Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 207 The Weird Pool

When Lu Chen heard that Lin Tian was going to kill Song Yushu again, he shook his head in his heart. If Song Yushu was so easy to kill, Lin Tian would not have ended up in this situation.

"Lin Dage! Excuse me, although your Cultivation Base has recovered now, if you kill Song Yushu like this, you will undoubtedly die." Lu Chen said bluntly.

"That's right! Lin Dage! Song Yushu's status is extraordinary, and he must be protected by experts. If you go rashly, you may be in danger of your life." Erniang Sun agreed with Lu Chen's idea.

"But... but bloody enmity, should that be the end of it?" Lin Tian showed a reconciled look on his face.

In fact, he also knows that he is going, and I am afraid it will not help.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be the case that Song Yushu didn't kill him last time, but he ended up with a broken Dantian.

But he just couldn't swallow it.

"Hehehe... Lin Dage might as well listen to me. If Lin Dage can trust me and give me ten years, I will definitely uproot the entire Divine Beast Mountain. By then, Lin Dage might not be able to kill him. A little Song Yushu ?”

Lu Chen spoke surprisingly, with an affirmative tone.

Seeing the puzzled expression on Lin Tian's face, Lu Chen roughly talked about how his Master Hao Nande was harmed by the Divine Beast Mountain.

And he also said that he swore to destroy the Divine Beast Mountain at the beginning.

As he spoke, a strong murderous intent burst out from Lu Chen's eyes, and the murderous intent permeated the entire cave, causing the surrounding temperature to drop by a few points.

Lin Tian was shocked when he heard that he had no doubts.

"Then I wonder what your plan is, brother Lu?" Lin Tian asked tentatively,

Next, Lu Chen told about his establishment of the Chinese Mercenary Corps in the Central Plains,

He also indicated that he hoped that Lin Tian could join the Chinese Mercenary Corps and cultivate with peace of mind for the time being.

When the time is right, the Divine Beast Mountain can be destroyed in one fell swoop.

After Lin Tian listened, he didn't give an answer immediately, but buried himself in thought,

Lu Chen didn't speak when he saw this, Lin Tian had to make his own choice at this time,

Although I very much hope that Lin Tian can join the Chinese Mercenary Corps, but everything depends on fate,

If Lin Tian insisted on going his own way, then he had nothing to say.

"Hehehe...Okay! Since Brother Lu thinks highly of me, I will join the Chinese Mercenary Corps and conspire with Brother Lu."

After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Tian expressed his opinion with a smile.

Ten years is not too long for a cultivator, and some high rank cultivators are not worth it

this time,

The reason why Lin Tian agreed to Lu Chen's invitation was because of Lu Chen's personality and potential.

Next, Lu Chen introduced to Lin Tian the general situation of the Chinese Mercenary Corps and the Horn couple.

He also told Lin Tian to first go to the Banyue Mountains in Yidu Prefecture to look for the Chinese Mercenary Group, and he would rush there to join them as soon as possible. Biqu library

When asked about Sun Erniang's future plans, Sun Erniang said that she did not want to return to Qianyang City, and would like to join the Chinese Mercenary Corps with Lin Tian.

Lu Chen was naturally very happy when he heard the words, and immediately expressed his warm welcome, because everyone's joining means that the Chinese mercenary group has grown stronger.

After sending Lin Tian and Sun Erniang away, Lu Chen embarked on the journey home alone.

The flying boat crossed a long rainbow in the sky, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye...

Zhong Tao, Gu Feng and Tong Wei, in order to break through a higher Cultivation Base,

After leaving Xuantian Sect of Anlin Prefecture together, they flew directly to the border of Wuchuan Prefecture with the sword.

Wuchuan Prefecture is located in the middle of southern Xinjiang, bordering on Nanhu Prefecture, with dangerous terrain and beautiful mountains and rivers.

Since ancient times, there has been a literati cultivator who wrote poems praising:

"The road to Shu has been difficult since ancient times. After a few days, Yujian has sighed. The stone ladder is three thousand feet, and it is difficult to climb. It should be the wrong brush of the immortal.

