Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 205 Beast Soul Talisman

The Fatty cultivator sneered when he saw that he was approaching the opponent easily, and his own fist was about to hit the opponent's face in the next second.

The fist pierced directly through Lu Chen's head with a piercing sound, but the expected screams disappeared, and the opponent's body actually faded and turned into nothingness.

"What? It's an afterimage? It's so fast!" Fatty cultivator said in shock.

"Jingzhu! You don't have to worry, this little brother was able to fight me without losing the wind during the Foundation Establishment period. Now I see that his speed has improved a lot,

If you want to come to Cultivation Base, there should be a breakthrough. It is not a problem to deal with these two late stage cultivators. "Lin Tian said with a faint smile.

"What did you say? He was able to fight you during the Foundation Establishment period?" Sun Erniang was also shocked when she heard the words,

One must know that Lin Tian was a Cultivation Base in the Great Consummation Period before, so doesn't that mean that the opponent can fight across a large level.

At this time, Lu Chen's teasing words came from a distance:

"Hehehe... your speed is so slow!"

"Hmph!" The Fatty cultivator snorted coldly, let go of the contempt in his heart, and knew that the other party was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Then he took out a palm-sized golden talisman from the storage bag.

He muttered something, and then threw the golden talisman into the air, at this moment a terrifying aura spread.

"Back! Get back quickly." Lu Chen waved his hands and shouted loudly, with a bad premonition in his heart, but it was too late to retreat.

Sun Erniang heard the words and hurriedly drove the flying boat back more than 2,000 meters, looking at Lu Chen's direction from a distance.

I saw that the golden talisman turned into a gorgeous golden brilliance and dissipated in the air, and then a huge Demonic Beasts phantom appeared in the air.

"Hiss, hiss..." The beast soul made a strange hissing sound, which was chilling.

"That's it?" Sun Erniang subconsciously looked at Lin Tian and asked.

"That's the beast soul talisman! After beheading the Demonic Beasts, use the technique of making talismans to seal their souls, so as to drive the beast souls to fight." Lin Tian explained the mystery with a lot of experience.

Lu Chen looked at the giant boa constrictor that was at least seventy to eighty meters long and more than two meters thick, circling in the air, with two big eyes staring at him, spitting snake letters, it was very creepy.

Lu Chen had always been afraid of snakes since he was a child, but now that such a large one suddenly appeared in front of him, even if it was not a real body, it was just a beast soul, which really shocked him.

Before he had time to think about it, the giant python had already flown towards him.


Lu Chen raised his hand in panic, and his true essence instantly condensed into a

With a huge palm print, Buddha Palm directly slapped the flying boa constrictor.


The palm print, which was as big as a mountain, collided with the huge python, creating a bang, which resounded through the sky.

The giant python beast soul was slapped back by the palm print, and let out a "hissing" roar.

"Damn it!" the Fatty cultivator cursed,

He didn't expect the other party to have such a means, owning the Titan Python Beast Soul, which was comparable to the Gold Core Dzogchen in life,

Now even the beast soul has the combat power of the Dzogchen in the fusion period, so I didn't expect to be unable to get close to that kid.

How did he know that Lu Chen's Dantian and Meridians are different from ordinary people, and the true energy in their bodies is extremely thick, although only the Cultivation Base integrated with the early stage,

But the fighting power is also good, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come out and meddle in other people's business.

Lu Chen saw that the own attack was effective, and the opponent's beast soul was not as scary as imagined.

So he took advantage of the victory to pursue and sacrificed black stones. Under the infusion of true energy, the black stones instantly became larger, and they kept rushing forward, smashing into the beast souls in the air.

"Hiss, hiss..." Although the beast soul lost its physical body, it still had some spiritual intelligence. After being hit by hard black stones a few times,

Instinctively feared, he retreated, did not take the initiative to attack, and kept twisting his body to avoid the black stone.

Lu Chen focused on two things, while Divine Sense controlled the black stone and continued to attack the beast soul.

