In the Yinfeng Valley of Wuchuan Prefecture, tens of thousands of cultivators stood in the air at this moment, looking at the huge tornado in shock,

From time to time, cultivators would fly towards Yujian one after another.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, Shrouding the Heavens covered the sun, the clouds were mixed with lightning, and a huge tornado directly connected to the sky from the ground,

The howling tornado, with its terrifying power, made people dare not approach it.

At the top of the tornado, there is a huge translucent light curtain. The middle of the light curtain is pitch black, like a black hole, deep and mysterious.

The light curtain glowed with a faint golden brilliance, and mysterious runes shone around it.

Well-informed cultivators recognize that the light curtain is a portal, and as long as the cultivator passes through the portal, it can be teleported to another space like a teleportation array.

According to historical records, people speculate that this place should be one of the secret realms sealed by the Power cultivator in ancient times.

There must be immeasurable cultivation resources inside, but no cultivator dares to approach that portal.

Because there have been many before and after, the cultivator who thought he was a high-level Cultivation Base fell under the wind of a tornado, and his death was very tragic.

"Woo... woo..." At this time, there was a whine of a horn from a distance.

Immediately, everyone saw three huge flying ships with a length of 100 meters, arranged in a triangle, flying towards them from a distance at extremely high speed, with a very large momentum.

The speed is so fast that it arrives in front of everyone in almost a moment,

Immediately, countless cultivators flew down from the three flying ships, and then lined up neatly in the air. Some flew with swords, some flew in the air, and some teleported directly.

Soon, four large phalanxes were formed, and the Cultivation Bases were: fusion period, Gold Core period, Nascent Soul period and Expanding Aperture period.

This scene immediately attracted discussions from the surrounding cultivators.

"Brother! May I ask? When did Southern Border have such a powerful force? So many people were sent all at once,

Look at their four phalanxes, there are at least five or six thousand people, and there are more than one thousand seniors in the Expanding Aperture period of the light teleportation,

Such a lineup is already comparable to the Seven Star Sect in the Central Plains. "

Among the cultivators watching, there was a middle-aged cultivator whose cupped hands were shocked, and asked Yujian the cultivator standing beside him.

"Hehehe... fellow daoist is being polite! As soon as I heard what you said, I knew that you must not be from southern Xinjiang. This group of people was actually temporarily formed by the seven sects.

And it's only a small part. Generally, when encountering important events, the seven Sects will appear extraordinarily united. "The cultivator next to him smiled proudly.

The middle-aged cultivator fell into deep thought after hearing the words to thank the other party.

At this time, the last figure teleported from the flying ship to

In front of the three phalanxes,

I saw that the man was tall and burly, with a Chinese character face, and his eyes glared at Vajra, which made people dare not look directly at him. He looked about forty years old, and he was dressed in a black robe, which made him even more solemn.

The man glanced at the huge tornado in the distance, and then at the portal standing in the sky, a look of excitement flashed in his eyes,

Immediately, he lifted his true essence and said loudly:

"Old man Dai Zong, under the order of the Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center, came to check,

Within ten breaths of time, quickly retreat to three meters away, otherwise you will definitely be killed. "

Dai Zong's voice resounded through the sky like the roar of dragons and tigers, and his words were extremely domineering. All the tens of thousands of cultivators present could hear them clearly.

"I will kill you! I will kill you! I will kill you..." The cultivators behind Dai Zong shouted in unison, their voices were menacing and murderous, which made people feel terrified.


Dai Zong's words undoubtedly stirred up a thousand waves with one stone.

"Why? We came first. Could it be that people from the Seven Sects only bully others?" Many cultivators in the crowd complained.

"You don't want to die, that person is Dai Zong! The second head of the Shenshoushan headquarters, the Cultivation Base of the Expanding Aperture period, is ruthless and merciless.

People say: kill people without blinking an eye, eat people without putting salt, Dai Zong is also.

If you want to die, just stay here, but I'm leaving. "

At this time, a well-meaning cultivator reminded loudly, as if fleeing for his life, he hurriedly flew with his sword, leaving an afterimage on the spot.

In less than ten breaths, tens of thousands of cultivators, even if there are Powers in the Expanding Aperture stage, almost all retreated three kilometers immediately, obviously fearing Dai Zong's might. Biqu library

Dai Zong was very satisfied with the speed with which everyone present evacuated, with a smug smile on his face,

Immediately with a big wave of his hand, the people behind him followed him into the direction of the tornado, and then stayed within the safe range,

These news had already been spread to the Seven Sect Joint Operation Command Center, and Dai Zong naturally knew the horror of the tornado.

Some of the previous tens of thousands of cultivators have begun to leave, but there are still many left behind. They have speculated about what method the seven sects will use.

Or whether they can successfully enter the secret realm.

"Bring it up!" Dai Zong said coldly,

Then there was a special cultivator, and about 300 cultivators wearing death row uniforms came over,

For these condemned prisoners, the worst Cultivation Base is Nascent Soul early stage, and the highest Cultivation Base is actually the Expanding Aperture stage Dzogchen.

They were all captured by the Seven Sects, cultivators who committed capital crimes,

They were supposed to be executed, but someone suggested that these death row prisoners

As cannon fodder, explore the secret realm of Shadowwind Dale.

Dai Zong looked at these death row prisoners indifferently, and said coldly:

"You have committed heinous crimes, and you must die. Now I will give you a chance to live.

See that portal? As long as you can successfully enter the secret realm,

Then come out alive, your crimes can be forgiven, and you can leave safely. "

After Dai Zong finished speaking, a cultivator cast a spell to remove the seals on these death row prisoners.

"Hmph! Don't want us to be cannon fodder for you, brothers! Everyone escape according to their own abilities!"

A middle-aged cultivator wearing death row uniform No. 074 shouted indignantly,

After speaking, his body disappeared in place, and he teleported away directly.

He could tell at a glance that the tornado was unusual, it was dead anyway, so why not give it a try, what if he managed to escape?

"Hehehe..." Dai Zong heard that the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and several jade plaques appeared in his hand, he quickly selected the jade plaque No. 074,

With a "click", the jade tablet was directly crushed into pieces.

"Ah..." The moment the jade tablet was crushed,

A painful scream suddenly sounded.

The No. 074 cultivator, who teleported away, instantly appeared, lifeless,

Then straight from the sky, it fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

The sudden change made the remaining death row prisoners who were about to escape stop, and looked at Dai Zong in horror.

Seeing the jade card in Dai Zong's hand again, everyone remembered that when they were first captured, they all had a trace of their souls taken away.

If he escapes now, no matter where he flees to, as long as the other party crushes the jade tablet, he and the others will be wiped out, and their body will die.

"Hehehe... I advise you to explore the secret realm obediently, maybe you still have a chance to survive, otherwise I don't mind beheading you now,"

Dai Zong smiled faintly,

"Can you take what you say seriously? If we can come out alive, will we pardon our capital crimes?" the death row prisoner numbered 250 asked.

"Hehehe...Of course! I keep my word, should think about how to enter that portal first!"

Dai Zong smiled disdainfully.

"Okay! Brothers! We're all going to die anyway, we might as well fight it out, maybe we can walk out of the secret realm alive,"

The death row prisoner numbered 250 is a cultivator of the Expanding Aperture Dzogchen, who took the lead to stand up and shouted.

Seeing someone take the lead, everyone heard the words as if they had a backbone, and they all showed hope and determination.

Then he stepped into the air and flew towards the portal of the sky......

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