Lin Tian regained his strength under Sun Erniang's encouragement, but he was unwilling to continue to drag Sun Erniang down.

So he asked Sun Erniang to send him to his hometown in Wuchuan prefecture because of his many years of friendship. There are still some relatives in the family.

He plans to ask his relatives to help him find the holy medicine for healing, restore Dantian, and then avenge his wife's blood.

Sun Erniang is a generous person, and Lin Tian and his wife took good care of her on weekdays, so Sun Erniang immediately agreed to Lin Tian's request.

Early the next morning, they left Qianyang City with Lin Tian on their backs. After leaving the city, they took out a small flying boat and flew Lin Tian in the direction of Wuchuan Prefecture.

The trip is far away, and it is expected to take more than two months to arrive.

The reason why they didn't take the teleportation array was because the cost of two people was too expensive, and as an ordinary cultivator, Sun Erniang couldn't afford so many Spirit Stones.

In the Golden Bead World, Lu Chen used the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to analyze and check the Wulian Xinhuo in his hand again. At this time, Lu Chen found that,

With the breakthrough of his own Cultivation Base, the follow-up Cultivation Technique of Chaos Daoshengjue is also automatically derived, and it is much stronger than the previous Cultivation Technique.

Before Lu Chen fell into a misunderstanding, he always wanted to find a way by himself to solve the Divine Sense imprint left by Yin Cang in Wulian's heart fire through the secret method,

And his own Cultivation Base is limited. Facing the secret method of the cultivator in the Nascent Soul period, he has no way to start, but he has no way to do it, which does not mean that Tianhuo himself has no way to do it.

You must know that Skyfire is an extremely domineering existence that can burn everything. With Lu Chen's existing Cultivation Base, the power of Skyfire has not yet been fully utilized to 1%.

Now that Tianhuo has recognized himself as the master with the help of the Golden Pearl World, why not communicate with Tianhuo and let it adjust itself to erase the previous master's Divine Sense imprint?

With this idea, Lu Chen did what he said, and Divine Sense once again communicated with Wulian,

Before, Lu Chen thought that fire was a dead thing. Later, with the improvement of his cognition, Lu Chen knew that the reason why Wulian's heart fire was classified as sky fire is that it actually has the existence of fire spirit.

Moreover, the fire spirit is quite intelligent. Lu Chen once communicated with the fire spirit of Wulian Xinhuo, but this guy doesn't seem to like him very much. The reason why he can use Wulian Xinhuo seems to be entirely due to the world of Jinzhu.

But this time with the improvement of Cultivation Base, this guy seems to have begun to accept himself. As time passed, when a sound of glass breaking sounded,

Lu Chen mysterious and mysterious

He felt that something in Wulian's heart was burnt out with a puff.

At the same time, Yin Cang, who was far away in Qianyang City, suddenly felt shocked, and then a strong murderous intent burst out in his eyes, because he felt that the Divine Sense imprint left in Wulian's heart by using a secret method before had disappeared.

This shows that the kid has been fully approved by Wulian Xinhuo, unless the other party uses Wulian Xinhuo in front of own, it will be difficult for him to feel the breath of Wulian Xinhuo.

"What happened to the Master?" Seeing Yin Cang's sudden strong murderous intent, Hu Shilong asked in confusion.

"Increase the reward amount of the Tianyuan Reward Order to 20 million middle-grade Spirit Stones. I want to catch that kid as soon as possible and smash him to ashes." The dark and hoarse voice said coldly.

"Uh... good!" Although Hu Shilong had doubts in his heart when he heard the words, he didn't dare to ask too much, so he had to obey.

The reward amount of the Tianyuan Reward Order doubled, which made the cultivator, who was already searching for Lu Chen, even crazier after hearing the news.

Some people even speculated that the cultivator should have obtained some treasure during the Foundation Establishment period, and that treasure must be worth far more than 20 million medium-grade Spirit Stones.

But no matter what, the team that joined the search for Lu Xiaoyao grew bigger again.

Lu Chen didn't know anything about the outside world. He was using Wulian's heart fire to burn his body again. Without that barrier, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart weakened a lot.

The reason for calcining the body again is that on the one hand, Wulian's heart fire has no barriers and the improvement of her own Cultivation Base can exert its greater power, thus achieving the effect of body training again.

On the other hand, Lu Chen guessed that Yin Cang should have left the Divine Sense mark on himself, otherwise how could he track the location of own.

After using the sky fire to forge the body, the strength of Lu Chen's body was improved again, and the feeling of uneasiness in his heart also disappeared, which showed that Lu Chen's guess in his heart was correct.

Lu Chen Yujian flew to the sky of Jinzhu World, overlooking the vast land in front of him, his heart was so excited, he really wanted to wave his hands and say boldly: "This is my country, hahaha..."

But then he realized a problem. Lu Chen didn’t care about the small area of ​​the Golden Pearl World before, but now the area of ​​the Golden Pearl World is almost the size of a city.

Overlooking the land, it is a wasteland, no rivers, no changing seasons, except for the Spiritual herbs planted by myself in the original central area, and some trees, the new

The expanded area contains nothing.

Lu Chen still doesn't know the reasons for these problems, so he can only put them aside for the time being. He believes that when his Cultivation Base breakthrough reaches a certain Realm, he will naturally be able to solve these problems.

The most urgent task at the moment is to get more Spirit Stones, so that he can take Rongsheng Pill, so that he can break through to the fusion late stage in one fell swoop.

Lu Chen took off the mask and returned to his original appearance. The next second, he appeared in a wilderness. Then he took out the flying boat and flew towards Nanhuzhou.

Because Lu Chen's home is in the southeast of Nanhu Prefecture, a mortal city called Yun Luo Cheng,

Since Lu Chen crossed over, he hardly stayed at home for a long time, and went to Cultivation World to practice with Master Dongli, and it has been more than three years until today.

Originally, I made an appointment with my parents for five years, and after I learned something, I found a fairy medicine to increase the longevity of the two elders. Now that I have broken through and merged with the early stage, it can be regarded as a small achievement.

Wuchuan prefecture also borders Nanhu prefecture, so Lu Chen planned to go home first and then go to Wuchuan prefecture to inquire about the location of Yinfeng Valley.

"Stop! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."

The flying boat driven by Lu Chen was forced to stop by the cultivator Yujian of the three fusion stages.

"Hehehe...the seniors are being polite, what advice do the three seniors have?" Lu Chen respectfully said with cupped hands,

Because among the other three, the tallest cultivator is the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen fusion stage, and the other two are the Cultivation Base of the middle stage fusion. In line with the principle of peace is the most important thing, Lu Chen smiled and lowered his posture.

One of the late stage cultivators took out a memory crystal ball and compared it to Lu Chen. Seeing that he was not the person he was looking for, he shook his head regretfully and said:

"Go away!"

"Wait! Leave your storage bag and flying boat before leaving!" At this moment, the tall cultivator in charge looked at Lu Chen with disdain and said.

These people formed a team to find Lu Xiaoyao just for the 20 million middle-grade Spirit Stones, but they never got anything.

The tall cultivator saw that Lu Chen was only a Cultivation Base integrated with the early stage, and based on the principle that thieves never run away, he planned to rob him before letting him go.

Lu Chen was also taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't expect that the other three didn't want to cultivate properly, and they would rob him at every turn.

"Hehehe... You three also hand over the storage bags, or don't blame me for being rude." The corners of Lu Chen's mouth slightly raised, showing a harmless smile and said,

Put away the flying boat, step on the Flying Sword "Qinghong", stand in the air, and get ready for battle......

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