Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 206: What Comes Around

Lu Chen also sighed when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Song Yushu, whom Lin Tian desperately tried to protect, would actually ruin his family.

When he heard that Lin Tian was going back to his hometown in Wuchuan Prefecture to seek refuge with relatives, Lu Chen's expression changed slightly, he hesitated to speak.

Since ancient times, it has been "poor in the downtown area and no one cares about it, and rich in the mountains with distant relatives."

Now that Lin Tian Dantian is broken and his cultivation base is lost, he doesn't know if his relatives will welcome Lin Tian.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen still suggested:

"Lin Dage! I will refine a Medicine Pill called Ji Mie Pill, which can repair damaged Dantian, and the spiritual herbs needed are only ordinary spiritual herbs,

Why don't you follow me to a nearby cultivation city, and I'll get together the spiritual herbs to refine a furnace of Nirvana Pill for you, how about helping you recover your Cultivation Base? "

"Oh? Brother Lu is serious?" Lin Tian said excitedly.

"'s absolutely true." Lu Chen affirmed.

"Hahaha...Jingzhu! It's really Lin Tian who never dies! Then I'll thank you brother first." After receiving Lu Chen's affirmative answer, Lin Tian laughed loudly.

The excitement is indescribable, if Lu Chen can help him restore Dantian, why should he look far away.

Immediately Lu Chen took out the map Jade Slip that he had copied from Mr. Yu Xiao, looked at the nearby cities for cultivators, and chose a small city that was relatively close.

Sun Erniang continued to drive the flying boat, and they rushed to Yusui City.

After the betting match between Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, it ended in the defeat of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

According to the prior agreement, the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce will completely withdraw from the southern region of Beichen Prefecture, and all the fixed assets of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce in southern Xinjiang will also belong to the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

As the representative of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, Hu Shilong also promised that he would send a special person to be responsible for the final handover with Feiyu Chamber of Commerce afterwards.

However, after three days, the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce did not send anyone to hand it over. According to the news, there was no movement of personnel from the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce to evacuate the southern border.

Enraged by this, Yan Zixia immediately went to the city lord's mansion to ask the notary Su Ziming for help, but the reply she received was that Su Ziming was in Closed Door Training and avoided seeing her.

Yan Zixia came to the branch of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce angrily, ready to ask Hu Shilong to make a theory.

But I learned that Hu Shilong had returned to the Central Plains, and the branch manager was in charge of the handover.

The branch manager took out a document and handed it to Yan Zixia. After reading it, Yan Zixia was furious on the spot, tore the document to pieces, and left angrily.

The content of the document is equivalent to an asset transfer agreement.

Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce also

Sure enough, he kept his promise and transferred all the assets of Southern Border to Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

But Yan Zixia needs to take the documents to hand over to Tianyuan Pavilion.

Because before this, the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce mortgaged all the assets in Southern Xinjiang to Tianyuan Pavilion in the name of debts.

It means that the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce is willing to bet and admit defeat. I will give you the assets, and I will pay the debts myself, but you have to go to the Tianyuan Pavilion to make the handover.

Tianyuan Pavilion is the leading underworld organization in Beichen Prefecture, its background strength is unfathomable, and its relationship is even more complicated.

After Yan Feiyu disappeared, the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce was struggling. If Kuangdao Xiaotian didn't come forward, the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce and even the Yan family would cease to exist.

How can she still have the strength to go to Tianyuan Pavilion to ask for assets, so Yan Zixia is angry, and she has nothing to do with Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

After all, what they do is watertight, leaving you speechless.

Fortunately, the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce did not continue to suppress the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in the southern Xinjiang market. It is also a good thing that the two parties do not interfere with each other's operations.

Yan Dingkun also expressed his helplessness when he learned that this was the final result. He only asked Yan Zixia to return to the Central Plains as soon as possible, and there were other important things waiting for her, so he did not reply.

The day after the game, Yu Tongwei took his daughter Yu Qian to Shennongmen, Yulin Prefecture.

