Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 203 Senior Spares His Life

"Hahaha... Dage! Is that kid crazy? I heard that right! He dared to ask us to hand over the storage bag." One of the late stage cultivators laughed.

"Hehehe...Since this little brother doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, third child! You go and teach him how to be a human being." The leader of the cultivator, who was in the fusion period, shouted.

The cultivator called the third child heard that Yu Jian came to Lu Chen, and looked at Lu Chen with disdain. He was two grades higher than Lu Chen's Cultivation Base, just like a high school student beating a primary school student, without any pressure in his heart .

Lu Chen can't control that much, since he chose to do it, he must strike first,

With the "Qinghong" Flying Sword under his feet, coupled with the flying technique of the Chaos Sword, Lu Chen's body almost turned into an afterimage, and he came to the third child in the blink of an eye.

Flying Sword "Qinghong" was bought by Lu Chen at the auction. It is an Innate spirit treasure, as thin as a cicada's wing and as light as a feather. Because of some defects, it was almost passed over at the time.

Lu Chen bought it by mistake, planning to learn how to refine it in the future to restore it. After refining, Lu Chen found that the current "Qinghong" Flying Sword can still have the effect of Magic Treasures level, so it is not a big loss.

"What a speed!" The third child exclaimed, before he had time to think about it, the protective energy gushed out of his body in an instant, and he hurriedly stepped back with his sword.

However, where would Lu Chen give him a chance to retreat, with a "buzz", the true essence instantly condensed into a huge palm print,

Buddha Palm slapped the third child directly like a mosquito.

The reason why Lu Chen flew close to the third child was to prevent him from escaping.

"Ah..." At close range, the third child didn't have time to react, he received a solid slap and let out a scream.

On the spot of the fall, the body fell like a kite with a broken string, falling extremely fast.

"Third brother! Damn it! This kid is weird, let's go together and kill him." The tall cultivator who was leading the integration period and Dzogchen screamed when he saw Lu Chen's attack so smooth and extremely fast.

Because all this happened so fast, he didn't have time to save the third child.

I saw him and another late stage cultivator take out Magic Treasures at the same time, and instantly condensed two huge sword shadows with a length of 100 meters.

Slash directly at Lu Chen from top to bottom.

The improvement of Cultivation Base, coupled with the fact that Lu Chen's Dantian and tendons are different from ordinary people, and the real energy in his body is extremely thick, so this time Lu Chen does not intend to avoid it,

But to face the two of them directly, with a thought,

A black stone appeared in Lu Chen's hand,

Under the infusion of true essence, the black stone turned into a small mountain, densely packed with darkness, Shrouding the Heavens to block out the sun, and directly crashed into two huge Sword Rays.


As soon as the two Sword Rays struck the black stone, they collapsed, showing the hardness of the black stone.

"Wan... Buddha... Chao... Zong." Lu Chen shouted loudly.

Stepping on the Flying Sword, the body turned into an afterimage again, rushing towards the two people, and at the same time cast the big move Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong,

Countless small palm prints, accompanying without a shadow, looming, with a strong will, and the aura of destroying the world,

The cultivator and his companions flocked to the Dzogchen in the fusion period overwhelmingly.

From Cultivation Base breakthrough to fusion early stage Lu Chen, True Essence is comparable to fusion stage Dzogchen, Divine Sense is comparable to Gold Core early stage, plus Cultivation Base of Body Refining Spirit Body Realm.

The comprehensive combat power can instantly kill the fusion middle stage, sling the fusion late stage, and completely win the fusion stage.

"Dage! Save me!"

"Don't kill me... senior, spare me!"

The tall cultivator screamed, enveloped by a breath of Death, frightened him to beg for mercy,

None of them expected that the cultivator in front of them, which seemed to be integrated with the early stage, actually possessed such powerful strength.

"Puff puff puff... ah..." The palm prints hit the two people with a muffled puff sound, and many places on their bodies were directly sunken.

The two screamed, and their bodies fell directly from the air to the ground.

After two more muffled sounds, two big holes were smashed into the ground. Lu Chen skillfully put away the storage bags of the three of them,

Then take out the flying boat and continue on your way.

But the strange thing is that not long after, Lu Chen encountered two cultivators who were in the fusion period and stopped him.

After comparing with the other party, he found that he was not the person he was looking for, so he released Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was curious about the other party's approach, and saw that the other party was more talkative, so he began to ask if the other party was looking for someone.

Lu Chen was very surprised when he heard the words, and finally left with a dark face,

It turned out that Tianyuan Pavilion issued a reward order for a long time, with a bounty of 20 million middle-grade Spirit Stones wanted for a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator named Lu Xiaoyao.

And the other party was searching for Lu Xiaoyao, upon hearing this, Lu Chen thought, "Isn't that me?"

And the bounty is as high as 20 million middle-grade Spirit Stones. Lu Chen himself doesn't know when he became so valuable.

Think about what you just encountered

The three cultivators, Lu Chen took out their storage bags and found a memory crystal ball inside.

The portrait inside is exactly what he looks like wearing a mask.

"Yin Cang, this old guy is really willing to spend his money. Do you want to find a way to trick him?" Lu Chen murmured on the flying boat.

As many cultivators with ulterior motives rushed to Qianling Prefecture, the entire Qianling Prefecture fell into a bloodbath.

Because these people are not good people in the first place, after they failed to find Lu Xiaoyao, they began to rob each other.

For a time, fights could be seen everywhere in Qianling Prefecture, and countless cultivators fell.

Missing her old love, Sun Erniang drove Lin Tian to Wuchuan Prefecture in a flying boat.

Because of the long distance, in order to pass the time, the two were chatting and laughing.

Because Lin Tian had hope in his heart, his whole body seemed to be much better. Lin Tian was in a good mood and told Sun Erniang some anecdotes from time to time,

Occasionally, some connotative jokes will be interspersed, which makes Sun Erniang shy and laughing.

Just as the two were chatting vigorously, two figures flew with the sword at an untimely speed, and the flying boat that surpassed the two of them forced them to stop.

"Hehehe... the two seniors are being polite, what advice do the two seniors have?" Erniang Sun nodded politely and smiled.

Since they couldn't see the Cultivation Base of the two, Sun Erniang tried to keep her own posture as low as possible.

"Hahaha...she is still a nice beauty, is this your dao companion? What a waste, why don't you follow me from now on! I promise you will have endless cultivation resources in the future, how about it?" Pen Fun Library

One of them, a Fatty cultivator with a mustache, saw Erniang Sun's exquisite figure and beautiful appearance, and smiled wretchedly.

Seeing that Lin Tian Dantian on the flying boat was broken and his legs were crippled, he spoke even more rudely.

"You!" Lin Tian looked at the two angrily when he heard the words, and was about to scold them back, but was stopped by Erniang Sun.

"Hehe...Brother Han! You see, that trash is still angry, hahaha..." another cultivator pointed at Lin Tian and laughed.

"Hehehe... What can I do if I'm angry, I'm just a waste, and I can't find Lu Xiaoyao anyway, why don't we have a good time first? Such top-quality young female cultivators are rare!"

The Fatty cultivator greedily sized up Erniang Sun, with an expression of being convinced of her...

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