I have never done it twice, overlooking the Feiliu Ten Thousand Mountains, and I don't know until late that I am safe. The night is colder with the blue lights in the lonely hall. "

"Gu Feng! What are you muttering about there? Why don't you hurry up and help me?" Zhong Tao asked loudly when he saw Gu Feng standing alone by the river muttering something softly.

Gu Feng didn't answer Zhong Tao's words, and looked down at Tan Shui in a daze.

At this moment, the three of them stopped at the foot of an unknown mountain in Wuchuan Prefecture,

The mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, the foot of the mountain is lush and green, and there is a pool of clear water.

Because the three of them had just entered the breakthrough Foundation Establishment period and had not yet reached the bigu level, they had to eat almost every ten days or so.

The three of them happened to pass by this place, and seeing the pleasant scenery here, with mountains and water, there should be fish, so the three of them decided to catch some fish here to roast and eat.

Zhong Tao and Gu Feng were responsible for catching fish in the pool, and Tong Wei was responsible for picking up dry branches.

It stands to reason that several people know basic spells such as fireball, so there is no problem at all with grilling a fish.

But Zhong Tao's mouth was very picky. He insisted that the fish grilled with dry wood was better than the fish grilled with fireball technique.

For this reason, he had a big argument with Gu Feng, and Gu Feng didn't bother to argue with him, and went to the pool alone to enjoy the scenery.

Zhong Tao, who won the competition, took charge of grilling fish


"Hahaha...It's so delicious! Hey! Gufeng! The fish is all grilled, what are you still looking at? Hurry up and eat the fish, look how delicious I grilled it."

As Zhong Tao spoke, he picked up a fish that was still sizzling, and ate it on his own, praising Own's craftsmanship while eating.

"What's the matter? What are you looking at? So engrossed?" Tong Wei asked gently when she came over.

"This pool seems to be weird. Look at these fish, they seem to swim around without a clue, but there are certain rules to follow.

And the trajectories they move seem to be cyclically fixed. "Gu Feng pointed to the bottomless pool and said his own discovery.

Just now he was here alone to marvel at the beauty of the scenery, and accidentally discovered that the fish in the pool moved strangely.

So careful observation confirmed the conjecture in his heart, so much so that Zhong Tao called him, but he didn't hear him.

Tong Wei followed the direction of Gu Feng's finger, carefully observing the fish in the pool,

Not long after, I saw something strange,

I saw a school of fish in the pool, about dozens of them, swimming around seemingly aimlessly, but returning to the original point after a while, and then repeating the same moving track just now, which is very strange.

Tong Wei looked at Gu Feng in surprise and said, "Ah! It seems really weird."

"What's the matter with you two? You've been watching here all the time. What's so interesting about this? Come and taste my craft. We have to find opportunities when we're full."

Zhong Tao saw that Tong Wei went to call Gu Feng, but he didn't come back, so he came to ask with grilled fish in his hand.

"Damn Fatty! Don't just eat it! Look at the fish in the water!" Gu Feng pointed at the water pool.

Zhong Tao followed the direction of Gu Feng's finger to look at the water pool, took another look at Gu Feng, and said:

"Hehehe... The water is clear enough, and the fish are fat enough, but I'm already full. If you think it's not enough, I'll bring a few more."

When Gu Feng and Tong Wei heard the words, they all showed expressions of hating iron but not steel.

"Damn Fatty! What I told you to watch was the trajectory of the school of fish, don't you think it's weird? Why are you so fucking preoccupied with eating?" Gu Feng cursed angrily.

"Movement track? Strange?" Zhong Tao looked at Gu Feng in bewilderment when he heard this, and then looked at the water pool again.

Because of Gu Feng's reminder, this time he carefully watched the fish in the pool, especially paying attention to their moving tracks, after a while.

"Hey! It seems that something is not right!"

Zhong Tao frowned slightly, he finally saw something...

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