Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 221: The Great Righteousness Lu Xiaochen

Lu Chen saw that the middle-aged cultivator's eyebrows were somewhat similar to Wang Jingxuan,

I can't help but think of that fiery red dress, which outlines Miaoman's figure, tall figure, especially the beautiful legs with dual cultivation, which is even more imaginative, almond small face, big eyes, ponytail, youthful And lively Wang Jingxuan.

It is undeniable that every man likes beautiful women with long legs, and I am no exception.

Since the last time I had contact with Wang Jingxuan through the communication beads, I haven't received any more messages from her, and I don't know how Wang Jingxuan is doing recently.

Sighing lightly, Lu Chen withdrew his mind, thinking that saving lives was the most important thing right now.

Running the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in his body, Lu Chen shot out a beam of true energy towards the middle-aged cultivator, and the true energy quickly traveled through the middle-aged cultivator's body Meridians,

When Lu Chen took back the true essence, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he couldn't help but cursed:

"Fuck! It's actually the poison of the Jiuyou mandala flower, what's going on now?"

Lu Chen also knows the poison of Jiuyou Mandala flower, it is colorless, odorless, and highly toxic. Once the cultivator is poisoned by this poison, the true essence will collapse instantly, and the Meridians and Dantians in the whole body will be corroded.

The most important thing is that even the bosses in the Nascent Soul stage couldn't resist this poison, and the situation suddenly became worse.

With the ordinary detoxification pills on my body, it is definitely useless.

I have ten thousand years of stone marrow dew on my body, which can be used to refine ten thousand years of stone marrow vitality pills,

But I don't have the corresponding auxiliary medicinal materials. If I go to find the auxiliary medicinal materials for refining the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill,

It is estimated that by the time he refines the Medicine Pill, this person will be completely cold.

If you give him Wannian Stone Marrow Dew directly, it can solve the problem,

But this person's strength is extraordinary. After checking just now, Lu Chen discovered that this middle-aged cultivator is indeed a Nascent Soul late stage boss.

The ten-thousand-year chalcedony dew is extremely precious, what if I become a farmer in "The Farmer and the Snake"?

After thinking about it, for a while, Lu Chen was a little undecided whether to save him or not.

"Oh...forget it! Let it be fate!" Lu Chen sighed, and finally decided to stick to his heart,

Distressed, he took out a jade jar the size of a rice jar from the world of gold beads.

Controlled by Divine Sense, the middle-aged man's mouth was opened, and then a drop of milky white Wannian stone marrow dew dripped into the middle-aged man's mouth with a flashing halo. Biqu library


It was because this person was somewhat similar to Wang Jingxuan, and Lu Chen's perception was extraordinary, so he didn't feel that he would be in danger after doing this.

In the end, Lu Chen took out a drop of Wannian Stone Marrow Dew to treat the middle-aged cultivator.

The good fortune of thousands of years of stone marrow dew taking over the heaven and earth is formed by the gathering of the essence of heaven and earth, which is incomparably miraculous.

A white halo visible to the naked eye emerged from the middle-aged man's body, and his complexion immediately became rosy and shiny.

The weak breath gradually strengthened, and the exhausted vitality also began to become vigorous.

"I really didn't expect that the detoxification effect of this Wannian Stone Marrow Dew is so good. It seems that I have to find a way to find the auxiliary medicinal materials for refining the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill.

With the Wannian Stone Essence Vitality Pill, he can have another means of saving his life. Lu Chen murmured.

Not long after, the middle-aged cultivator woke up leisurely, feeling that there was nothing abnormal about his body, and his Cultivation Base had even improved, and he was very shocked.

Seeing Lu Chen standing not far away, Wang Haocang suddenly understood, got up and smiled:

"Hehehe... Thank you for saving my life, little friend, have you asked me about Gao's name?"

"Senior, you are welcome, Junior Lu Xiaochen, the master is Yu Tongwei, Elder of Shennongmen Shendan Pavilion, who happens to have the detoxification Medicine Pill refined by the master,

Just happened to pass by this place, which can be regarded as fate, and now that senior is fine, Junior will leave. "

Lu Chen cupped hands politely, under the banner of the old man Yu Tongwei, it means that I have no ability to save you, and all the credit goes to own Master Yu Tongwei.

"Hahaha... It's a chance meeting. It turns out that little friend is King Yu Dan's senior apprentice. Not long ago, I exchanged cups with Ling Shi in Qianyang City.

I didn't expect to be rescued by my little friend today. I don't want to thank you for my great kindness. I have some resources here and give them to my little friend. I hope you don't dislike me...uh..."

Wang Haocang smiled emotionally when he heard the words, and subconsciously touched the storage bag at his waist, but there was nothing at his waist.

Then I remembered that the own storage bag was snatched by Zhang Bingtian.

Embarrassed now, Wang Hao blushed and looked at Lu Chen embarrassedly.

When Lu Chen heard that the other party was going to give him resources for cultivation, his eyes suddenly lit up. Now is the time when he needs resources.

But seeing the other party touched half

Tian didn't come up with a trick, and thinking of the other party being poisoned, it is estimated that the storage bag was taken away by the person who poisoned him.

"Hehehe...senior! I still have something to do here, so I'll take my leave first. Let's meet again." Lu Chen cupped hands smiled wittily,

" can I do it, I haven't thanked you yet." Wang Haocang shouted when he heard that Lu Xiaochen was going to leave,

"You are welcome, senior. It is my duty as a cultivator to save lives and heal the wounded. Besides, this is just a small effort. Please forgive Junior and say goodbye first, goodbye!"

Lu Chen said with a dignified look,

After speaking, he threw out the Flying Sword "Qinghong", made a "bye" gesture to Wang Haocang, and then Yujian flew away.

Seeing Lu Chen leave, Wang Haocang thought to himself that Yu Tongwei had taken in a good apprentice.

Then he also dodges to leave. Not only has he recovered from the poisoning this time, but he also feels that his Cultivation Base has improved a lot, and there are faint signs of breakthrough. He needs to find a place for Closed Door Training to impact the Nascent Soul late stage.

There are three major regions in Beichen Continent, Southern Border, Central Plains, and Northern Territory.

Compared with Southern Xinjiang, the Central Plains is much stronger than Southern Xinjiang in terms of geographical area, total population of cultivators, and average Cultivation Base of cultivators.

There are countless forces of all sizes, and for tens of thousands of years, they have been in a situation where a hundred schools of thought contend and a hundred flowers bloom.

The most influential ones are, Ten Nine-Star Sect, Ten Cultivation Families, Rogue Cultivators Alliance, Pill City, Fengtian City, Zhutian City, etc.

For example, the Yan family was listed as one of the top ten cultivation families because of the relationship between the sword fairy Yan Feiyu. Even if Yan Feiyu disappeared, wouldn't there still be the protection of Kuang Dao Xiao Tian?

Therefore, no one dared to shake the status of the Yan family.

With the emergence of a new secret realm in southern Xinjiang, the big and small aristocratic families and other forces in the Central Plains received the news almost immediately.

The forces closely related to the seven sects naturally sent letters of congratulations, most of which were small forces.

The big influential forces in the Central Plains didn't care about this matter.

Hu Shilong, the prince of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, became interested in the secret realm of Yinfenggu.

So much so that when he just came back from southern Xinjiang, he didn't even see his father Hu Guangyi's face.

Then he set off again with Xia Ji and a group of entourages to Yinfeng Valley in Wuchuan Prefecture in southern Xinjiang.

However, what he didn't know was that after this trip, he would stay in southern Xinjiang forever...

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