Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 229 The Senior Who Took The Initiative To Give Away The Spirit Treasure

Deyang City is located in the southwest of Wuchuan Prefecture, about two thousand kilometers away from Yinfeng Valley, and within tens of thousands of kilometers, it is the closest city for practitioners to Yinfeng Valley.

Hu Shilong, the prince of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, became very interested in the new secret realm of Yinfeng Valley,

Then, he deliberately brought Xia Ji and a group of masters from the Central Plains to Wuchuan Prefecture, and temporarily lived in the Deyang City Branch of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

Xia Ji is Hu Shilong's right-hand man, equivalent to a female secretary.

Not only has the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage, but she is also born as a shy flower with a delicate face and delicate skin. She is a rare and stunning beauty.

As the saying goes: "If you have something to do as a secretary, if you don't have something to do as a secretary."

If life is like Hu Shilong, who was born with a golden key in his mouth, what more could he ask for?

At this moment, in a large room on the top floor of the Deyang Branch of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, Hu Shilong was sitting in the Lotus Position, absorbing a top-grade Spirit Stones, and the rich Spiritual Qi was like a white mist.

Spirit Stones are necessary for cultivator's daily practice, and are divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and extreme-grade according to their quality.

The higher the level of Spirit Stones, the higher the purity of the inner Spiritual Qi, and the larger the storage capacity of Spiritual Qi, which is more conducive to the cultivation of the cultivator.

As the prince of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, Hu Shilong has been using top-grade Spirit Stones since he started practicing, and occasionally absorbs top-grade Spirit Stones,

However, the top grade Spirit Stones are relatively rare, otherwise he would definitely choose the top grade Spirit Stones.

At this time, Xia Ji pushed the door lightly, and walked over like flowers brushing willows with a smile on her face.

"Young master! The latest news from Yinfeng Valley, after Dai Zong's attempt to send eight members of the death squad, the scope of the secret realm to the cultivator realm has been determined,

It is from the integration early stage to the Gold Core early stage, and after three days, all cultivators with the other party's conditions can enter the secret realm, and there is no quota limit. "

Xia Ji smiled and said, her voice was as melodious as a lark's antelope.

"Oh? I didn't expect Dai Zong, a reckless man, to have such a brain? You go and arrange it. We will set off at noon today, and then you will go to the secret realm with me!" Biquku

Hu Shilong stared greedily at Xia Ji's graceful figure, and ordered.

"Yes! Young Master! I'll arrange it right away." Xia Ji bowed her head tenderly, and slowly prepared to retreat.

"Hehehe...what's the rush! After finishing the business, it's not too late for us to do some private things...hahahaha..."

Hu Shilong grabbed Xia Ji's arm and pulled her into his arms.

Xia Ji screamed,

Shyly said: "My lord..."

However, as soon as Xia Ji opened her mouth, she was kissed by Hu Shilong, unable to speak, and sighed softly in her heart...

Central Plains Tai Bai Cheng, when Yan Zixia received the latest news about the secret realm of Yinfenggu, her beautiful eyes moved,

Immediately called Own's aunt and personal bodyguard, and explained Own's thoughts.

"No, no! It's too dangerous for you to do this. If your father knows that you are in danger and I don't report it, he will definitely kill me.

We can send more people into the secret realm, anyway, I don't agree with you going in person. "

Wang Xiumei was taken aback when she heard the words, and hurriedly spoke to stop her.

It turned out that Yan Zixia had been sending people to pay attention to the trend of Yinfeng Valley when she received the news that there was a new secret realm in Yinfeng Valley.

Now the latest news comes that as long as the cultivator is integrated with the early stage to the Gold Core early stage, it can enter the secret realm, and Yan Zixia also wants to go to the secret realm to take a look. Biqu library

Since she was a child, Yan Zixia has been the proud daughter of the Yan family, her father Yan Dingkun will try her best to realize what she wants.

But people are so strange sometimes, and what is easy to get is not felt at all.

Ordinary cultivators may be forced to enter the secret realm because of Life, but Yan Zixia is because of novelty, she just wants to take a look and explore,

This idea is exactly the same as that of Hu Shilong.

"Hehehe... Auntie! Don't you know my character? Once I decide something, even my father can't stop me,

But don't worry, I'm not a child anymore, I naturally understand some things, and I will protect myself,

Besides, how can my cultivator live under the protection of my parents all the time? I should also have my way, shouldn't I? "

Yan Zixia said with a serious expression.

"This..." Wang Xiumei didn't know how to refute Yan Zixia when she heard the words.

"Hehehe... Okay, auntie! That's it. My father, you help me keep it a secret. When we come back, I'll go and tell her in person."

Seeing Wang Xiumei's hesitation, Yan Zixia hurriedly took her hand at the right time, and acted like a naive little girl,

"Hehehe... you! It's rare to see you smiling so happily, I'll help you hide it from your father,

But you have to bring more people into the secret realm, so that if there is anything, they can protect you well. "

In the end, Wang Xiumei was persuaded by Yan Zixia and agreed to replace her.

She kept it from Yan Dingkun,

Because there was not much time, they did not delay, and took a dozen or so cultivators of the Gold Core early stage, all in one color, and rushed to Wuchuan Prefecture in southern Xinjiang.

Yinfeng Valley, because there are still three days to enter the secret realm.

Therefore, tens of thousands of cultivators consciously landed on various hilltops, stayed in different areas, and waited patiently.

In terms of three days, it is not impossible for the cultivator to keep Yujian standing in the air, the main reason is that it is not necessary, and it costs both Divine Sense and real money.

"Hehehe...Little brother! Can you take a step to speak."

Lu Chen Yujian flew and landed at the edge of the resting area of ​​most fusion period cultivators. Not long after, a middle-aged cultivator approached Lu Chen and spoke to him with a smile.

"Senior! I don't know what advice the senior has." Lu Chen got up and said respectfully with cupped hands.

Because the Divine Sense, which is comparable to the Gold Core early stage, can't see the opponent's Cultivation Base, presumably the opponent's Cultivation Base is at least above the Gold Core middle stage.

So Lu Chen didn't dare to take things too seriously, and tried his best to look very respectful.

"Hehehe... Little brother, you don't need to be too polite. I have a top-grade defensive spirit treasure here, which can withstand three full-strength attacks from the Gold Core Dzogchen cultivator.

If the little brother can have this treasure, in the secret realm, there will be one more chance of winning..."

The middle-aged cultivator enthusiastically introduced his defensive spirit treasure, how good it is, how precious the materials are,

Although there was no mention of selling Lingbao to Lu Chen, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Uh... sorry senior, I'm just an ordinary early stage cultivator, I'm afraid... I'm afraid I can't get Spirit Stones to buy the senior's defensive spirit treasure." Lu Chen respectfully apologized.

In fact, when Lu Chen heard about the top-grade defense spirit treasure, he was a little moved, but when he thought of its price, his face showed embarrassment. It wasn't that he didn't want to buy it, but that he really couldn't get the Spirit Stones out.

" doesn't matter if you don't have Spirit Stones, the meeting is the fate between you and me, how about I give you this Lingbao?"

The middle-aged cultivator looked at Lu Chen and smiled understandingly, giving off an amiable feeling.

Lu Chen was very surprised when he heard this, and looked suspiciously at the senior in front of him,

I thought to myself: "Could it be that this person has gone wrong in his cultivation and has ruined his brain? Otherwise, why would he take the initiative to come over and talk to him, and would give him a top-grade defensive spirit treasure? Is there such a good thing in the world?"... ...

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