Through the spherical formation light curtain, Jiang Dayan fixed his eyes on the terrifying tornado directly in front of him.

While controlling the formation light curtain to fly backward desperately, to resist the suction of the tornado and achieve the effect of deceleration.

While carefully observing the changes of the formation light curtain, if there is anything abnormal, he can escape immediately.

When he was refining the formation flag, he actually saved his hand. If something happened, he would immediately set up a small formation light curtain, just like protecting the body, and then teleport away.

Seeing that he moved a hundred meters forward, he and other cultivators in the Expanding Aperture stage could teleport into the portal.

As for the life and death of the cultivator in the remaining Nascent Soul period, Jiang Dayan didn't think about it at all.


"Kacha...Kacha Kacha Kacha..."

The spherical formation light curtain was like shattering glass, with continuous clicking sounds, and then terrible cracks appeared on the surface of the formation light curtain, and then all shattered.

Jiang Dayan was frightened out of his wits, and quickly threw out several formation flags, and an own formation light curtain just enough to accommodate him was formed instantly.

I saw Jiang Dayan disappearing in place in an instant, but he still underestimated the attraction of the tornado. Even if he teleported, he still couldn't escape the fate of being sucked into the tornado.

"Hoo hoo hoo..." The whistling sound of the tornado lost the sound insulation effect of the formation light curtain, and it was immediately heard clearly by everyone.

At the same time, because of the powerful attraction of the tornado, everyone lost control of their bodies in an instant and kept spinning in the air.


Countless screams, mixed with remorse, fear, and helplessness, were sucked into the tornado not long after, and the body was shredded by the fierce wind like chopping melons and vegetables.

Countless blood mist burst out in the air again, like gorgeous red fireworks, blooming in an instant and then disappearing quickly, the bloody smell in the air became even stronger.

Seeing this, Dai Zong also had a gloomy face, feeling that he was at a disadvantage.

He finally won the opportunity to be famous for thousands of years. If it succeeds, it will be fine, and he can leave behind the reputation of pioneering a new secret realm.

If he failed, wouldn't he be a joke?

"Hey...after all, it still failed!" Tens of thousands of cultivators onlookers shook their heads and sighed.

"That's right! This tornado is so evil. In my opinion, unless the power of the transformation stage appears in the world, it is possible to resist this tornado and reach the portal." Among the crowd watching cultivator, a

said the young cultivator and his companions.

"Cut... It's up to you to say, but is there still a cultivator in Beichen now? Besides, there are some things that cannot be solved with a high Cultivation Base.

Just like the Canglan secret realm can only be entered by cultivators below the fusion stage, and the Tianyinshan secret realm can only be entered by cultivators below the Nascent Soul stage, okay? "

The young cultivator's companion retorted disdainfully.

While the two were arguing with each other, between the two,

Suddenly, a tall and burly figure appeared like a ghost.

This frightened the two of them to death, and after seeing the appearance of the visitor, their hearts became even more horrified.

Isn't this just Dai Zong who "kills people without blinking an eye, eats people without putting salt in them", what is he doing here, did he hear what he said just now?

"Ex...senior..." Both of them were just cultivators who merged the middle stage, never thought that the two of them were bragging, and actually attracted Dai Zong, the god of death, and hurriedly bowed down and said respectfully.

"What did you just say?" Dai Zong pointed at the slightly fat cultivator.

Just now, Dai Zong, who was at a loss what to do, overheard the two of them arguing about something. He seemed to have an idea and thought of something, but he missed the key point.

"Ah? Just now? What did I just say? Back... back to senior, I didn't say anything just now." Fatty cultivator panicked,

I was afraid that if I said something wrong, it would attract the dissatisfaction of this murderous god, and I would suffer an unwarranted disaster,

"Hmph! Say again what you two argued just now, or I will throw you into the tornado." Dai Zong said coldly with an unhappy face.

The two cultivators were even more scared out of their wits when they heard the words, and tremblingly said what they had argued before.

After Dai Zong's figure disappeared, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other as if they were alive after a catastrophe, and then Yu Jian ran away desperately.

Dai Zong was inspired by the words of the two, if the other end of the portal is really one of the secret realms that were sealed in ancient times,

Then it is very likely that entering the secret realm will restrict the realm of the cultivator. This is also the good intention of the ancient sages to take care of the low-level cultivator.

Take the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain that is opened every hundred years as an example. Didn’t a large number of Expanding Aperture period cultivators fall at the beginning?

As a result, it was found that only Gold Core period cultivator can enter the secret realm,

The cultivator at Nascent Soul stage and above will be restricted by the Restrictions in the secret realm

The higher the cultivator's Cultivation Base, the greater the strength of the Restrictions.

Before this, no one thought in this direction, and I believe that some people in the Seven Sects will definitely think of this.

But Dai Zong, as the vanguard, would be a great achievement if he could take the lead in solving these problems.

Dai Zong squinted his eyes at the people he brought, thinking about the next countermeasures.

There is no need to ask them to try the Nascent Soul stage and Expanding Aperture stage. The cultivators of these two levels have already died beforehand.

On the contrary, it is a cultivator in the fusion stage and the Gold Core stage, because no one dares to try because they know that their strength is low.

Therefore, Dai Zong came to the phalanx of cultivators in the Gold Core stage and fusion stage,

Through the sound transmission of Divine Sense, the tornado may have the problem of restricting the cultivator Realm, roughly speaking,

It means that I need it now, choose from each of their two squares:

There will be one cultivator for early stage fusion, middle stage fusion, late stage fusion, and Dzogchen for fusion stage, one for Gold Core stage cultivator, and so on.

Let these cultivators act as death squads to explore the secret realm, and hope that they will stand up enthusiastically, regardless of success or failure,

As a member of the Death Squad, it will be recorded in the annals of history, and his immediate family or family will receive a generous amount of cultivation resources as a reward.

If you have children, you can also directly get the key training of Sect.

Dai Zong's words immediately caused an uproar from the cultivators in the two phalanxes, who all whispered.

These people know about the restrictions of the secret realm on the cultivator Realm, but they don't know which Realm's cultivator is specifically restricted.

So most people still didn't dare to risk themselves, and lowered their heads one after another, fearing that Dai Zong would draw them.

But there were also people who chose to take the initiative to stand up. No matter what the reason was, eight cultivators who met the requirements came to Dai Zong with their own swords.

"Hehehe... Not bad! Not bad! You are worthy of being good men in southern Xinjiang, come here! Register their information in detail. After the matter is over, I will ask for credit for them." Dai Zong saw that someone was willing to take the initiative to stand up , I smiled happily in my heart.

After the registration of the eight cultivators, Yujian stood in the air neatly,

Everyone has serious expressions, with firm eyes in their eyes, looking at the huge tornado, praying in their hearts that they can return safely,

There is a tragic feeling of "the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return when he is gone"......

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