On the other side, trampling on the "Qinghong" Flying Sword, his body turned into an afterimage, and came to Fatty cultivator, raising his hand was Buddha Palm Jiawan Buddha Chaozong,

"Brother Zhao! You and I...fucking Zhao Degang, I curse you to die, you have a son without an ass hole." The Fatty cultivator turned around and was about to call his companions to fight together.

But to his astonishment, he discovered that his brother Zhao had already fled with his sword.

When he turned his head, he only saw the faint figure of the other party, which disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Apparently the other party was already ready to escape, and before he had time to take care of him, the huge palm print of the other party was already approaching.

It's too late, but it's fast.

The Fatty cultivator quickly flew sideways at extreme speed to avoid the Buddha Palm's attack.

"Puff puff puff... ah..."

As soon as it flew out of the range of the huge palm prints, Fatty cultivator's body was firmly slapped by countless invisible small palm prints, making a muffled popping sound.

There were many depressions in the body in an instant, and with a scream, he fell from the air with unwillingness and regret.

With his late stage Cultivation Base, he didn't realize at all that the Wanfo Chaozong with the palm is the biggest killing move.

So much so that he didn't understand it before he died.

how he was attacked.

In fact, Lu Chen had already discovered that Fatty cultivator's companion escaped, but he was too lazy to stop it.

Once the Fatty cultivator died, the beast soul was no longer restrained by the divine soul, and it was ready to escape.

How could Lu Chen let it run away like this, he stepped forward to stop it, and released the ancient beast Pixiu,

Originally, I wanted to see if Xiaozhu was interested in the beast soul, and if he wanted to eat it.

As a result, as soon as the little earthworm was released, he felt the breath of the beast soul, and flew directly towards the beast soul.

"Damn it! You're going to die!" Lu Chen cursed, and quickly communicated with Divine Sense, ordering it to come back.

However, in the next second, Lu Chen's eyeballs almost fell out of shock.

I saw the little earthworm who was close to the beast soul, with its small mouth open, as if with infinite suction, it devoured the giant python's beast soul in two or three strokes, and the beast soul seemed powerless to resist.

Then Xiaochou wobbled like he was drunk, and flew back to Lu Chen's shoulder contentedly, his small eyes were dazed, as if he wanted to sleep.

"'re really good!" Lu Chen laughed in astonishment when he saw this,

In my heart, I feel more and more that Xiaozhu is extraordinary. He is obviously in his infancy, and he can't even beat Xiaojin and Xiaotian in the Foundation Establishment early stage.

But it can always bring surprises and surprises to itself. It can not only devour the beast soul with the strength of Dzogchen in the fusion stage, but also sneak attack the cultivator in the Gold Core stage.

After sending the ancient mythical beast Pixiu into the world of Jinzhu, Lu Chen Yujian came to Lin Tian and Sun Erniang, seeing them both looking at him in surprise,

Lu Chen smiled and joked, "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

"Uh...hehehe...Little brother, you really impress me. I haven't seen you for a long time. Your strength has grown to such a terrifying level. I'm afraid that even if I regain my strength, I will no longer be your opponent. Hey……"

Lin Tian looked at Lu Chen and sighed.

"Lin Dage was joking, let me introduce officially, my name is Lu Chen, and I would also like to thank Lin Dage for his mercy that day." Lu Chen cupped his hands with a smile.

"Hey... what happened that day is in the past, Brother Lu, don't mention it again, by the way! This is my friend Sun Jingzhu." Lin Tian pointed to Sun Erniang who was still in shock.

"Hello, Sister Sun! Brother Lu Chen, please give me your advice." Lu Chen said politely with cupped hands.

"Uh...don't dare! Don't dare!" Sun Erniang was amazed at Lu Chen's strength, she didn't dare to take it seriously, and nodded in return.

"Lin Dage! I don't know why you suddenly became like this? Can you tell me something?" Lu Chen turned to ask Lin Tian in doubt.


Lin Tian hesitated for a moment, as if he didn't want to mention it, but he still said it...

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