Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 209 Two Thatched Cottages

Yunluocheng is located in the southeast of Nanhuzhou. It is an ordinary mortal city, covering an area of ​​about 25 square kilometers, with a permanent population of only half a million people.

Surrounded by tall city walls, it is divided into four gates, east, west, north, south.

At this moment, when the sun is shining brightly, there is an endless stream of pedestrians entering and leaving the city gate.

A young man with the appearance of a son came to the west gate of Yun Luocheng, with a smile on his face, chewing ice shredded sugarcane in his mouth, and walked into Yun Luo Cheng with the crowd.

Rao is Lu Chen restraining the breath of the whole body, trying to make himself look like an ordinary person,

But as a cultivator, the distinctive temperament still makes Lu Chen feel of extraordinary origin.

Wherever he went, ordinary people kept away from him, for fear of angering this lord and causing trouble for themselves.

Regarding this, Lu Chen felt very speechless, and sighed in his heart that the people of Yun Luo Cheng were simple and honest.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, the memories of the past flashed through his mind quickly like a movie.

I have not returned for three years, and the streets and alleys have not changed much.

When passing Zuihualou, Lu Chen couldn't help thinking of his cousin Chen Xiang. If he hadn't pushed his predecessor down the stairs and fell to his death, it would have been a different scene if his soul passed through the Tianyuan Continent.

When passing by Vermilion Bird Street, Lu Chen deliberately went to find the old Taoist priest who set up a street stall.

If I can find him, I must thank him well.

At the beginning, I accidentally bought the bracelet, but I didn't expect it to save my life at a critical moment, and because of this, I got the heaven-defying treasure of the Golden Bead World.

This changed the fate of Own, otherwise I would have died without a place to die because of Liao Wei.

However, Lu Chen searched almost all over Vermilion Bird Street, but did not find the old Taoist priest.

At this moment, a young man with a hasty look walked over quickly, almost bumping into Lu Chen.

Lu Chen secretly rotated the Xuantian Nine Steps, avoiding the man nimbly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's the little one who doesn't have eyes and almost bumped into the young master. Please don't care about the young one."

The young man in shabby servant's clothes quickly bowed and apologized, looking very frightened.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak a word, the young man thought that Lu Chen hadn't bothered with him, and after bowing down again to apologize, he was about to leave.

Seeing that the other party blocked Own's way, the young man's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly

It was a bow and apology.

"Hehehe... Noble! Who do you think I am?" Lu Chen smiled playfully.

Just now when Lai Bao came up, he bent down and bowed, with his head buried very low. Lu Chen couldn't see his face clearly.

When he was about to get up and leave, Lu Chen realized that this was his former follower Laibao?

He was sixteen years old when he left. Now, in more than three years, Noble has grown into a strong boy.

Hearing this, Laibao dared to raise his head and look at the noble young master in front of him. Biqu library

" are...Young Master?" Noble asked tentatively.

It can't be blamed that he can't recognize Lu Chen, but in fact, the previous Lu Chen was full of second-generation ancestors, the temperament of a playboy,

But now Lu Chen's temperament has changed a lot because of his cultivation.

In addition, since we haven't seen each other for three years, it's normal for Noble to fail to recognize Lu Chen for a while.

"Hehehe...what's the matter? It's been a long time since I saw you, so you don't recognize me?" Lu Chen looked at Noble and felt very kind in his heart.

After careful sizing, Noble finally recognized the young master in front of him as the Young Master who left home three years ago to seek immortality.

"Young Master! Hahaha... It's really you, you're finally back. If the master and wife know that Young Master is back, they will definitely be very happy." Noble said ecstatically.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go back quickly!" Lu Chen took the lead in walking towards the Lu residence.

"Young Master! Wrong, wrong, you went the wrong way, this way." Noble showed embarrassment, stopped Lu Chen and said.

"Oh? I remember going this way. Could it be that Dad has moved?" Lu Chen asked Noble suspiciously.

"Uh... that's right! You just come with me, Young Master." Noble smiled awkwardly.

He remembered that the master once said that it would take five years for the Young Master to come back, and now that the Young Master came back halfway, he preconceived that Lu Chen was still the old playboy,

He didn't learn any fairy skills, so he didn't say some things clearly.

Although Noble concealed it well, Lu Chen still saw some clues, and had a bad premonition in his heart, so he decided to follow him to have a look first.

Led by Laibao, they walked for about half an hour, and the two came to a dilapidated courtyard.

You can see a one-meter-high soil wall, and the dilapidated gate is open. After entering the gate, you can see two thatched cottages.

There is a well next to a small yard. At this moment, a woman dressed as a woman is facing the gate, and is working hard to lift the hemp rope up from the well, as if she is drawing water.

"Ma'am! Why are you fetching water yourself again? You can just leave the rough work to the younger ones." Laibao saw that Mrs. Chen was struggling to pull the hemp rope,

He ran over to help in such a hurry that he forgot the existence of Lu Chen.

"Hehehe... You child, how can you let you do everything now?"

While speaking, Mrs. Chen refused Noble's help, and lifted up the wooden bucket filled with water.

Looking at the familiar figure from the back, if it is not the mother Chen, who could it be?

"Cough cough cough cough... cough cough cough cough..."

At this time, a series of coughing sounds came from the room, the sound was very familiar, if it wasn't the old man Lu Tianhao, who could it be?

Lu Chen looked at all this in surprise, with murderous intent in his eyes,

Dad is the number one rich businessman in Yun Luocheng, how he fell into this situation, it seems that something must have happened in the past three years.

"Mom!" Lu Chen called with complicated emotions.

Chen turned her head when she heard the sound, mother and son were connected, she recognized Lu Chen who had been away from home for three years at a glance, tears filled her eyes instantly, as if she felt unreal.

"Bang Dang!" With a sound, the wooden barrel that was just lifted fell back into the well again, making a bang sound.

"Damn the little one, I just forgot to tell my wife that the Young Master is back." Only then did Noble realize that Lu Chen was forgotten by him in the yard.

How can Mrs. Chen listen to what Jinlibao said.

"Chen'er! Hahaha... It's good to be back, it's good to be back," Chen hurriedly walked towards Lu Chen, looking at his own son happily, his eyes full of longing.

Seeing the weather-beaten marks on his mother's face, Lu Chen felt mixed feelings.

"Mom! What's going on here? Why did the house become like this?" Lu Chen asked at the right time.

"Cough cough cough cough...cough cough cough cough..." At this time, Lu Tianhao coughed again from the room.

"Ma'am, Young Master, let's talk first, and the young one will go to make medicine for the master." Hearing Lu Tianhao's cough, Noble realized that the medicine for today has not been cooked for the master, so he hurried to work.

"No need for Noble, I'll take care of it when I see the situation." Lu Chen stopped him.

With his ninth-grade elixir master and the Cultivation Base of the fusion period, it is no problem to treat a mortal.

Then a few people walked into the thatched cottage...

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