Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 23 Animals Are Inferior To Animals

"Haha... Senior Sister Ye, you're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands. My name is Lu Chen, and I'm a student of Hao Nande on Xiaozhu Peak." Lu Chen avoided further embarrassment and introduced himself.

Ye Rushuang secretly wrote down Lu Chen's name, and then returned to a cool face, but every time he saw Lu Chen, he couldn't help being curious.

Master Uncle Hao Nande took in a waste disciple of the eight first-level miscellaneous Spiritual Roots, who hadn't touched the threshold of the Qi refining period for half a year, and was passed on as a joke by the Sect disciples. She also heard about it.

But why is Lu Chen so powerful now? It seems that the rumors are really not credible.

Lu Chen didn't know what Ye Rushuang thought of him, at the moment he and Gu Feng were busy roasting beef.

Gu Feng was responsible for collecting dry branches, while Lu Chen skillfully cut the meat into steak-sized pieces, and prepared more than 20 servings.

Poor third-order Demonic Beasts Kaishan Mangniu, I'm afraid I never dreamed that I would become a barbecue ingredient one day.

I found a few large leaves and spread them out, put the beef neatly, and then took out seasoning from Jinzhu World and sprinkled it on the beef for marinating. These seasonings were prepared a lot in Lu Chen's wooden house in Jinzhu World.

Ye Rushuang watched with great interest what Lu Chen was doing, and felt very relaxed. She always felt that Lu Chen was different from other people, no matter what he said or how he acted, he could always bring surprises and surprises.

Seeing that the preparation was almost done, Lu Chen took out the Mother-Child Chiba blade and skewered the steak on the sub-blade.

"Lu Chen! You are really generous. You actually use Magic Treasures to roast meat. I really admire you." Gu Feng put the dry branches and laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense! Where's your sword? Take it out quickly." Lu Chen scolded with a smile.

"Oh!" Gu Feng took out his own Magical Item sword and handed it to Lu Chen.

"Is there any more? Give me another one." Lu Chen asked.

"No, just this one, do you think everyone is as rich as you?" Gu Feng said angrily.

Lu Chen saw that there was only one sword in his hand, and when he was thinking about what to do, Ye Rushuang walked over.

"Senior Brother Lu! I still have one here." Ye Rushuang didn't know why Lu Chen needed the sword, so she took out her own spare Magical Item long sword when he saw what he needed.

"Ah? Thank you! We are all friends, you can just call me Lu Chen from now on, don't make it so ridiculous." Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then took the long sword and smiled.

Then put the two long swords side by side on the two big rocks with a distance of 20 centimeters in the middle, and then place the skewered steaks on top of them one by one.

"Lu Chen! What are you doing? You don't mean to use my sword as a grill, do you? No, absolutely not." Gu Feng finally understood why Lu Chen wanted two long swords. Hands back own long sword.

"You are so excited, I don't care about my Magic Treasures, what's the point of your broken Magical Item long sword?"

Let’s start, I’ll give you a set of Magic Treasures some other day. " Lu Chen casually shot out a Spirit Power to freeze the ancient style, otherwise the own barbecue grill would be destroyed.

"This is what you said, and you are not allowed to go back on your word, so why don't you quickly untie it for me." Gu Feng shouted.

Ye Rushuang's beautiful eyes flickered. Seeing the two of them arguing but feeling very friendly, she became more and more curious about Lu Chen. If an ordinary cultivator got a piece of Magic Treasures, he would definitely regard it as a treasure, but he used it for barbecue. This open-minded state of mind Ye Rushuang secretly admired it.

"Lu Chen! Do I have a share too?" Ye Rushuang said in a strange way, with a naughty smile on her face, and suddenly realized something was wrong, she turned around and forced to put on a cold look. The blush looks different.

"Uh...hehe...that's for sure. Those who see it will have a share. I will find a way to give each of you a Magic Treasures after the Canglan secret realm is out." Lu Chen was stunned for a moment and hurriedly said, returning Solved the Restrictions on Gufeng.

Lu Chen used the fireball technique to ignite the dry branches, and Divine Sense controlled the fire. After a while, the steak made a sizzling sound, and a tempting aroma of meat wafted up.

" smells so good!" Gu Feng licked his lips, looking very appetizing.

"It goes without saying, don't look at who baked it, you kid is lucky today." Lu Chen smiled triumphantly.

