Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 201 Breakthrough Fusion Period

In the world of Jinzhu, Lu Chen thought about how to solve the secret method Yincang cast in Wulian's heart fire, so as to eliminate the barrier between himself and Tianhuo.

However, after much deliberation, he couldn't figure out why, so Lu Chen had no choice but to put this matter aside.

After witnessing the battle between cultivators during the Nascent Soul period, Lu Chen's desire for Cultivation Base became stronger, especially now that the enemies he faced were getting stronger and stronger.

Immediately, Lu Chen took out a large storage bag, which contained Yan Zixia's deposit for participating in the competition, two million middle-grade Spirit Stones.

Poured out all the Spirit Stones and piled them up into a big mountain. Feeling the rich Spiritual Qi, Lu Chen was very proud. After all, these are the hard-earned money he earned from pill refining.

Afterwards, Lu Chen Lotus Position sat at the foot of the Spirit Stones, took a previously refined furnace of Zhu Rong Pill, and then ran the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to absorb Spiritual Qi, and began to impact the fusion period.

The Foundation Establishment pill is equivalent to a catalyst, which can accelerate the conversion of Spirit Power into real energy, and help the cultivator breakthrough from the refinement period to the Foundation Establishment period.

Zhurong Dan is equivalent to a coagulant, which also accelerates the solidification of true essence and helps the cultivator breakthrough from the Foundation Establishment stage to the Fusion stage.

And this Rongsheng Pill is terrible, it is equivalent to an enhanced version of coagulant, if the fusion early stage cultivator takes a Rongsheng Pill, it can almost 100% improve two small levels, from the fusion early stage to the fusion late stage master.

This is why Lu Chen originally didn't want to participate in the auction, but changed his mind midway.

When a Zhurong Pill enters the body, the medicinal power passes through the viscera and then enters the Dantian. The true essence in the Dantian, which was originally in a liquid state, gradually becomes viscous under the action of the medicinal power.

Lu Chen can clearly see the changes of the true essence through Divine Sense, and he feels that Zhurong Pill is really a good thing. Otherwise, he doesn’t know that it will take years of monkeys to transform the true essence in his body with his hard work. .

So Lu Chen ate another Zhurong Pill, probably because of his relatively poor aptitude, or because the real energy in his body was thicker, anyway, in the end Lu Chen ate nine Zhurong Pills in a row,

Only then did all the true essence in the body become viscous. If the true essence in Dantian was like a puddle of clear water before, now it is like a jar of honey.

When the last drop of true essence became viscous, a violent wind howled suddenly in the world of Jinzhu, dark clouds overwhelmed the top, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the heavens and the earth seemed like

It's like collapsing, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

"Crack, click, boom, boom..." Countless lightning and thunder filled the entire world, accompanied by a strong coercion of the world, as if the end of the world was coming.

In the golden bead world, the gray matter on the horizon once again spread to the surroundings.


"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." The four Demonic Beasts were all terrified, and they all dodged from their own territory and gathered beside the bitter bamboo, trembling.

Especially the little flame phantom bird, it was the first time it faced such a scene, and it was so frightened that it curled its head under its body, and tears flowed out.

The whole process lasted almost a quarter of an hour, and the overall area of ​​the Golden Pearl World was expanded again with the improvement of the Lu Chen Cultivation Base.

From the original 25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​a small county, to 50 square kilometers, it has doubled, equivalent to the area of ​​a city.

Sitting in the Lotus Position, Lu Chen's mind is connected with the world of Jinzhu, and he naturally knows the changes in the world of Jinzhu like the palm of his hand.

After stabilizing the Cultivation Base, Lu Chen exhaled a long breath, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the consumption of Spirit Stones. Even though he was prepared in his heart, he was also taken aback by the consumption of own.

I saw that there were two million mid-grade Spirit Stones that had piled up into a mountain, but now there are less than a hundred mid-grade Spirit Stones left.

