Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 213 \"Longevity Library\"

Yin Cang, a branch of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce in Qianyang City, has been in a very bad mood recently.

After finally discovering the cultivator who stole Wulian's Heartfire again, but because of the obstruction of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, the kid was allowed to escape under the nose of Own.

The Tianyuan reward order has been released for so long, but it has no effect. Instead, it has attracted many cultivators to fight each other.

This made Yin Cang feel very annoyed, and he had a grudge against Feiyu Chamber of Commerce in his heart, thinking in his heart, he must take revenge on Feiyu Chamber of Commerce to vent his anger if there is a chance.

The matter of the competition is over, and Yin Cang will leave this place alone in a few days to find resources to improve the Cultivation Base.

Logically speaking, as one of Hu Shilong's Masters, with the strength of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, it would be a piece of cake to provide him with enough training resources.

But Yin Cang has a weird personality, and he is not willing to accept the offerings from the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce. He prefers to rely on his own efforts to obtain the resources for cultivation.

Like Yin Cang, also in a bad mood is Lei Aotian, the Patriarch of the Lei Family in Central Plains.

Since his son Lei Junjie was killed by that Foundation Establishment cultivator, he first sent Lei Bao and Lei Hu to southern Xinjiang to find that Foundation Establishment cultivator, but both of them died.

After that, he sent another Gold Core disciple to continue to the southern border, but got nothing.

In fact, it can’t be blamed on the disciples of the Gold Core period. Think about it, there are thousands of cultivators in Southern Xinjiang. Finding someone with only a memory crystal ball is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Previously, the Lei family brothers also happened to meet Lu Chen at the gate of the teleportation hall when he returned to Zhongba City to look for Zixuan because of luck.

No matter what their mood was, at least Lu Chen, the person involved, was in a good mood.

After the parents became younger, they were naturally very happy, and the family was happy, which touched Lu Chen's heart very much.

No matter how much I have suffered outside and how many hardships I have gone through, seeing my parents in good health always makes my heart warm.

During the period, Lu Chen also taught a set of Breathing Exercises to parents and Noble, although they cannot have Cultivation Base,

But there is no problem in keeping fit and prolonging life.

And Lu Chen also gave Noble half a pill of Zhuyan without hesitation,

After all, Noble took care of their parents when they were in the most difficult time. This kind of friendship is really precious, and Lu Chen is very grateful to Noble.


"Longevity library" means longevity money, and the interest is generated by lending money to others.

Because the mother gold gives birth to children, and they are born to each other, and they are endless, so it is called longevity or endless.

To put it simply, "Changsheng Bank" is a private lending organization.

According to his father Lu Tianhao, "Changshengku" is quite powerful in Yunluocheng, and its businesses not only involve catering, casinos, brothels, but also other disgraceful gray businesses.

In a few months, it increased from one million taels of gold to five million taels of gold. Lu Chen decided to go to the "Changsheng Library" to ask them how they calculated.

"Longevity Casino" is located on the street of Yun Luo Cheng Vermilion Bird Street. It is very eye-catching and consists of three-story single-family wooden buildings.

The lobby on the first floor is very spacious, with more than a dozen large tables. There are various ways of gambling. There are crowds of people around each gaming table.

As for the table where the dice were rolled to guess the size, there were a lot of onlookers.

" and leave." The man who rolled the dice was a middle-aged man who seemed to be in his forties.

At this moment, he nervously wiped the bean-sized sweat on his forehead, he hesitated in speaking, and glanced fearfully at the young man sitting directly in front of him.

Because since this young man came, he has been able to bet accurately every time, and after winning, he used all the money as a bet,

So much so that the opponent won one hundred thousand taels of gold in less than half an hour.

This time the opponent was completely overwhelmed. If he lost again, the result could be imagined, so he was extremely nervous.

"Hurry up! Hahaha..." At this time, the crowd who bet with the young man and won a lot in a row booed excitedly.

"Big, big... Hurry up..." The onlookers urged eagerly when they saw that the dealer had not opened the dice cup for a long time.

However, the middle-aged man looked at the young master, kept a calm smile, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the hand that was pressing on the dice cup couldn't stop trembling slightly.

" go down first! We lose this game, and exchange other people's money first,"

At this time, an old man walked up to the middle-aged man with a smile like a ray of spring breeze and said, followed by four burly men who looked like Lian Jiazi.

"Huh..." The man sitting in the manor heard the words, as if he had been pardoned, he was in charge

Your lord's words, own fate is saved.

"Hehehe... this young master! I am the manager of this gambling house, surnamed Jin, I haven't asked the young master's name, Gao, can you tell me upstairs."

The old man who called himself Guanshi Jin smiled at the handsome young man with cupped hands.

"Lu Chen!" The young man smiled faintly, then got up and motioned for the other party to lead the way.

Because the behind-the-scenes leader of "Longevity Bank" is quite mysterious, and my father doesn't know the relevant news, so Lu Chen came to the "Longevity Casino" under his banner

I want to use this as a breakthrough point to find the behind-the-scenes leader of the "Longevity Library".

Use Lu Chen's Cultivation Base to gamble with a mortal, if you still can't win, then you can just buy a piece of tofu and kill yourself.

Sure enough, as Lu Chen expected, after he won more than a dozen games in a row, the opponent's senior management took the initiative to find him.

After arriving at a private room on the second floor, although Guanshi Jin saw Lu Chen's extraordinary demeanor, he probably had some powerful background, but after all, he was young and wanted to handle Lu Chen.

As a result, Lu Chen directly asked the other party to take him to find the behind-the-scenes leader of "Changshengku".

Manager Jin immediately changed his face when he heard the words, and immediately ordered four of his subordinates to teach Lu Chen a lesson.

In the end, he was easily knocked down by Lu Chen in two or three strokes, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. This frightened Guanshi Jin,

You must know that the four subordinates of Own are the first-class masters on Rivers and Lakes,

In the end, there was no other way. Under Lu Chen's coercion and lure, Jin Guanshi had no choice but to take Lu Chen to a large manor in the east district of Yunluo Cheng.

In the name of meeting the Lord, he was able to enter the interior of the manor.

Cultivation World has an unspoken rule that cultivators are not allowed to meddle in the affairs of the mortal world at will, otherwise they will violate Heavenly Dao and will be punished by Heavenly Dao sooner or later.

This is why there are few cultivators in the mortal world to burn fat.

So Lu Chen intends to handle this matter in a low-key manner.

Led by the attendants, Lu Chen and Guanshi Jin were taken to a resplendent and majestic palace, waiting for the arrival of the master of the "Eternal Life Library".

I have to say that this "Eternal Life Library" is really profitable. Such a large manor has a palace in the front, a garden in the back, rockery and rocks, pavilions and waterside pavilions. It can be called a proper luxury house.

I don't know how much people's fat and people's anointing have been scraped off. Lu Chen in the palace is not in a hurry. He wants to see who is the owner of this "Eternal Life Library" Sacred...

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