Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 223 Difficult To Enter The Portal

In the Yinfeng Valley of Wuchuan Prefecture in southern Xinjiang, the news of the new secret realm in this world quickly blows across hundreds of states in southern Xinjiang like a strong wind.

At the same time, it also reached the ears of Young Master Yu Xiao, who originally liked to travel around,

When he heard the news that a new secret realm appeared, he immediately set off from Banyue City in the Central Plains to the southern border.

Before setting off, Mr. Yu Xiao also took out the communication beads and sent a message to his friend Lu Chen, explaining his whereabouts, to see if he could see him again.

In principle, Lu Chen has saved Mr. Yu Xiao twice,

The first time was in the branch dungeon of Yaxing, and the second time was when he was on the way to find Zixuan's disappearance, and was attacked by a flame magic bird comparable to the cultivator in Nascent Soul period.

At that time, Young Master Yu Xiao thought that Lu Chen would fall because of this, which made him sad for a long time.

He planned in his heart to wait for some achievements in cultivation in the future, and then come back to kill the Flame Magic Bird to avenge Lu Chen.

Later, when he received the news that Lu Chen was safe and sound, Mr. Yu Xiao was naturally very happy.

As the only good friend in Southern Xinjiang, before Mr. Yu Xiao rushed to Southern Xinjiang, the first thing he thought of was Lu Chen.

In Shun'an City, after Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, and Zhao Chengzhi returned from Qianyang City, they returned to their former lives.

In addition to practicing, I occasionally help the family with some business matters.

The vision of the world in Yinfeng Valley is suspected to be the existence of a secret realm in ancient times, and the three brothers have naturally heard a lot of rumors.

So Zhao Chengzhi invited the two of them to meet in the Spiritual Breath Building, and discussed whether they should go to Wuchuan Prefecture together to see if they could get some breakthrough opportunities?

"Hehehe... What do you guys say, do you want to go to Yinfeng Valley together? It's a secret realm sealed in ancient times. Don't you guys feel tempted?"

Zhao Chengzhi smiled at Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang, raised his glass after speaking, and drank the spiritual wine in the glass.

What should be said and what should not be said, he has already said very clearly just now, it is time for the two of them to express their views,

The three brothers grew up together since they were young. They went to the same window together, carried guns, and went through a prosperous life. They have a very strong relationship, so if there is any important matter, the three brothers will discuss it together.

"Don't go, just our Cultivation Base, what can we do if we go? It's better to practice at home with peace of mind.

The last time you asked us to go to Qianyang City, we had no money at the auction, so we could only stare blankly at the competition, and met some Zong Sandai with strong backgrounds, which made me feel like

Sitting on pins and needles, but not daring to offend them,

I can't go with you this time, there must be nothing good. "

Qi Yutang put down his wine glass and said impatiently.

Yang Yunfei nodded in agreement with Qi Yutang's statement.

"Uh...hehehe...isn't this an accident? I didn't know it would be like this, but didn't we also gain a lot of knowledge?"

Zhao Chengzhi blushed when he heard this, and smiled awkwardly,

Several people argued for a few more words, and finally, because Yang Yunfei and Qi Yutang did not agree with anything, Zhao Chengzhi had nothing to do with them, so the matter had to be shelved.

In Yinfeng Valley, more than three hundred death row prisoners stepped into the air and flew into the sky together. Although they felt the terrifying momentum of the tornado,

But I don't know how terrifying it is, but Dai Zong and the others don't know the scene on the other side of the portal, so let them go and check it first to see if there is any danger inside.

This reason is actually reasonable, so in order to survive, these death row prisoners flock to it.

"Whirring whirring……"

The huge tornado made a terrifying whistling sound, and the dark clouds were mixed with lightning and thunder.

Even if the 300 prisoners on death row had activated their body-protecting qi, they still felt uneasy.

Just as everyone was approaching the range of more than 2,000 meters from the tornado,

The death row prisoner flying in the front suddenly felt his body being pulled violently by a burst of infinite force,

Even if they resisted desperately and wanted to turn back, it was too late and it didn't help. Their bodies lost control instantly and were sucked in the direction of the tornado.

"Ah... help... help..." Suddenly there were screams and cries for help.

"Retreat...retreat..." The death row prisoner numbered 250 saw that the situation was not good, his eyes were fixed, and he quickly mobilized his true energy and shouted loudly to retreat.

In fact, even if he didn't shout, the death row inmates behind had already noticed that something was wrong, and retreated back one after another, and didn't stop until they felt that there was no danger.

Looking in horror at the roughly one hundred companions whose bodies were constantly rolling in the air,

Soon those people were sucked into the tornado, the strong wind visible to the naked eye, with a cold and biting breath,

Like chopping melons and chopping vegetables, more than a hundred people were strangled to death, and there was another scream, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The breeze blew past, making the backs of the remaining 200 or so death row prisoners feel cold, and their legs could not stop.

Live trembling.

They didn't expect the tornado to be so terrifying, which made them dare to approach again,

Among the hundred or so people before, there were a few cultivators who had reached the Dzogchen in the Expanding Aperture period, and even they could not survive the disaster, let alone the rest.

When Dai Zong saw this, his face was gloomy for a while. Hearing is delusion, seeing is believing. He glanced at the portal in the sky, and couldn't help but feel powerless in his heart.

"Hey... as expected, it is still the case. It seems that the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley will become a dangerous place again. Even the cultivator of the Great Perfection in the Expanding Aperture failed to board the portal.

I am afraid that only the Power of the Fractionated Divinity period may be able to board the portal! . "Someone in the crowd of cultivators sighed.

"Hmph! There are only three in Beichen Province during the Fractionated Divinity period. Yan Feiyu senior disappeared again, and Kongqiu senior specialized in pill refining.

Could it be that you called Kuang Dao Xiao Tian senior? If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be a huge loss for our Beichen Continent? . "The cultivator beside the man echoed.

"That's right... It seems that the seven major sects have nothing to do with this tornado, so let's go! There's nothing to see, it's better to go back and practice with peace of mind, it's really coming."

Another cultivator sighed, and flew away directly with Yujian after speaking.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Try again!" Dai Zong looked at the remaining death row prisoners and said in a cold voice.

" won't go, I have to go by yourselves, I don't want to die without a whole body." At this time, the cultivator numbered 174 said in horror,

He was terrified by the scene just now, he was going to die anyway, there must be a better way to die.

Sure enough, many more prisoners on death row heard the words and began to disobey the command.

"Hmph... Since you want to die, I'll make it happen for you," Dai Zong immediately crushed the soul jade tablet numbered 174.

With the sound of cracking jade shattering, the Nascent Soul stage Dzogchen cultivator numbered 174 screamed, then lost consciousness, and then the body fell to the ground at an extremely fast speed, life and death disappeared.

"You..." Another death row prisoner, who couldn't understand Dai Zong's actions, was about to reprimand him, only said a word, and then followed the death row of the death row prisoner just now.

"Who else? Who else wants to die now, I will fulfill him immediately, and if he doesn't want to die, go to the portal right now."

Dai Zong looked at these death row prisoners expressionlessly, and threatened...

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