Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 228: The Gospel Of The Cultivator During The Fusion Period

Qianling Prefecture is the headquarters of the Seven Sects,

Except that Shennongmen relocated its headquarters to Yulin Prefecture because of the pleasant climate and spring-like seasons in Yulin Prefecture, which is more suitable for the cultivation of spiritual herbs.

The headquarters of the remaining six sects are all set up in Qianling Prefecture, and the former site of Shennongmen is usually occupied by the deputy head.

This time the new secret realm of Yinfeng Valley appeared, the head of Shennongmen, Qingxu Zhenren, specially rushed from Yulin Prefecture to Qianling Prefecture to participate in the summit meeting.

After a resolution, the Seven Sect Joint Operation Command Center will be temporarily set up at the former site of Shennongmen, on Wuling Peak.

The former site of Shennongmen is located in the middle of Qianling Prefecture, in the Wuling Mountains.

This place is steeped in mountains and rich in spiritual energy, and it is a rare and blessed place for cultivating truth.

Since ancient times, there has been a literati cultivator who wrote poems praising:

"Looking horizontally, it becomes a ridge and a side becomes a peak,

The distance is different.

I don't know the true face of Wuling,

Only because of enlightenment in this mountain. "

It roughly means: If you look at Wuling Mountain from the front or side, the mountains are rolling and rising, and the peaks are towering.

If you look at it from a distance, near, high, or low, it will look different.

The reason why the true face of Wuling Mountain cannot be discerned is because the Spiritual Qi here is rich,

Once the cultivator enters Wuling Mountain, it is easy for the cultivator to enter enlightenment.

This also describes the extraordinary site of Shennongmen from the side, which is very suitable for cultivator practice.

On Wuling Peak, there is a majestic Great Hall that exudes vicissitudes and simplicity. It makes people feel that this Great Hall has gone through countless years.

At this moment, in the Great Hall, the heads of the seven Sect headquarters gathered together.

They are:

Head of Tianyan Sect, Ouyang Qingkong

Head of Xuantian Sect, Situ Xuanye,

Head of the Albizia Sect, Hua Changshou,

The head of the Xuan Artifact Pavilion, Qiao Yifeng,

The head of the Jade Girl Palace, Shangguan Zhiruo,

The head of Shennongmen, Qingxu real person,

The head of Divine Beast Mountain, Chu Tianxiong.

The main members of the seven Sect joint operations command centers are composed of these people,

This is also the second time that the heads of the seven Sects have gathered together since the Everlasting Forest.

Because it is on the site of Shennongmen, Daoist Qingxu sat directly above the Great Hall, and the other six big bosses sat down one by one.

"Hehehe... Fellow daoists! I believe you all know the message sent by Dai Zong. Next, we will discuss how to organize cultivators to enter the secret realm and how to distribute the final income."

Daoist Qingxu was the first to speak, even though he only had the Cultivation Base of the Nascent Soul stage of Dzogchen at the moment, but his momentum was not inferior to any of the big shots present.

"It's not easy, everything follows the old rules, and our seven Sect

Jointly manage the secret realm, set the opening time, and as for the distribution, it will be distributed equally among each case,"

Hua Changshou, the head of the Hehuan Sect, said without thinking.

"But according to the news, there are at least 70,000 to 80,000 cultivators watching in Yinfeng Valley at the moment.

If it is not handled properly, it may affect the reputation of our seven schools, so this matter has to be discussed in the long term. "

At this time, Shangguan Zhiruo, the head of the Jade Maid Palace, said in a charming voice, her voice was very sweet and melodious.

"I propose! This time we don't limit the number of people. As long as the cultivators meet the requirements, they can enter the secret realm. We just need to organize people... so... this..."

Ouyang Qingkong proposed to be the head of Tianyanzong.

After hearing the words, everyone felt that this method was feasible. It could not only reduce the loss of the disciples of the seven sects, but also obtain enough benefits, and they all supported it.

After all, the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley has been dusty for a long time, and it is the first time to appear in the world. The richness of resources in it must be astonishing, and there are so many people watching,

It is also impossible for the seven sects to have exclusive access to them. It is better to use the power of the vast cultivator to obtain the maximum benefit.

