Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 227 Realm Restrictions

Central Plains, Banyue City, Yidu Prefecture,

According to the information in the communication Zhuli, Li Yanan led Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, and pushed open the door of the first-class No. 1 private room of "Celestial Immortals Residence" with a cold expression.

Seeing the table full of exotic animals and Spiritual Qi's rich wine,

I thought to myself that this month was a waste of time, because the dishes on this table are worth a lot at first glance,

Li Yanan's face became even more ugly, and when he saw the happy smile on Horn's face, he felt even more angry.

Huo En, Lu Zhishen and Lu Su were calling each other brothers, and when they exchanged cups and cups, they saw the door of the room being pushed open suddenly, and they all followed their reputation.

Lu Zhishen saw that the face of the visitor was cold and aggressive, and he could not see the Cultivation Base of the other party. He looked at Horn suspiciously, as if asking:

"Is this your wife?"

Horn mentioned before that his wife would come later, and now a woman opened the door, Lu Zhishen preconceived the identity of the woman, but unexpectedly, his sister-in-law didn't seem very happy.

Lu Su lowered his head, pretending that nothing happened, Dage would resist the sky falling anyway.

Seeing his wife's angry eyes, Horn thought to himself: "It's bad, my wife must have misunderstood that I was eating and drinking again and wasting money recklessly."

Immediately, he quickly sent a voice transmission to his wife Divine Sense, explaining the cause and effect of the matter clearly,

He also emphasized that these two brothers were sent by Lu Chen to deliver resources, so I can't treat them badly, can I?

After Li Yanan heard the words, she was shocked at first, and then said with a happy smile:

"Hehehe... It's been hard for the two brothers to come from afar. Please forgive me for the poor hospitality. I feel sad because I didn't catch Demonic Beasts.

I was so negligent just now, I hope the two brothers don't mind, we will be a family in the future. "

After speaking, he walked to the table, sat next to Horn, and motioned for Zhang Long and Zhao Hu to sit down together.

Zhang Long and Zhao Hu were naturally full of joy. They had never even seen these dishes, let alone ate them.

"Hehehe... Mrs. sister-in-law is being polite, please forgive me if I disturb you in the future, I will do it first as a respect, you can do whatever you want!"

Lu Zhishen didn't dare to take it too seriously when he heard the words, raised his glass of spirit wine high, and drank it all in one gulp, looking very bold. Biqu library

Li Yanan greeted everyone with a smile to eat and drink, and secretly transmitted Divine Sense to her husband, her tone full of complaints:

"Okay you! I think you are drifting away. You don't dare to discuss with my mother, just spend so many Spirit Stones,

You know these Spirit Stones are Lu Chen

It was given to us to develop the Chinese mercenary group, but you used it to eat and drink, and wait to see how I deal with you when I go back. "

"Uh... Ma'am! They came to join us tens of thousands of miles away, and brought so many Spirit Stones and Medicine Pills, the total value of which is more than three million middle-grade Spirit Stones,

And on the way, no money was moved, such brothers will have to suffer with us in the future,

Didn't I just spend a little money to clean them up? I don't dare to do it anymore, okay? "

Horn hurriedly explained through voice transmission that if his wife got angry, he would not be able to stop him, nor would he dare to stop her.

"Hmph! For the sake of the Spirit Stones, I will spare you this time. With the Spirit Stones, we can prepare for the mercenary competition held in Yidu Prefecture.

If we get good results at that time, our Chinese Mercenary Corps will also be able to develop, and it is not in vain of Brother Lu Chen's painstaking efforts. "

Li Yanan thoughtfully transmitted the sound to Horn Divine Sense.

"Ah? Ma'am! With the strength of our Chinese Mercenary Corps, wouldn't it be too rash to participate in the competition?" Horn greeted Lu Zhishen while communicating with his wife.

Horn naturally knew about the "Soldier King Cup" mercenary competition hosted by the Central Plains Mercenary Federation. This kind of competition was of great significance to the mercenary group.

But Horn knows the situation in his own group best. Sometimes he can't even take the blame, so how can he have the strength to participate in the competition?

"Isn't there still half a year left? With these resources, we can definitely prepare and plan,

Do you want to hand over such a mercenary group to Brother Lu Chen when he comes? " Li Yanan said decisively.

"Hehehe... Madam decides all of that, and I will do as I please." Horn said to his wife Divine Sense in a voice transmission.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, everyone gets along very well,

Such a small group basically has no rules at all, everyone is like a family, and Lu Zhishen and Lu Su quickly integrated into them.

In Yinfenggu, Wuchuan Prefecture, an eight-member death squad composed of cultivators who have integrated the early stage to the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen, under the attention of everyone,

Finally, five people successfully entered the portal.

This also confirms that entering the secret realm does restrict the realm of the cultivator, and at the same time laments the good intentions of the ancient sages.

Just because the distance is too far, the tornado has a devouring effect on Divine Sense,

Therefore, it is difficult for everyone to watch with the naked eye.

It is the specific body cultivator who distinguishes those five people. Only after they come out, everything will come to light.

The task of the five people is to get a preliminary understanding of the environment in the secret realm, and it doesn't require them to stay for a long time or search for any resources.

And it was agreed in advance that if someone can come out alive, they still have the opportunity to enter the secret realm again.

"Look, look! Someone came out, huh? Why is one missing, and the others seem to be injured, is there any danger in the secret realm?" Someone in the crowd shouted, pointing at the sky.

"Why did they come out so soon? It's only been an hour or two. Could it be that something terrible happened to them?" Someone among the cultivators watching was counting the time and shouted in doubt.

In fact, even if he didn't shout, almost everyone was staring at the portal in the sky, and they would naturally know clearly when there was any movement.

It didn't take long for the four figures to fly with their swords, and they flew back to Dai Zong with the help of two.

It's amazing to say that the few people worked so hard to break through the terrifying tornado and enter the secret realm.

But when several people came out from the secret realm, they didn't seem to be affected by the tornado in the slightest.

This kind of discovery made everyone marvel at the good intentions of the ancients and the mystery of the tornado.

Dai Zong looked at the four people with satisfaction. Their contributions to southern Xinjiang will be recorded in the annals of history forever, and their names will last forever.

Seeing that they were all injured, but luckily they were not in danger, Dai Zong breathed a sigh of relief.

Quickly ordered someone to treat them, and then began to ask about the tornado and the situation in the secret realm, why did another one fall?

"Four seniors came out alive. They all looked injured, and one senior died. It is estimated that there is immeasurable danger in the secret realm." A young cultivator beside Lu Chen sighed.

"Yes! It seems that we have no chance to enter that ancient secret realm." The Foundation Establishment period cultivator next to the young cultivator echoed.

Lu Chen looked up and saw the portal with mysterious rune flashing in the sky, and then looked at the four cultivators who came back. Lu Chen estimated that this secret realm should be set up for cultivators during the fusion period.

Immediately there was a fiery look in his eyes, because if this is really the case,

Isn't that so? I also have the opportunity to enter the secret realm. I believe that there are not a few cultivators who have such an idea, but no one has acted rashly.

They are all waiting for the decision of Dai Zong of the Seven Sects......

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