A few minutes later, Lu Chen saw that it was almost done, picked up a piece of steak, walked towards Ye Rushuang and smiled, "Senior Sister Ye! Come and taste my cooking."

"Thank you! You said that we are friends, and you can just call me Rushuang from now on!" Ye Rushuang took the steak shyly and said in a low voice.

"Yeah! Okay, haha..." Lu Chen happily returned to the barbecue booth. He felt a little apprehensive and excited to be able to get close to the goddess. Gu Feng had already started to eat.

Lu Chen also took a piece, biting it down, the outside was burnt and the inside was tender, the meat was delicate and delicious, and there was a strong Spirit Power in the meat. After swallowing, a warm current in the body filled Meridians, and then converged in Dantian.

"Have you found that the Spirit Power in your body is more solidified?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"Hmm... yes, I feel like I'm going to break through if I eat a few more pieces. I really didn't expect the meat of Demonic Beasts to have this effect." Gu Feng said and picked up another piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth.

Ye Rushuang also felt the benefits. Rao, who always pays attention to the portion size of her diet, she also ate a few big pieces today for the first time. This kind of opportunity doesn't happen every day.

Lu Chen took out some spirit wine. This spirit wine was originally bought for Master Hao Nande, but he almost drank it by himself. Thinking that the master didn't know where he went, this time he came out of the secret realm and asked him carefully. whereabouts.

During the period, Lu Chen told a story about beasts with the help of wine, saying that a scholar and a young lady eloped and stayed overnight in a ruined temple, and it was pouring rain outside.

There is only one bed in the ruined temple.

The lady was very shy, and the scholar saw the concern of the lady, so he swore firmly: "Miss, don't worry, Xiaosheng must abide by the rules at night, and will not do anything to the lady, otherwise Xiaosheng will be a beast."

After hearing this, the young lady nodded shyly, so the two embraced each other and fell asleep. The scholar kept his oath all night and did nothing. Biqu library

As a result, the next morning, when the scholar woke up, there was no lady there, and there was a note by the bed. The scholar was very annoyed and regretful when he saw it. Guess what was written in the note?

"What did you write?" Gu Feng asked curiously, Ye Rushuang was also fascinated, and looked at Lu Chen suspiciously.

Lu Chen saw that the two of them couldn't think of an answer, so he pretended to be mysterious and said: "The note said, you are not as good as a beast! Haha..."

Lu Chen burst into tears after speaking, only Gu Feng didn't find it funny for some reason.

But Ye Rushuang came to his senses, his face turned red, he lowered his head delicately, his heart was throbbing non-stop, he secretly scolded Lu Chen for being shameless, but he was very happy.

There was wine and meat, and laughter, and the relationship between the few people became familiar again, especially the inner jokes that Lu Chen said, which made Ye Rushuang's face flushed, and the fairy-like figure was pulled down by him in Ye Rushuang's heart. Impressed.

As the sun was setting, a faint energy suddenly came from the sky. Lu Chen quickly cleaned up the mess and returned the Magical Item long sword to the two.

At the same time, all the disciples in the Canglan secret realm felt this energy, and immediately, everyone felt their bodies being pulled by this energy, and the scene in front of them also changed accordingly.

Lu Chen felt that when it came, it was a feeling of falling at a high speed, but now it was rising at a high speed. Suddenly, it was dark in front of his eyes, and Lu Chen closed his eyes subconsciously.

When Lu Chen opened his eyes again, he had already appeared at the entrance of the Canglan secret realm, and most of the people were teleported back, each with the joy of surviving after the catastrophe, finding familiar people to tell each other about their experiences.

For a moment, the whole entrance became noisy.

"All the disciples listen to the order and return to their own camp to wait for the arrangement. They must not move around without authorization or make loud noises." At this time, a majestic voice sounded, and all the disciples on the scene quieted down and acted according to the order. pole.

After a cup of tea, Shennongmen Elder Weng Huayuan said with a smile: "It's almost time to come back, let's get started!"

The seven Elders cast spells at the same time to take back their jade pendants, and the entrance of the huge colorful light curtain disappeared instantly, and the formation barrier in the sky also began to close until it disappeared, and the surrounding area returned to a desert again.

Elder Dunshan of Divine Beast Mountain didn't seem very good-looking, because he didn't find Chu Yi among the disciples who came back, and only thirty-five disciples of Divine Beast Mountain came back, and the other sects basically returned forty or so people. In other words, Shenshou Mountain suffered the biggest loss this time.

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