In order not to worry his daughter, he did not tell Yu Qian that Lu Chen participated in the competition on behalf of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

Yu Qian's appearance was restored, and she and Lu Chen had sex again, her heart was full of sweetness, and her relationship with her father was no longer as indifferent as before.

After returning to Shennongmen, she devoted herself to cultivation. She hoped that she could help Lu Chen one day.

Zhang Bingtian and his son did not go back to Guang'an City directly, but went to Longquan City as a guest with Wang Haocang under the pretext.

Wang Haocang didn't think too much when he heard the words, and naturally welcomed him warmly.

During the period, Zhang Bingtian suggested that if you are not in a hurry anyway, everyone can take his flying boat together, which can not only save Spirit Stones, but also enjoy the scenery along the way.

So Zhang Haoyang was in charge of driving the flying boat, carrying Zhang Bingtian and Wang Haocang to Longquan City.

After being teased by Zhang Haoyang for a few days, Du Tianjiao was ruthlessly abandoned. Without a Cultivation Base, she dared not leave Qianyang City.

In the end, he was discovered by the rogue cultivator Zhao San, and he returned to his previous miserable life.

It’s true that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It’s not that there will be no reward, it’s just that the time has not yet come.

Yusui City is located at the border of the southeast of Qianling Prefecture, belonging to

In a small city of comprehension, after Lu Chen and others purchased the common Spiritual Herbs Ginkgo Grass in Yu Sui City,

In the mountain stream tens of kilometers away from Yu Sui City, a simple cave was opened up, about the size of two rooms.

After arranging the formation, Lu Chen began to refine the Nirvana Pill.

Lin Tian and Sun Erniang waited anxiously outside the formation.

Half an hour later, Lu Chen walked out of the formation with a smile on his face.

"Brother Lu! How's it going?" Lin Tian stood up expectantly and asked.

"Hehehe...Fortunately, life is not disgraceful! Lin Dage, take the Medicine Pill first, and I will protect you," said a brown Medicine Pill the size of a glass marble in his hand.

"Thank you! Hahaha..." Lin Tian said gratefully, took the Medicine Pill Lotus Position with both hands and sat down, no doubt someone of him would swallow the Medicine Pill.

The Medicine Pill melted in the mouth, and the medicinal power entered Dantian through the viscera, and a warm current filled the whole body. Dantian, who was originally broken and sluggish, began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye under the action of the medicinal power, which was very mysterious.

Lin Tian, ​​who was sitting in the Lotus Position with his eyes closed, had an excited smile on his face.

After a while, a powerful aura emerged from Lin Tian's body,

Lin Tian slowly opened his eyes, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, his face was full of excitement.

Sun Erniang looked at Lin Tian happily, and Lu Chen had a natural expression.

"Hahaha... I am truly immortal, Lin Tian, ​​Brother Lu, thank you for your kindness of reinvention, if I don't die in the future, I will definitely repay it with my life."

Lin Tian Dantian repaired, and the Cultivation Base was restored to the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen in the fusion period.

"Congratulations to Lin Dage Cultivation Base for improving again. I believe it will not be long before he can break through to the Gold Core early stage and achieve a Power." Lu Chen cupped hands congratulated.

With his Divine Sense comparable to the Gold Core early stage, it is natural to see that Lin Tian broke through and then stood up again, and his Cultivation Base was improved again.

"Hehehe...Brother Lu is really extraordinary. He can actually see that my Cultivation Base has improved. I really can't help but admire him!" Lin Tian smiled a little ashamedly.

"Hehehe...Lin Dage! Congratulations!" Sun Erniang also congratulated happily.

"Hahaha... Thanks to Brother Lu, and thanks to you for taking care of me," Lin Tian bowed to the two of them, expressing his sincere thanks.

"Lin Dage, please don't do this. I wonder what Lin Dage's plan is next?" Lu Chen raised his hand and shot out a ray of real energy to help Lin Tian up, and asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Tian saw murderous intentions in his eyes, and immediately decided to go back to Qianyang City to seek revenge from Song Yushu...

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