Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 226: Fish Leaping Over The Dragon Gate

After Lu Chen rescued the middle-aged cultivator whose brows resembled Wang Jingxuan, he saw that his purse was inconvenient,

In order to avoid embarrassment, and I really have something to do, I bid farewell to him in a hurry.

According to my previous plan, after going home to see my parents, I will go to Yinfeng Valley to practice body training with the help of Gangfeng.

Then find a way to get some Spirit Stones, take the Rongsheng Pill, so as to break through to the fusion late stage.

When Lu Chen came near Yinfeng Valley, he saw cultivators flying from the direction of Yinfeng Valley from time to time,

At the same time, there were also many cultivator figures flying towards Yinfeng Valley from other directions.

Many of them were cultivators who were flying through the air, Lu Chen frowned slightly when he saw this,

According to the introduction on the map Jade Slip, Yinfeng Valley is a barren land with very poor resources. Logically speaking, there should be very few cultivators passing by such a place.

Lu Chen guessed that something happened in Yinfeng Valley that he didn't know about.

Then he replaced the flying boat with an ordinary Magic Treasures long sword, a low-key imperial sword, and continued to fly in the direction of Yinfeng Valley.

After flying for another half an hour, a large cloud appeared in the sky ahead, and there were more cultivators going around.

With doubts in his heart, Lu Chen moved on.

After another ten minutes or so, the first thing I saw in the distance was a huge tornado.

Between the dark clouds on the tornado, there is a formation light curtain emitting golden light, standing in the sky like a huge door frame,

The contrast with the surrounding dark clouds, lightning and thunder is very magical.

As Yu Jianfei continued to approach, what he saw made Lu Chen shout in his heart:

"Fuck me! How come there are so many people? Is there any heaven-defying treasure in the world? Then how can I train my body?"

Because the sky in front of you is full of people, densely packed from top to bottom, almost occupying the entire sky.

"What kind of treasure can attract so many people to stop and watch." Lu Chen Yujian was shocked after a short stay in the air.

Then in the low-altitude area, finding an opening, Yu Jian flew over.

What he saw stunned Lu Chen even more. He saw a giant tornado with a diameter of at least 1,500 meters connecting the sky from the ground.

It is rotating at high speed on the spot, and the strong wind visible to the naked eye makes people see

He was so frightened, and there was still a faint smell of blood in the air.

Looking around, the periphery of the tornado is full of people, standing in the air around the tornado like a wall of people, and there are at least 70,000 to 80,000 people by visual estimation.

Inside the high-altitude human wall, there are four square formations composed of cultivators. There are eight figures lined up in front of the square formation.

Because of the relatively long distance, and Lu Chen was in a low-altitude area, the naked eye could almost only see groups of black figures.

Discussions among cultivators came from time to time around, some lamented the horror of the tornado, some lamented the tragedy of hundreds of death row prisoners, some guessed the outcome of the eight people, etc.

Hearing these words, Lu Chen was confused and confused during the second battle.

So curiously, he patted the shoulder of the cultivator beside him, who seemed to be more talkative, and smiled embarrassingly:

"Hehehe... This fellow daoist, can you tell me what happened here? Why are there so many people here?"

"You're blind! Don't you know how to see...uh..." The cultivator who was suddenly patted on the shoulder by Lu Chen was startled, and immediately turned around and said in a displeased tone.

When I found that I couldn't see the other party's Cultivation Base, I felt a little bit in my heart, wondering why there would be a senior cultivator in the low-altitude area during the Foundation Establishment period. Isn't this self-defeating?

Immediately, he showed a flattering smile and said: "Hehehe... I'm sorry senior, I don't know why senior is here, if I offended you just now, please forgive me senior."

"'s okay! Please tell me everything you know!"

Lu Chen doesn't care about the tone of the other party, after all, he is also a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period, and it is normal to have a little temper.

After the cultivator's narration, Lu Chen finally figured out the whole story,

No wonder I felt a faint smell of blood in the air just now. It turned out that hundreds of people died all at once not long ago.

At the same time, he was shocked by the horror of the tornado in front of him. Even though he really wanted to enter the new secret realm, he didn't dare to joke about his own life.

At this time! Eight cultivators in the sky, each drank a glass of Zhuangxing wine, and then crushed the wine glass,

Immediately under the attention of everyone, Yu Jian flew towards the tornado.

The Cultivation Base of these eight people is respectively, from fusion early stage to Gold Core stage Dzogchen, one for each small level,

All the cultivators on the scene guessed the seven Sects

Moves, especially the cultivators in the integration period and Gold Core period are more excited,

If this move is successful, then they will all have the opportunity to enter the secret realm that has been dusty for tens of thousands of years,

One can imagine how rich the resources are, and it is exciting to think about it.

However, when the eight cultivator swords approached the tornado nearly two kilometers away, everyone suddenly felt themselves being pulled by a powerful attraction,

The body lost control in an instant, flying towards the tornado like a leaf in a strong wind.

Immediately, several people screamed in horror.

Seeing this, Dai Zong and the cultivator in the phalanx behind him also showed solemn expressions, thinking that these eight people may be in danger.

When the eight people were all sucked into the tornado, another burst of blood mist spread.

"Hey... It seems that we all guessed wrong, and these people took their lives indiscriminately," similar voices of regret continued to be heard from the crowd.

"Huh? No! Look! Three people are still alive, or five...hahaha...they succeeded!" Many of the cultivators onlookers pointed to the sky and said in surprise,

"Hahaha... It seems that the tornado is really like a legend, and there is a Realm restriction on the cultivator.

If this is the case, then we can also pass through the terrible tornado, but we don't know if there is any danger at the other end of the portal. "

There are cultivators who are excited to share their own ideas with the cultivators around them.

Dai Zong and the cultivator behind him breathed a sigh of relief seeing that someone was still alive.

At this time, the remaining five cultivators were already holding their swords, approaching the golden portal, and their speed also began to slow down.

It seems very difficult to go upstream like a fish leaping over a dragon's gate.

Seeing that a few people are about to get rid of the powerful attraction of the tornado and rush into the portal,

Suddenly, the five people fell down at an extremely fast speed, which shocked tens of thousands of people, and they all stared at the sky nervously.

Lu Chen was also infected by the surrounding atmosphere, his heart was in his throat, and he prayed in his heart that they must succeed, so that he could also enter the secret realm.

Under the attention of everyone, the five people did not disappoint everyone. After sliding down for a certain distance, they flew up desperately.

Then, like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate, after going through all kinds of hardships, they got rid of the shackles and flew into the portal with the flashing mysterious runes...

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