Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 215 Heaven Grade Evil Art

After the gambling match between Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce and Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, Zhang Bingtian and his son found an excuse to visit Longquan City.

Naturally, Wang Haocang was very welcome. Wang Jingxuan ran away from home, so Wang Haocang felt ashamed of his old friend Zhang Bingtian.

When the flying boat passed through Wuchuan Prefecture, Zhang Haoyang excused himself from Divine Sense and needed to rest because he was tired. Wang Haocang suggested that he should control the flying boat.

But Zhang Bingtian made an excuse that, anyway, everyone is not in a hurry, so why not find a place to have a glass of wine before it is too late to start.

It happened that Zhang Bingtian said that he got some good wine and wine and wanted to share it with Wang Haocang.

Wang Haocang couldn't resist the other party's enthusiasm, so he didn't say anything more.

As a result, the flying boat turned into a meteor and landed on a certain mountain top.

There is a slightly flat place on the top of the mountain. Zhang Bingtian took out a set of tables, chairs and wine sets from the storage bag, and several people sat down one after another.

"Hehehe... This is a good place to drink, Haoyang! You go to the mountains to see if there is any game, and get some to roast for the current wine and vegetables."

Before Zhang Haoyang's butt was hot, Zhang Bingtian ordered.

After his son left, Zhang Bingtian raised his arm slightly, and the jug floated up automatically, flew to the sky above the wine glass in front of Wang Haocang, and then poured it down.

As the milky white liquid flows out of the wine jug, the aroma of the wine spreads around with a strong Spiritual Qi, which is intoxicating.

"This is... the Millennium Stone Marrow Dew! Hahaha... Brother Zhang! You are really generous! You actually added the Millennium Stone Marrow Dew to the wine, it's really... oh... how do you tell me how you are?" ?”

Wang Haocang recognized at a glance that the thousand-year-old chalcedony dew had been added to the wine in front of him, and he felt helpless and regretful at the same time.

"Hehehe... Brother Wang, you are being polite. I did add a few drops of stone marrow dew to this wine, but it is less than a thousand years old. At most, it is only seven or eight hundred years old. Come here! Let me offer you a glass of brother Wang."

Zhang Bingtian shook his head and regretted, toasting first to respect.

Although chalcedony is precious in Cultivation World, it often appears in the market.

The strange thing is the thousand-year-old stone marrow dew, because it is extremely difficult to form a thousand-year-old stone marrow dew, and it is already a ninth-level elixir. It can be used to refine some healing medicine pills, and the effect is very good.

What's even more unusual is the Wannian Stone Marrow Dew, which almost only exists in legends. It already belongs to the category of ninth-level magic medicine, and the conditions for its formation are extremely harsh.

It is no exaggeration to say that even a drop of Ten Thousand Years Stone Marrow Dew is enough for cultivators in the Transformation Stage to fight desperately, which shows how precious it is.

"Hahaha... Then this is also extremely rare, today I am fortunate to rely on Brother Zhang's blessing,

Let me also try this millennium stone marrow wine. "

Wang Haocang raised his glass with a smile, first took a sip, then tasted it slowly, with an overjoyed expression on his face,

Then he drank it all in one gulp, looking very satisfied.

"You and I have been brothers for many years! Why are you still being so polite? Brother Wang! I have something to ask, I wonder if Brother Wang can agree?" Zhang Bingtian controlled the jug and filled Wang Haocang's wine glass again.

"Hehehe... Brother Zhang! Just now you told me not to be polite, why are you still being polite now? If you have anything to say, brother Zhang, it's okay to say, I will do my best."

Wang Haocang raised his glass and drank the wine in the glass again, and said with a smile.

"Hehehe...then I'll just say it straight, brother Wang! Do you still remember what happened back then?" Zhang Bingtian didn't say own request, but asked Wang Haocang about what happened back then.

Wang Haocang's face suddenly changed when he heard the words, his eyes fixed on Zhang Bingtian, and then he showed a bitter smile.

"Brother Zhang! Please forgive my slip of the tongue. That thing is really not good. If I agree to you, I will undoubtedly hurt you!"

Wang Haocang is also an outstanding person. As soon as Zhang Bingtian mentioned the events of the year, he immediately thought of what the other party asked for, and then refused without hesitation.