Such a huge consumption made Lu Chen a pauper again, so much so that the idea of ​​taking the Rongsheng Pill and breaking through to the fusion late stage fell through.

Lu Chen shook his head and gave a bitter smile, then sacrificed the Wulian Heart Fire again, and operated the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, to see if he could find a solution to the Yin Cang's secret method after his Cultivation Base was improved...

After Miss Lin was humiliated by Song Yushu's design, she felt shameless to live in the world and chose to commit suicide.

Lin Tian went to the Shenshoushan branch angrily, intending to kill Song Yushu to avenge his wife.

However, Duan Jingzhu, the general manager of the branch, broke his legs and crippled Dantian, completely reducing him to a cripple.

Song Yushu got cheap and acted like a good boy. Instead of killing Lin Tian, ​​he wanted to let him live in pain, and sent someone to throw Lin Tian back to his residence, making him look at things and think about others, and fend for himself.

On this day, it happened that the widow Sun Erniang came to see Mrs. Lin to reminisce about the past, and found Lin Tian lying half dead in the yard.

Looking at Lin Fu's desolate appearance with no one else except Lin Tian, ​​I realized that Lin Fu might

Something happened, so he brought Lin Tian back to his home for treatment.

Sun Erniang's original name is Sun Jingzhu, a native of Wuchuan Prefecture, she is from the same hometown as Lin Tian and Lin Niangzi, and she was born with a beautiful face, glamorous and enchanting, and a Cultivation Base that integrates the early stage.

But she is a miserable woman. Her husband is Nie Qing, and she works with Lin Tian in the Shenshoushan branch. The two are as close as brothers.

Nie Qing and Sun Jingzhu fell into a mission not long after they got married, and Sun Jingzhu became a widow. On weekdays, Mrs. Lin and Sun Jingzhu were as close as sisters.

Sun Jingzhu, who lost her husband, makes a living by selling Demonic Beasts meat in Qianyang City. Because of her good looks, she is often harassed by rogue cultivators.

Later, Lin Tian came forward to rescue him, and Sun Jingzhu was able to do business with peace of mind.

Over the years, Sun Jingzhu, who has been mixed with facts, has developed an independent, self-directed, bold, and independent character. Coupled with his outstanding qualifications, he soon went from the breakthrough of the Foundation Establishment period to the integration of the early stage, and he has the ability to protect himself.

She even made a name for herself in the neighborhood of Qianyang City. The rogue cultivator did not dare to provoke her easily, and gave her a nickname, known as Mother Yaksha.

And because Sun Jingzhu was the second child in the family, she later called herself Erniang Sun.

Under the treatment of Sun Erniang Medicine Pill, Lin Tian's health improved quickly, and his life was saved, but he can only be an ordinary person with disabilities in the future.

After learning about Lin Tian's experience, Erniang Sun was also furious, cursing the injustice of the world, the sky has no eyes,

Sun Erniang, who was thinking of her old love, comforted Lin Tian at the moment, that she would take care of him for the rest of her life, and let him heal his wounds with peace of mind.

Lin Tian was even more ashamed when he heard the words. Once upon a time, he was a cultivator of Dzogchen fusion period, but now he has been reduced to this field. How can he let a woman take care of him for the rest of his life?

So Lin Tian immediately rejected Sun Erniang's kindness, and wanted to get up and leave Sun Erniang's mansion.

But because his legs were broken, he couldn't get up at all, Lin Tian was so angry that he kept beating Own's chest, and Sun Erniang couldn't use the Cultivation Base to stop him, so as not to hurt his self-esteem.

"Lin Dage! Don't abuse yourself like this. I heard that there is a Medicine Pill that can repair damaged Dantian. Don't you want to avenge Sister Yuehua?" Sun Erniang said anxiously with an idea.

"Yuehua?" Lin Tian muttered when he heard the words, and the picture of himself getting along with his wife appeared in his mind again, and he fell into deep thought...

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