Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 216 Chalcedony Rock

In the Central Plains area of ​​Beichen Island, in a valley somewhere, as far as the eye can see, there are mountains all around, only a wide space in front of it,

The mountainside is shrouded in clouds and mist, and Yihong Qingquan flows down from the left side of the mountain, like a ray of light gauze hanging in front of the mountain. Coupled with the rich Spiritual Qi all around, this place is simply a rare and blessed place for cultivating truth.

In the wooden house, Wang Jingxuan successfully broke through from the Foundation Establishment early stage to the Foundation Establishment middle stage with the help of Lingquan Liquid.

Wang Jingxuan, who was slowly reaping the rewards, had joyful eyes in her beautiful eyes, and she wished she could tell the good news to her own Master Miexin immediately.

At this time, she found that she was wearing a fiery red dress, and a puzzled look flashed in her beautiful eyes. She didn't remember when she owned this suit.

Subconsciously touched the storage bag at the waist, and injected Divine Sense into it,

I found that apart from a few middle-grade Spirit Stones, there were more than ten sets of similar fiery red costumes, and there was a communication bead, and there was nothing else.

This made her even more confused, thinking: "When did I buy so many fancy clothes, I obviously don't like this kind of clothes."

Then she took out the communication bead and injected Divine Sense into it. There were three Divine Sense imprints inside, but she didn't know whose it was.

The word Jing Xuan was mentioned the most in the message, which seems to be the name of a woman. It seems that this woman named Jing Xuan has disappeared, and she has been asking her where she is.

And the other message was probably sent by the woman's companion, and the two seemed to be very intimate in the words.

Wang Jingxuan frowned slightly, what she hated the most in her memory was the things between men and women,

Just as he was about to continue checking the contents of the communication beads, the voice of Master Miexin came from the door.

Wang Jingxuan raised his hand and shot out a beam of real energy, and after opening the door, seeing the Master's heart extinguished, he said happily:

"Master! Look! I have broken through to the Foundation Establishment middle stage, do you still have the Lingquan Liquid? I want to take some more, hehehehe..."

"Hehehe...Don't panic, disciple, you need to proceed step by step in your cultivation. The teacher is here to give you a storage bag. There are some resources in it for your daily cultivation."

Mie Xin Daoist smiled kindly and said.

"Storage bag? Master! I don't know why, I also have a storage bag here, but it's full of things I don't like."

Wang Jingxuan took out the storage bag at his waist and handed it to Daoist Miexin.

"Of course this is not your storage bag, don't worry about it, just take a look at the resources prepared for you by the teacher,"

Master Mie Xin changed the subject, and took the storage bag from Wang Jingxuan's hand without leaving a trace.

Wang Jingxuan heard that the Divine Sense was injected into the storage bag given by the Master, and after seeing the contents inside, she immediately showed a surprised expression.

Immediately, she was grateful to Miexin Daoist, and praised Master as the best person in the world for her.

Master Miexin laughed heartily when he heard the words, he was very pleased, and praised that Juechen is very sensible, and that in the future Wangqingzong will be carried forward, relying on her,

And asked her to work hard to practice "Xuantian Wangqing", Wang Jingxuan naturally agreed to Master with joy.

With firm gazes in his eyes, after sending Master Miexin away,

Wang Jingxuan devoted herself to cultivation again.

Zhang Haoyang looked at everything his father had done indifferently. To be honest, Wang Jingxuan's departure changed his temperament drastically. No matter how good Wang Haocang was to him before,

Now that his father wanted to kill Wang Haocang, Zhang Haoyang didn't stir up any waves in his heart.

Just as Zhang Bingtian's long sword was less than one centimeter away from Wang Haocang's body,

Wang Haocang suddenly exploded, and the powerful energy forced Zhang Bingtian and his son to retreat tens of meters away.

"Pfft..." Wang Haocang's face was pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. Taking advantage of this gap, he activated a golden talisman, which emitted a dazzling light.

Immediately, a golden light flashed, and Wang Haocang's body instantly disappeared in place with the golden light, which was very mysterious.

"Big Teleportation Talisman!" Zhang Haoyang exclaimed,

Because all this happened so suddenly, even Zhang Bingtian never thought that Wang Haocang would use the big teleportation talisman to escape.

"Forget it! He was poisoned by my Nine Nether Mandala Flower, and he won't live long." Zhang Bingtian looked at the place where the golden light disappeared, and said expressionlessly. Biqu library

Then Zhang Bingtian took out the flying boat and hurriedly flew in the direction of Guang'an City,

Now that the dreamed Cultivation Technique has been obtained, Zhang Bingtian can't wait to practice that Cultivation Technique,

I fantasize in my heart that I will break through the Cultivation Base to the highest Realm, and then look down on the world......

Lu Chen stepped on the nine steps of Xuantian, his body turned into an afterimage, followed by Zhu Daoming, the mastermind behind the "Longevity Library",

About 50 kilometers away from Yun Luocheng in the wilderness, the two finally arrived at the location of the gold mine.

The gold mine is located in the rolling hills, under the mountain

There is a mine with a height of more than three meters, surrounded by random piles of sand and gravel.

Seeing this, Lu Chen shook his head inwardly. This primitive mining method is not only unsafe, but also time-consuming.

"You are waiting for me outside. Of course, you can also choose to run away," Lu Chen said coldly to Zhu Daoming, and then dodged into the mine without thinking.

"Ah?" Zhu Daoming was taken aback when he heard the words, and then showed surprise on his face.

He was about to run away but stopped, and then he found an open lot, Lotus Position, and sat down, ready to wait for the young senior to come out.

What he thought was that since the other party didn't kill him immediately, it means that the other party accepted the own proposal,

With such terrifying strength at the opponent's age, the future potential must be immeasurable, and maybe I can go further because of it.

Out of such considerations, Zhu Daoming did not choose to escape.

Lu Chen came to the bottom of the gold mine in a flash. The space at the bottom is slightly larger, about the size of two bedrooms.

There are a number of pole-thick logs supporting the top to prevent collapse, and the protective measures are extremely simple.

Right in front of them is a piece of brown rock, which is what they call a rock that cannot be shaken by human power.

"Hehehe...So that's it! Isn't this Chalcedony Rock? Could it be...hahaha..." Lu Chen excitedly said to himself.

Immediately, the black stone that gave birth to bitter bamboo was sacrificed, and Divine Sense controlled the high-speed rotation of the stone, poking at the chalcedony like turning the head,

With the miraculous hardness of the black stone and the high-speed rotation, it quickly pokes into the chalcedony,

At the bottom of the mine, there was a sudden burst of stone chips flying, and Lu Chen threw all the gravel out of the mine into the storage bag.

Anyway, there are many own storage bags, and they are all useless, just pretending to confuse others.

The formation conditions of chalcedony are extremely harsh and extremely hard. No wonder the Cultivation Base of Zhu Daoming Foundation Establishment early stage cannot be shaken.

This is not the key point. The key point is that the place with chalcedony indicates that the inner space of the mountain may be empty, and there is a high possibility of chalcedony exposed.

If you are lucky enough to encounter Millennium Chalcedony Dew, it will be heaven-defying,

Because the Millennium Stone Marrow Dew belongs to the category of ninth-level elixir, it can be used to refine the Stone Marrow Vitality Pill, and the healing effect is very good.

Lu Chen, who is a pill refining teacher, is very clear about this point,

That's why Lu Chen couldn't wait to dig into the belly of the mountain to find out...

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