About a hundred years ago, both of them were cultivators of the early stage of the Gold Core period. They met in the endless forest.

At that time, Zhang Bingtian was being chased by a golden-eyed flying snake comparable to the Gold Core middle stage.

At the moment of crisis, Wang Haocang appeared in time, rescued Zhang Bingtian, and then joined hands with Zhang Bingtian to kill the golden-eyed flying snake.

Afterwards, the two explored the endless forest together, and soon became acquainted, and called them brothers.

Later, the two accidentally discovered a comprehension Immortal Cave. There was a powerful formation light curtain inside the Immortal Cave. When the two tried their best to break the formation light curtain together, they successfully entered the Immortal Cave.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and when the formation light curtain dissipated at last, it shot out a powerful beam of light, which drove towards Wang Haocang.

The young Zhang Bingtian didn't even think about it at the time, so he stood in front of Wang Haocang, was hit by the light beam, and passed out from serious injuries on the spot.

Under Wang Haocang's all-out rescue and treatment, Zhang Bingcai saved his life, but he was also left with hidden injuries.

Later, because of this incident, in order to thank Zhang Bingtian for saving his life, Wang Haocang,

He promised that when his daughter Wang Jingxuan grows up, she will marry Zhang Bingtian's son Zhang Haoyang as his wife. Of course, these are things for later.

At that time in Immortal Cave, the two not only got a lot of cultivation resources, but also got a

An ancient sheepskin scroll, on which is recorded a Cultivation Technique of Tianpin level.

As we all know, the level of Cultivation Technique directly affects the height that the cultivator can achieve in the future.

What's more, the levels of Cultivation Technique are divided into low level, middle level, high level, spiritual level, heavenly level and divine level. It can be seen that the Cultivation Technique is powerful.

But when the two had just finished reading the opening paragraph, Wang Haocang decisively put away the parchment.

Because that Cultivation Technique wrote at the beginning: "If you want to practice this skill, you must first go out of the palace, drink blood and devour your soul, connect internally and externally, see the sky and understand the law, and look down upon the world......"

This is indeed an evil Cultivation Technique, and Wang Haocang, with a heart of justice, immediately closed the parchment, intending to destroy it.

But Zhang Bingtian stopped it, saying that it was a pity that the Tianpin Cultivation Technique was destroyed. Later, the two discussed to divide the sheepskin scroll into two and keep them separately, so that no one could practice.

Now that Zhang Bingtian brought up the old matter again, Wang Haocang naturally knew what the other party wanted to do.

"Brother Wang! If I don't use external force to break through, my lifespan will be exhausted. Do you have the heart to watch me die?"

"Ah...but...but...Brother Zhang, you? Is there poison in the wine?" Wang Haocang's face suddenly changed, he glanced at Zhang Bingtian in shock, and then at the wine glass,

Feeling a colic in the body, the real essence was passing away quickly, and he slumped on the chair weakly.

He never dreamed that his brother for many years would harm him for half a piece of Cultivation Technique.

"Hehehe... I'm sorry, Brother Wang." Zhang Bingtian said with a complicated expression and a ghostly smile,

Then take away Wang Haocang's storage bag, erase his Divine Sense imprint,

After a while, he found the familiar sheepskin scroll in the storage bag.

"You..." Wang Haocang wanted to say something at first, but at this moment his brain was in a daze, which showed how terrifying the poison the other party had given, and even his Cultivation Base in the Nascent Soul period could not resist the erosion of the poison.

"Father! Is everything done?" At this moment, Zhang Haoyang estimated the time when Yu Jian would come back, and he didn't have any game in his hand.

Because all of this was planned by Zhang Bingtian, the reason why Zhang Haoyang was dismissed was because he was worried that Wang Haocang would not drink the poisoned wine if he found out the clues.

If the two of them fought at that time, he was afraid that his son would be involved, but what he didn't expect was that things would go so smoothly.

Zhang Bingtian nodded to his son, indicating that the work is done, then looked at Wang Haocang apologetically and said: "Brother Wang! Have a good journey!"

As he spoke, a long sword appeared in his hand, with a sharp sword light, it was directly approaching Wang Haocang's heart...

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