Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 208 The Shocking Change In The Pool


Gu Feng suddenly shot a sharp zhenyuan toward the water pool, the zhenyuan turned into a golden light beam, the light beam passed through the water surface, set off a wave of water splashes and waves, and then accurately attacked the fish school,

Immediately, several 30-centimeter-long big fat fish turned their bellies and surfaced. Gu Feng Divine Sense controlled these dead fish to fly ashore and landed at the feet of the three of them.

Both Tong Wei and Zhong Tao didn't understand Gu Feng's behavior. They looked down at the fish that had just been caught, and it seemed that there was nothing unusual about it, it was just an ordinary carp.

However, something even weirder happened.

"Look at the fish in the pool," Gu Feng said in shock,

Zhong Tao and Tong Wei looked at the fish in the pool again after hearing the words.

Logically speaking, if Gu Feng made such a big commotion, the school of fish would have been frightened and hid.

However, the strange thing is that after the breaking waves subside, these fish schools are still swimming according to the established trajectory, as if they are not affected by the outside world at all.

This is very weird, both Zhong Tao and Tong Wei frowned.

"Boom..." Zhong Tao followed the same pattern and attacked the fish school in the water. This time, he increased the intensity of his attack, and almost half of the fish were beaten up.

After the waves calmed down, the remaining dozen or so fish in the pool still swam unmoved and followed their established trajectories.

"Gufeng! What do you think?" Zhong Tao said seriously.

Gu Feng looked around and looked at the circular water pool with a diameter of about ten meters. Divine Sense probed into the bottom of the pool to examine it carefully, and said:

"I guess there should be a formation under the pool,"

"Oh? Are you saying that we got lucky and ran into an ancient cultivation Immortal Cave, right? If that's the case, then we'll get rich! Hahaha..."

Zhong Tao was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words,

"Fatty! Hit all the fish to see!" Gu Feng pointed to the water pool.

"En! Good! Hahaha..." Zhong Tao did as soon as he heard the words.

He knew that since Gu Feng saw the power of his talisman technique in the endless forest, he pestered himself to teach him the talisman making technique as soon as he came back.

But Gufeng, with his elm head, couldn't learn it anyway, but he wanted to learn another craft, so Zhong Tao suggested that Gufeng study formation.

As a result, Gu Feng seems to be quite talented in the way of formation. With the only knowledge of formation in the Cultivation Technique hall, he was stunned to make some tricks.

So Zhong Tao knows that Gu Feng is not

He will be aimless, and after hearing the words, he mobilizes his true essence and shoots out several beams of light to start fishing.

There was another series of splashes. After Zhong Tao killed all the fish, Divine Sense picked them up.

"Hahaha...Look quickly!" Zhong Tao pointed at the water pool in surprise.

In fact, even if he didn't say anything, Gu Feng and Tong Wei also noticed the abnormality.

At this moment, after the fish school was killed, bursts of faint light appeared at the bottom of the pool, and a faint light curtain began to emerge, which was very mysterious.

"Tong Wei! Let's go down and check the situation first. You will wait for us here. If you find anything, I will call you again."

After Gu Feng finished speaking, he activated the body-protecting qi, jumped into the pool first, and Yu Jian dived to the bottom of the pool.

Tong Wei nodded obediently when she heard the words, and told Gu Feng to be careful.

"Hahaha... Don't worry, Tong Wei, I will take good care of Gu Feng."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Tao's body burst out with protective energy, and with a plop, he jumped into the pool, splashing a huge splash.

Strange to say, the water pool is so clear from the shore, it doesn't seem to be very deep.

But when Gu Feng and Zhong Tao Yujian dived to the bottom of the pool, they found that the pool was much deeper than they had imagined.

There is a protective body to separate the water, but it does not affect their normal speech.

The two of them dived for more than 30 meters, and finally came to the faint formation light curtain.

Gu Feng took a look, then stretched out his palm, and pushed hard towards the formation light curtain.


Just as Gu Feng's hand touched the formation light curtain, a brilliance flashed across the formation light curtain, appearing like transparent glass. At this moment, an invisible force bounced Gu Feng's hand away.

"How? How do we break the formation?" Zhong Tao asked.

"I don't know! I'll try it out first," Gu Feng said with a serious expression.

Then he took out the formation flags that he usually refines, and made seals with his hands non-stop. A dozen formation flags turned into several beams of brilliance and shot towards the formation light curtain, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

After a long time, the formation light curtain didn't appear to have changed at all.

"Hey! Gufeng! Can you do it? Why doesn't it seem to have changed at all?" Zhong Tao asked in astonishment as he looked at the unmoving formation light curtain.

"I don't know what's going on, why don't you come!" Gu Feng said a little unhappy when he heard the words.

"Crack, click..."

At this time, there was a strange sound of cracking and cracking at the bottom of the pool, just as Gu Feng and Zhong Tao were watching strangely.

When wearing the formation light curtain,

"Retreat! Retreat!" Gu Feng suddenly yelled, Zhong Tao hurriedly flicked his sword desperately after hearing this, and flew to the top of the pool following Gu Feng.

However, there was a sudden change, and a huge vortex suddenly formed at the formation light curtain at the bottom of the pool, sucking the two of them down with infinite force.

"Ah...Gu Feng! What's going on?" Zhong Tao shouted in horror.

"Ah...Tong Wei! Leave us alone, let's go!" Gu Feng, who was falling rapidly, shouted desperately.

Immediately, the bodies of the two people followed the vortex's extremely fast rotation, and then disappeared in the center of the bottom of the vortex.

Tong Wei on the shore saw that the originally calm pool suddenly formed a huge whirlpool.

At the same time, the screams of Zhong Tao and Gu Feng, as well as Gu Feng's words, scared her to tears.

"Gu Feng!" Tong Wei shouted sadly,

Immediately, his heart faltered, he drew up the body-protecting qi, and with a plop, he also jumped into the high-speed rotating vortex.

Soon after, the pool became calm again, as if nothing had happened. What was strange was that dozens of carp appeared out of thin air in the pool.

Swimming around regularly according to the established trajectory, only the fire on the shore and the floating green smoke prove that someone has been there.

In the wilderness in the southeast of Nanhuzhou, a flying boat dragged a streamer and quickly landed in a remote valley.

A young cultivator with a delicate figure, good looks, good facial features, and a cynical smile on his mouth, jumped off the flying boat,

Then put away the flying boat, cast Movement Technique under his feet, his body turned into an afterimage and ran in the direction of Yun Luo Cheng.

This person is exactly Lu Chen who arranged for Lin Tian and Sun Erniang to go to Yidu Prefecture, Central Plains, in the Banyue Mountains to find the Chinese Mercenary Corps, and then returned home alone.

After traveling day and night, Lu Chen finally came to his hometown, near Yun Luo Cheng.

In order not to cause commotion among ordinary people, Lu Chen deliberately landed in the wilderness, and then used the Xuantian Nine Steps to hurry.

Thinking that he was about to meet his parents, Lu Chen felt extremely happy and excited.

My heart was full of emotions, and I couldn't help but think of a poem that said:

"Mother hands line, wandering clothing.

Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay in return.

Whoever says the grass-inch heart will get three Chunhui.


Immediately, Lu Chen accelerated Xuantian Nine Steps, and rushed towards Yun Luo Cheng with an expectant smile...

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