Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 214 The Mystery In The Gold Mine

Under Lu Chen's friendly threat, Manager Jin was forced to take Lu Chen to the base camp of "Changshengku", which is where their master lived.

The lord exists like a god in Guanshi Jin's heart. He has seen that the lord can make fire out of thin air to deal with some traitors, and the means are miraculous.

Therefore, in his opinion, even if Lu Chen is very skilled, with the strength of the Lord, he can easily kill him.

At this time, four strong and strong men carried a stretcher and walked into the Great Hall.

A recliner was tied to the stretcher, and an old man in his sixties was lying on the chair.

The old man was wearing Jinglun head and a blue robe, his eyes were slightly closed, and he looked like he was enjoying himself. He glanced lazily at Lu Chen and Guanshi Jin.

Seeing that Lu Chen was just an ordinary person, he didn't take it seriously.

The old man got up slowly, and sat on the host seat directly in front of the Great Hall. The four strong men put the stretcher aside again,

Then he stood on both sides of the old man and acted as a bodyguard.

"Welcome to the lord, may the lord: live forever, forever, and rule the Rivers and Lakes!" Jin Guanshi respectfully knelt on the ground and sang loudly.

"Puff...hehehe..." Lu Chen next to him couldn't help laughing out loud after listening to Guanshi Jin's words.

He could tell at a glance that the owner of the "Longevity Library" was actually a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment early stage, and he was shocked and also amused at the same time.

As a cultivator, I don't want to work hard to improve my Cultivation Base, but I hang out with a bunch of mortals and put on such a big picture,

What kind of longevity, eternal life, and unification of Rivers and Lakes! Do you really think you are invincible in the East?

"Bold! Kneel down quickly when you see the Lord!" one of the big men scolded.

"Boss Jin! Get up! This is what you said in a coded message, causing trouble in the Changsheng Casino,

And the martial arts are high-strength, you kid who wants me to help you? "The master said lightly, neither sad nor happy.

"This subordinate is incompetent, please let the master decide for me." Guanshi Jin said, and then looked at Lu Chen with a gloating expression.

He thought that Lu Chen didn't know about the subpoena by using gestures and code words before he entered the door, but in fact, Lu Chen didn't bother to pay attention at all. Biqu library

Now, since it is discovered that the other party is also a cultivator, things are simpler.

"Hehehe... old man! You are a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment early stage, you don't want to practice, you just hang out

Fan Chen, aren't you afraid of being punished by God? " Lu Chen smiled faintly and said something irrelevant.

"Pfft..." The master suddenly turned pale with shock when he heard the words, and spit out the tea that he had just drank into his mouth.

The master was shocked all over, staring at Lu Chen firmly,

Except for Lu Chen's harmless face, there is nothing to be seen.

Immediately, he thought of a possibility, and hurriedly dodged and knelt at Lu Chen's feet, trembling.

This scene stunned all his bodyguards and Guanshi Jin.

The Lord, who is usually aloof, mysterious, and omnipotent, became so afraid of the young man after hearing what this young man said.

"Ex...senior, please forgive me, Junior Zhu Daoming, I know..." The master spoke out the origin of own tremblingly, like spitting out beans.

He used Divine Sense to check Lu Chen's Cultivation Base just now, but found nothing, but the other party just said "own Cultivation Base", you must know that this is his biggest secret.

At the same time, it also showed that the opponent's Cultivation Base was definitely higher than his own, and he couldn't understand the cruelty of the Cultivation World.

A low-level cultivator is not as good as a dog. If there is a disagreement, the other party may kill him.

So Zhu Daoming didn't dare to make things worse, and he didn't care about the presence of his subordinates. He immediately knelt down to Lu Chen in horror, hoping to ask for his forgiveness.

Zhu Daoming was originally a mere mortal in the Central Plains, because his ancestors started his career by robbing tombs, so Zhu Daoming has acquired the ability to rob tombs.

Once, when he was stealing an ancient tomb, he accidentally discovered that it was a comprehension Immortal Cave, which contained many Medicine Pills and Jade Slips, as well as books on Qi-inducing cultivation.

He knew the legend about the cultivator, so he tried to cultivate, and as a result, he really successfully sensed the existence of Spiritual Qi, which showed that he possessed Spiritual Roots.

At the same time, with the help of the Medicine Pill in the cave, he broke through to the Foundation Establishment early stage in less than three years, which made him very excited and yearned for a fairy-like life.

However, when he entered the Cultivation World, what he faced was that because of a little resource, the cultivators competed with each other and fought each other.

A low-level cultivator is not as good as a dog, who will kill the opponent if they disagree with each other.

And the Cultivation Technique cultivated by Zhu Daoming is best at hiding and escaping.

If he hadn't escaped with the magical Movement Technique several times, he would have died a long time ago.

Decades passed by in a hurry, and Zhu Daoming discovered that his own cultivation qualifications

Not so bad,

So that apart from the previous breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment early stage, there will be no breakthrough in the future.

Thinking that I don't have many years to live,

Zhu Daoming then went to Yunluocheng, a remote mortal city, to establish the "Longevity Library" and develop other industries along the way.

As for the Heavenly Dao punishment, although he knew about it, he couldn't control it too much, and he had the mentality that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Biqu library

From then on, living a decadent life of luxury and money can be regarded as a peaceful old age.

Lu Chen also sighed when he heard the words, but the other party involved his father, how could Lu Chen let him go,

Lu Chen's eyes froze suddenly, and a powerful aura emerged from his body,

Zhu Daoming's four bodyguards and Jin Guanshi passed out instantly.

Zhu Daoming was even more frightened out of his wits. Feeling Lu Chen's powerful aura, he was sure that the other party's Cultivation Base was strong.

In order to save his life, Zhu Daoming desperately shouted: "senior, spare your life, I found a treasure, which contains rare Heavenly and Mortal Treasures."

Hearing this, Lu Chen really withdrew his own aura and asked, "Oh? What kind of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures is it?"

"A year ago, my subordinates received a gold mine. After mining, the rock at the bottom of the gold mine was so hard that it could not be shaken by humans.

At that time, I checked it curiously, and found that my Cultivation Base could not be shaken,

And because of my shallow knowledge, I don't know what the rock is,

But I guess there must be some great treasures in that rock, and I ask the senior to spare my life. I am willing to be a dog of the senior, at his command. "

After Zhu Daoming finished speaking, he prostrated his head on the ground, waiting for Lu Chen's disposal.

When Lu Chen heard this, he felt astonished. It seemed that he was talking about the gold mine that his father bought, but he didn't expect that there was another mystery in it.

Lu Chen was also moved by Zhu Daoming's proposal, and he was about to leave.

It would be a good choice to have him help take care of own parents.

"Okay! Get up! Take me to the gold mine you mentioned." Lu Chen said flatly.

"Hehehe... Thank you senior for your life, thank you senior for your life, please come with me senior." Hearing the words, Zhu Daoming kowtowed his head as if he had received an amnesty.

Immediately, the two of them took a carriage, driven by Zhu Daoming, and drove to the outside of Yunluo City.

After the carriage drove to the outskirts, the two of them cast their Movement Technique respectively, leaving two afterimages on the spot...

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