Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 220 Distressed Mercenary Group

According to historical records left over from ancient times, the Tianyuan Continent consists of four continents, the Hopeless Sea and the Endless Forest.

The four continents are: Beichen Continent, Nanyou Continent, Dongxuan Continent, and Xiji Continent.

Beichen Continent is divided into three major regions: Southern Xinjiang, Central Plains, and Northern Territory.

Later, for unknown reasons, the Tianyuan Continent suffered drastic changes.

Not only that, the intercontinental teleportation array that originally connected the four continents was destroyed, so that the connection between the continents was cut off,

It also changed the laws of heaven and earth,

As a result, the Dzogchen cultivator in Beichen Continent was unable to ascend to the Immortal World, and finally sat down with hatred.

What is even more frightening is that there is no cultivator in the Beichen Continent.

These are all due to the long history and cannot be verified. No one knows what happened in the ancient times.

However, according to the existing records, the cultivator in Beichen has never stopped in the past tens of thousands of years. For the exploration beyond Beichen,

for example:

The Endless Forest Trial hosted by the Seven Sects of Southern Border.

The Hopeless Sea Trial hosted by the Nine Star Sect of the Central Plains.

A formation contest hosted by the Northern Territory Profound Array Palace.

Of course, these are things for later.

The Banyue Mountains are located in Yidu Prefecture in the southern part of the Central Plains, adjacent to the Beichen River.

The Beichen River is the largest river in Beichen Continent, spanning the entire Beichen Continent from west to east.

Lu Zhishen and Lu Su set out from Qianlingzhou in the southern Xinjiang, and after going through untold hardships, they traveled hundreds of thousands of miles with their swords.

Finally cross the Beichen River and reach the Banyue Mountains in Yidu Prefecture.

During the period, both of them experienced a lot of dangers, but fortunately, they both got through without any danger.

Lu Su also got a lot of exercise from it, and the Cultivation Base was upgraded from Foundation Establishment early stage to Foundation Establishment middle stage.

After the two found out the exact location of the Banyue Mountains, they flew directly to the Banyue Mountains with their swords.

The Horn couple were hunted down because they offended the Acacia Sect, and they fled to Vientiane City, where their wife died of serious injuries.

Later, with the help of Lu Chen, Horn's wife, Li Yanan, was successfully cured.

In order to thank Lu Chen, the two originally wanted to protect Lu Chen's comprehensiveness, but Lu Chen arranged for them to go to Yidu Prefecture in the Central Plains and set up the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

Because the two had previously run a mercenary group, plus Lu Chen's start-up capital,

So when the two came to Yidu Prefecture, they were familiar with the road, and they gave the team of the Chinese Mercenary Corps

Pulled up, about fifty people,

Among them, there are several cultivators of the Gold Core early stage and several cultivators of the Dzogchen fusion stage.

Horn also specially rented a three-story tower in Banyue City as the base camp of the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

But the team has been pulled up, but the newly established mercenary group, because it is not well-known, and there are many mercenary groups like this in Banyue City,

Moreover, after years of precipitation, they have a fixed source of customers in their hands.

Therefore, the life of the Chinese Mercenary Corps was not good, and within a few months they fell into the embarrassment of having no money.

In this regard, Horn also expressed his helplessness, and felt very ashamed of his trust in Lu Chen.

In the end, his wife Li Yanan suggested that some of the members should be disbanded for the time being, and the scale should be reduced, starting from a small size, and it will not be too late to expand the scale when it becomes well-known in the future.

In this way, the Chinese mercenary regiment, which originally consisted of 50 members, ended up with only five members left.

It also includes the Horns, and three other Foundation Establishment junior cultivators, two men and one woman.

In order to save money, the Chinese Mercenary Group could only move from the third-floor tower to the side of the Mercenary Street in Banyue City.

At the corner of another street, I rented a wooden bungalow with three bedrooms and one living room, and there was a simple small yard in front of the bungalow.

On weekdays, the Horn couple personally took three members to hunt and kill Demonic Beasts in the Half Moon Mountains, and then sold them to the corresponding chamber of commerce.

Occasionally, I also take on some small errand tasks. Although Spirit Stones doesn't make much money, the main thing is to keep the signboard of the Chinese Mercenary Corps, which can be regarded as accumulating customers in disguise.

Another reason why the Horn couple got into such a bad situation is that the overall level of body cultivator in the Central Plains is relatively higher than that in Southern Xinjiang.

For example, the cultivator of the Gold Core period in the Central Plains is similar to the cultivator of the fusion period in Southern Xinjiang.

Therefore, the Cultivation Base in the Gold Core period of the Horn couple does not have much advantage in the Central Plains.

"Dage! We must have found the wrong place, right?" Lu Su asked in disbelief, pointing to a dilapidated and open door.

Lu Zhishen and Lu Su came to the Banyue Mountains to look for the Chinese mercenary group that Lu Chen mentioned.

After inquiring, the mercenary regiments in this area will basically set up their base camp in Banyue City, which is less than ten kilometers away from the Banyue Mountain Range.

The two of them also went through untold hardships to find out the specific identity of the Chinese Mercenary Corps.

body position,

As a result, what they saw was far from what they had imagined.

If it weren't for the majestic and majestic plaque, which clearly wrote the five characters of the Chinese Mercenary Corps, even Lu Zhishen would think that he had found the wrong place.

"Go ahead and have a look!" After Lu Zhishen finished speaking, he walked into the yard first, followed by Lu Su.

"Two seniors! Welcome to the Chinese Mercenary Corps. My name is Yang Yuqin. Do you two seniors have any tasks for us to undertake?"

At this time, a woman with a handsome figure and exquisite facial features came out of the room on the far right. When she saw a guest coming, and she couldn't see the other party's Cultivation Base, she immediately greeted her warmly.

"Excuse me! Is your team leader called Horn? I have something to ask him." Lu Zhishen said politely after hearing the words and confirming that he did not go to the wrong place.

"Hehehe... So the senior knows our leader, our leader is surnamed Huo, he and other members went to the Half Moon Mountains to hunt and kill Demonic Beasts, and he should be back soon.

Please sit down with the two seniors, and I will make a cup of tea for the two seniors. "

Yang Yuqin politely led Lu Zhishen and Lu Su to the hall, and then went to prepare some spiritual tea for entertaining guests.

"Dage! You said that the mercenary group established by Lu Dage is so crude? If we join it again, I'm afraid there won't even be a place to live, hehehe..."

Lu Su looked at the surrounding environment and joked in a low voice.

"Hmph! Don't talk about you Lu Dage behind your back, have you forgotten? Who rescued you from the kidnappers?"

Lu Zhishen's face changed slightly when he heard the words, and he glared at Lu Su and said.

He was originally a straight-tempered person. Before departure, Lu Chen was able to entrust such a valuable storage bag to him for safekeeping.

This trust moved Lu Zhishen very much, and he had the urge to swear to die for his confidant.

After Horn received the message from Yang Yuqin's communication bead, he thought it was a business visit,

Immediately put down what he was doing, took the first step, and rushed back from the Half Moon Mountain Range.

Seeing that he didn't know Lu Zhishen and Lu Su, he was very puzzled, but since the other party could say his own name, there must be a reason for it.

"Hehehe... You two fellow daoists are being polite. I am the head of the Chinese Mercenary Corps. I wonder who you two are?"

Horn returned with cupped hands to Lu Zhishen and Lu Su, and said politely...

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