Treasures also instantly became larger, flashing black and white brilliance, and clashed with Yin Cang's seal Magic Treasures in the air. .

"Kangdang...Kangdang...Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom." The impact was shocking, and the roar resounded through the sky.

At this time, Yin Cang in the black robe raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Pfft..." Guanshi Wang suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then circulated his true essence to suppress the toxins in his body.

As a pill refining master, Yin Cang may not be as good as Wang Guanshi in terms of attack methods, but his famous stunt does use poison, invisible, invisible, and unpredictable, which is why he is called Pill Ghost.

"All the disciples of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce obey the order and retreat quickly, don't worry about it.

I. " Steward Wang roared palely.

The cultivators at the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce started to retreat after hearing the news.

"Come on! If that kid is caught alive, the rest will be killed." Zhen Guanxi ordered loudly.

Many Tianyuan Pavilion cultivators rushed forward after hearing the words, and rushed towards the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

For a moment, the two cultivators fought together, and each took out their own Magic Treasures to fight each other. The whole sky was suddenly colorful, filled with various colors of energy light and shadow.

Seeing Guanshi Wang's pale face, Lu Chen was obviously trying to hold on. He secretly thought that something was wrong, so he quickly followed the crowd and started to escape.

At this time, a familiar figure, Yu Jian, stood in front of Lu Chen. Lu Chen saw that this person was the same person who lent usurious loans to Zhao Chengzhi in Qiankun Shifang, Zhenguanxi.

Zhen Guanxi knew that the main goal this time was to catch that cultivator named Lu Xiaoyao. He saw that Lu Chen was only the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment period,

Eager to do meritorious service, he took advantage of his position to distract others and came to arrest Lu Chen by himself.

Lu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and launched the attack first, because he felt that Guanshi Wang wouldn't be able to delay for too long.

"How is it possible?" Zhen Guanxi was shocked, he saw Lu Chen approaching him in the blink of an eye, the speed was so fast, this is not the speed that a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period should have.

"Boom... Puff..." Zhen Guanxi, who had just summoned his protective energy, was punched firmly by Lu Chen on Dantian's place. Biqu library

The body guard couldn't stop Lu Chen's powerful attack at all, and was instantly pierced by Lu Chen's fist.

"Bump..." followed by another punch, hitting Zhen Guanxi in the face.

Zhen Guanxi never dreamed that the boy on the opposite side, who obviously only had the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment period, was so powerful in combat, and his own Cultivation Base, which was integrated into the late stage, was actually powerless to fight back.

"No...forgive...forgive..." Zhen Guanxi begged for mercy, after being punched twice, his fat body curled up in the air, backed up extremely quickly, and vomited blood.

Unexpectedly, the other party was unwilling to forgive, and appeared in front of Own again. Zhen Guanxi was terrified, feeling that he was enveloped by a breath of Death, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

Lu Chen wanted to get rid of the opponent quickly so that he could seize the time to escape for his life, so he punched Zhen Guanxi mercilessly in the chest with mixed intent.

"Boom..." Zhenguanxi's chest was pierced by the powerful true essence, his consciousness was plunged into darkness, and his body fell to the ground at a high speed.

After beating Zhen Guanxi to death with three punches, Lu Chen changed direction and continued to escape with Yujian at high speed...

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