Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 200: Ten Million Rewards

"Damn it!" Guanshi Wang cursed after spitting out a mouthful of blood. He didn't expect the other party's poison to be so overbearing. If he didn't run away and find a place to detoxify and heal his wounds, he might have to confess here today.

Yin Cang was also shocked by the opponent's tenacity in his heart. After being poisoned by own, he still had such a strong fighting power, and he couldn't get rid of the opponent's entanglement for a while.

Feeling hatred and anxiety in my heart, because Divine Sense saw that Lu Chen had already fled after beating Zhen Guanxi to death with three punches, Yin Cang hurriedly sent a sound transmission to a cultivator in the Gold Core early stage, telling him to get rid of the fight and pursue Lu Chen.

Seeing that the others had already retreated one after another, Guanshi Wang didn't dare to delay any longer, and his heart sank, burning Blood Essence, and his aura rose again.

Quickly formed a seal in his hand, and once again cast "Tian Yuan Formation Qi" on Yin Cang

"Damn it!" Yin Cang said coldly seeing the void chessboard formed under his feet again.

However, the opponent's spell was very mysterious, Yin Cang had no time to dodge it, so he could only accept this move forcefully.

Tianyuan Formation is a large-scale controlling and offensive spell. Guanshi Wang saw that Yin Cang was trapped by himself again. Taking advantage of this gap, his body turned into a streamer of light, and quickly fled through the air.

As for the remaining Gold Core stage cultivators and Fusion stage cultivators, he can't control so much anymore.

On Lu Chen's side, relying on the speed and concealment effect of Chaos Sword Controlling Technique, he quickly escaped far away, but the feeling of uneasiness in his heart still did not disappear.

Lu Chen began to suspect that there should be something wrong that he didn't know.

In order to find out the feeling of uneasiness, seeing that there was no one chasing after him, after bypassing a mountain peak, Lu Chen flashed into the world of golden beads, and the world of golden beads turned into a speck of dust and fell with the wind.

However, after a few breaths, a figure swiftly flew past the place where Lu Chen disappeared, and quickly turned back shortly after.

It's just that the cultivator's face is obviously a little ugly, he is the cultivator of the Gold Core early stage who was ordered to pursue Lu Chen,

Never thought that Lu Chen's speed is extremely fast, even with his Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base, he can only see Lu Chen's faint figure from a distance.

But he was not in a hurry, because at his own speed, he would be able to catch up to the opponent in a while, but when he crossed a mountain, he found that the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period had disappeared.

After chasing for some more time, after confirming that he had lost him, he could only go back with a dark face and return to his life.

"Tianyuan Formation Qi" in the absence of a king

After the manager's follow-up injection of true energy, it quickly dissipated.

Yin Cang rushed out angrily with a black face, because he sensed that the Divine Sense mark he had left on Lu Xiaoyao's body had disappeared, indicating that the other party had escaped from the range of own Divine Sense.

"Where's the person?" At this time, the cultivator of the Gold Core stage just happened to fly back to his life with Yu Jian, Yin Cang asked coldly.

"Damn this subordinate, that kid's Movement Technique is extremely fast, I... I couldn't catch up to him." The trembling cupped hands of the Gold Core cultivator bent down and replied.

"Hmph! What a waste, since you know you deserve to die, then go die," just as Yin Cang finished speaking, he raised his hand and shot out a cloud of blue smoke.

"Forgive...forgive me!" Gold Core stage cultivator begged for mercy in horror.

However, it was surrounded by green smoke in an instant, and the cultivator in the Gold Core stage screamed heart-piercingly from the air. The sound was creepy, causing many cultivators to look sideways.

After a gust of wind blows, a skeleton skeleton falls from the sky, which is very terrifying.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!" The cultivators left by the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce were all afraid of Yin Cang's methods, and retreated desperately to the surroundings.

Yin Cang snorted coldly, his body turned into an afterimage, constantly changing directions, chasing and killing the remnants of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce,

A few skeletons fell from the sky again, proving that they had been here before, but stayed here forever.

On this day, the underworld community in the southern border area of ​​Beichen Prefecture, led by Tianyuan Pavilion, issued a reward order, with a reward amount of up to 10 million middle-grade Spirit Stones,

But the content is very simple, you only need to provide information or capture a cultivator named Lu Xiaoyao who was in the Dzogchen period of the Foundation Establishment, and attach a portrait of Lu Xiaoyao's memory crystal ball.

Once this reward order was announced, it spread throughout the entire southern border area in less than an hour. For a while, Lu Xiaoyao, a cultivator, became a treasure trove of Spirit Stones that countless underworld cultivators talked about.

As long as you catch him, you can get 10 million mid-grade Spirit Stones, which is a huge fortune. You must know that some cultivators have no chance to earn 10 million mid-grade Spirit Stones in their entire lives.

So, for a while, finding Lu Xiaoyao became their temporary goal in life.

Numerous cultivators rushed to the outside of Qianyang City, with Qianyang City as the center, extending to all directions until it covered Qianling Prefecture and several surrounding states, and almost everyone had a memory crystal portrait of Lu Xiaoyao.

And Lu Chen is currently in the world of Jinzhu, studying the sky fire, mist, lotus heart fire, according to the father-in-law Yu Tongwei, the reason why Yin Cang can

Feel yourself owning the breath of heavenly fire,

It is very likely that there is something like the Divine Sense imprint left by Yin Cang's secret method in Wulian's heart fire.

Lu Chen found a mountain, and with a thought, a blue flame appeared in the palm of his hand, very coquettish.

Immediately, Lu Chen ran the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, using the analysis function of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, carefully checked Wulian's heart fire from beginning to end.

Not to mention, with Lu Chen's careful inspection and the powerful function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Lu Chen really felt a little strange.

Tianhuo Wu Lianxinhuo has already recognized himself as the master of Jinzhu World, but at this moment Lu Chen always feels that there is a vague barrier between himself and Tianhuo,

This feeling is inexplicable, but it can be truly felt.

Presumably this should have something to do with Yin Cang!

But how can I break the secret technique of the cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage?

In the guest room on the fourth floor of an ordinary Lingxi building in Qianyang City,

A young woman cultivator with a pretty face, a voluptuous figure, anxious eyes, wearing a translucent gauze nun's red gown, with her underwear faintly visible inside,

With a little moisture on his body, he obviously just came out of the shower, standing nervously in front of a young son.

This person was Du Tianjiao who was rescued by Zhang Haoyang. Zhang Haoyang specially asked her to change into the clothes she wore when they first met.

Wang Jingxuan's departure changed his temperament drastically. Out of revenge, he rescued Du Tianjiao.

"Hehehe... I heard that your background is very deep, why was Cultivation Base abolished?" Zhang Haoyang looked at Du Tianjiao playfully.

"This... This is what I deserve." Du Tianjiao said in a dejected and charming voice. After experiencing too many hardships, Du Tianjiao also recognized the reality, and no longer had that superior posture.

Even if she knew what would happen next, she could face it calmly, at least the young man in front of her was young and handsome, much better than those rascals.

"'s off!" Zhang Haoyang said lightly.

Du Tianjiao, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, took off his clothes obediently, revealing his proud figure.

"Hehehe... come here..." Zhang Haoyang sat on the chair, smiled proudly, and motioned Du Tianjiao to play a song for himself.

I thought to myself, Wang Jingxuan, did you see that daddy is much happier without you, so he can do whatever he wants? Even a woman who used to be aloof, now has to obey the meaning of own......

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