Seeing that everyone had no other opinions, Master Qingxu issued a final decision to Dai Zong on behalf of the Seven Sect Joint Operation Command Center.

And the forces that invite the Central Plains to establish a friendly and mutual assistance relationship with the seven major sects to participate in the exploration of the secret realm.

At the same time, it was ordered that the seven major Sect joint combat formations immediately march to the Beichen River to start a three-month military exercise.

In the Yinfeng Valley of Wuchuan Prefecture, Dai Zong dispatched eight members of the Death Squad to successfully find out the detailed information of the secret realm and send it to the Seven Sect Joint Operations Command Center.

Then patiently wait for the reply from the above, and organize all the cultivators in the Expanding Aperture period to maintain the order of the scene and avoid people acting alone.

I also told everyone to wait patiently for the decision of the Seven Sect Joint Operation Command Center, otherwise it would be an enemy of the Seven Sect.

Therefore, all the cultivators present did not have any opinions after hearing the words. Anyway, they have been waiting for so many days, and it is not too late.

It turned out that after preliminary exploration by the Death Squad, there was indeed a world at the other end of the teleportation array. The exact area was unknown, but it must be very large.

The Spiritual Qi inside is as dense as a white mist, various high-level spiritual herbs can be seen everywhere, and there are countless god-level refining materials, etc.

In various manifestations, the secret realm is equivalent to a natural treasure house, which is full of opportunities and dangers at the same time.

The secret realm not only has all kinds of Demonic Beasts comparable to the Gold Core cultivator, but also space cracks, poisonous

Fog, small tornadoes, and invisible gale, and other dangerous factors.

In short, there were so many dangers in the secret realm that the five of them didn't dare to go deep into the secret realm. After a brief inspection, they rushed back directly.

But on the way, they encountered an iron-winged wasp comparable to a Gold Core early stage cultivator,

The iron-winged wasp was bigger than a full-grown horse, and its appearance was very fierce, which made people intimidated.

Demonic Beasts of the same level are already somewhat stronger than human cultivators.

The last few people, headed by the cultivator of the Gold Core early stage, and the Cultivation Base of the fusion period of the four of them, took a lot of effort to kill the Iron Wing Hornet, but they were also affected by it. No small injury.

However, when they were about to approach the exit of the portal, they originally thought that when they and others could finally go back safe and sound,

The cultivator of the Gold Core early stage suddenly focused his eyes,

At a critical moment, he chose to sacrifice himself to save others, and violently pushed the four of them away, his body was cut into several pieces by several invisible winds, and he fell on the spot.

Frightened by this scene, several people hurriedly flew towards the portal with Yujian desperately, until they came out of the secret realm, they still had lingering fears.

At the same time, I am especially grateful to the cultivator of the Gold Core early stage, otherwise the four of them should have been cut into several pieces.

Less than half an hour after Dai Zong sent out the latest news about the Yinfeng Valley secret realm,

Dai Zong's communication bead lit up again, and when he checked the content in Divine Sense, he began to envy the cultivator present who could meet the conditions.

Because after eight members of the Death Squad tried themselves, it was finally confirmed that the secret realm's access to the cultivator is indeed restricted by the Realm.

Only cultivators who integrate the early stage into the Gold Core early stage can safely enter the secret realm.

Of course, other Realm cultivators, if you are not afraid of death, you can also give it a try.

Subsequently, Dai Zong announced the information sent by the seven Sect joint operations command centers to the public,

These include the final decision of the seven Sect executives on the secret realm, and the specific conditions for the secret realm to enter the cultivator.


The information released by Dai Zong undoubtedly caused a thousand waves with one stone.

Some cultivators were overjoyed when they heard the words, and were very happy, while some cultivators beat their chests and stamped their feet, feeling very disappointed when they heard the words.

But no one doubted what Dai Zong said, because it was the result of eight heroes trying with their lives, and everyone present could see it clearly.

Then everyone started to prepare for owning, so that they could enter the secret realm three days later and have a better chance of winning...

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