Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 24 The Rage Of The Gold Core Period

This is not the most important thing, the key is whether the egg of the ancient beast has been obtained? What happened to the Temple of Ruins? Chu Yi has Lingbao in his hand, which should be enough to deal with cultivators and Demonic Beasts below the Foundation Establishment middle stage. Why did they fall? He had to ask his disciples to clarify these things.

Lu Chen followed the other disciples back to the Xuantian Sect camp. At this time, he accidentally saw Zhong Tao tugging with a female disciple. There was helplessness and anxiety in the female disciple's beautiful eyes, and he saw it when he was wondering.

Zhong Tao held the female disciple's hand with both hands, and said something flirtatiously. Although the woman was anxious, she didn't show disgust. It seemed that the two of them must be tricky, and the female disciple was quite attractive. , It’s true that radishes and cabbages have their own preferences.

The woman kept asking Zhong Tao to let go while being shy, because all sects were calling for disciples to gather, so Zhong Tao let her go without interest, and then walked towards Lu Chen.

At this time, Senior Brother Jianqiu came over and said loudly: "All disciples obey the order, hand in your storage bags, and accept inspection. You must not hide any resources privately, otherwise you will be dealt with according to the sect's rules."

Afterwards, the accompanying Foundation Establishment brothers came to collect the storage bags, and then checked one by one whether there was any hidden possessions. The main purpose of the inspection was to see if there were any hidden possessions in the personal storage bags of the disciples, and then a simple body search.

Lu Chen had already put a prepared resource into the storage bag issued by Sect and was ready to hand it in. A large number of other resources were in the Golden Bead World, and no matter how the Foundation Establishment brother checked, it was impossible to find them.

Soon all the disciples' storage bags were collected, and then they were collected and handed over to Elder Situ Kong.

Situ Kong Divine Sense swept the storage bag, the amount of resources inside was clear at a glance, he showed a satisfied smile, and then waved for everyone to be quiet.

"Hehe... First of all... congratulations on your safe return. I have registered your contributions to Sect. After returning to Sect to report, I will naturally give you corresponding rewards.

Here I would like to mention Qin Chuan in particular. The total number of resources collected this time is the first, and the number is quite large. In the future, many of you should work hard to learn from Qin Chuan.

All right! We will return to Sect after you have a short rest. "Elder Situ Kong smiled happily, then walked away.

After Situ Elder left, the camp became lively again.

"Wow! Senior Brother Qin Chuan is so amazing, he deserves to be number one on the Sect genius list. I really like Senior Brother Qin Chuan." A tall female disciple said to the female disciple next to him.

"You're less of a nymphomaniac! Senior Brother Qin Chuan likes Senior Sister Ye, okay?" The female disciple next to him said disdainfully.

"So what? As far as I know, Senior Sister Ye doesn't like Senior Brother Qin Chuan, which means I still have a chance." The tall female disciple said unwillingly.

Lu Chen smiled when he heard what they said, and looked at it again

These two female disciples looked familiar, and then remembered that they were also discussing Senior Brother Qin Chuan when they came here.

"Who the hell is it? This person is at least the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen in the Qi refining period, and the Spirit Power is strong, otherwise it would be difficult to drive the two Demonic Beasts to fight." Qin Chuan squinted his eyes and inadvertently looked at all the Dzogchen in the Qi refining period present. disciple.

In order not to be suspected of Sect, Qin Chuan used the information Jade Slip to secretly rob more than a dozen of his Sect disciples. Of course, he chose all the disciples who were below the Dzogchen stage of Qi refining, which would save time.

Because only he knew that other Sect disciples had been robbed, but Xuantian Sect's disciple was not robbed, so it was easy to be suspected by others that the mysterious disciple came from Xuantian Sect, so he took the risk of robbing more than a dozen fellow sects, this is also Qin Chuan The reason why the number of resources is more than others.

Now he wants to speculate who is most likely to be that mysterious disciple, thinking that his sect hides such a genius disciple, Qin Chuan's desire to fight is aroused in his heart.

But after looking around, Qin Chuan didn't find a suitable candidate. Although he had looked at Lu Chen a few times, he preconceived that Lu Chen was a good-for-nothing, so he didn't have any clues in the end.

On the other side, Situ Kong left the Xuantian Sect camp and went directly to the Xuantian Sect camp, just as the Elder of the Hehuan Sect was also there.

"Haha... Mieqing! You're here too, that's just right, I've already finished counting, you two elders, do you still remember the bet ten days ago?" Situ Kong smiled triumphantly. Biqu library

"It's shocking to you, isn't this still a comparison, you are so confident that you will win?" Elder He of the Xuanji Pavilion said with a twitch of his mouth.

"That's right! Don't make a bad face if you lose for a while, I'm not uncommon." The Elder of He Huan Zong Mi Qing said and took out a large storage bag, and Old Monster He and Situ Kong also took out a storage bag bag.

The three of them explored Divine Sense together and the result came out quickly.

"How is it possible?" Old Monster He and Mieqing exclaimed in disbelief.

"Haha... As the saying goes, Feng Shui will come to my house in turn this year. Don't you guys deny it?" Situ Kong said.

"Hmph! You are indispensable. The disciples of the seven sects have been robbed. Could it be your Xuantian Sect singing the double reed?" Old Monster He reluctantly threw the inner alchemy of the fifth-level Demonic Beasts Fengleibao to Situ Kong, saying Yin & Yang said something weird.

Mieqing also kept his promise, took out an Houtian Lingbao, and agreed: "It is! I checked it carefully, and none of the disciples I brought has that strength."

"You can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. Besides, even if it came from my Sect, they didn't kill people and rob goods and maintained order, reducing a lot of casualties. What's wrong?" Situ Kong fondly played with the spoils in his hand, mouth Smiling from ear to ear, then his face turned pale

Yichang looked at the Divine Beast Mountain camp.

After asking all the disciples about what happened in the secret realm, Elder Shield Mountain of the Divine Beast Mountain gradually became gloomy. When he heard that someone could drive two Demonic Beasts at the same time, he immediately understood the seriousness of the matter. This method breaks the laws of the Cultivation World , Maybe it will be an opportunity for Shenshou Mountain, and he has made up his mind to find out that kid.

Shield Mountain spreads its own aura, and the aura of Dzogchen in the Gold Core stage cannot be tolerated by these Qi Refining stage disciples.

The disciples of the Seven Sects suddenly felt this momentum, and they were on the verge of falling, suffering unspeakably. Lu Chen was also shocked by this momentum. Even if he mobilized all the Spirit Power in his body, he couldn't resist it. Instead, he was backlashed by the Spirit Power and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Is this the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen in the Gold Core period? I can't resist just by my aura." Lu Chen thought unwillingly, and suddenly felt so small and helpless.

"Dunshan! What the hell are you crazy about?" Old Monster He shouted loudly, and flew to Dunshan, releasing his own aura to prevent the aura of Dunshan from spreading.

The Elders of the other five sects came after them and stopped Dunshan's aura from spreading. Seeing that the goal of owning had been achieved, Dunshan immediately withdrew his aura. If there was a fight, he would not dare to delay Power to hit six.

"My genius disciple Chu Yi of Shenshou Mountain was killed by that kid who pretended to be a ghost. If you don't give me an explanation today, my Shenshou Mountain will definitely not let it go." Dunshan said through gritted teeth, as if he was very saddened by Chu Yi's death. .

The people present were all human beings, and they quickly figured out the key points. Dunshan wanted to take the opportunity to find out that disciple and figure out the method to break the law of Cultivation World. If this method is cracked, Shenshoushan will definitely increase in strength , who can compete with Cultivation World in the future?

Beichen Continent takes the Central Plains as the core, the north of the Central Plains is called the Northern Territory, and the south of the Central Plains is called the Southern Frontier. The three regions are composed of hundreds of states.

And the Seven Sects are just a small branch of the Seven Sects in Southern Xinjiang in Anlin Prefecture.

The headquarters of the seven sects in southern Xinjiang are in Qianling Prefecture, east of southern Xinjiang, and the competition among them is relatively fierce. Unlike Anlin Prefecture, a small place, the seven sect branches are relatively harmonious.

To put it simply, the seven sects in Anlin Prefecture are equivalent to seven small branches. Their respective head offices are far away in Qianling Prefecture. The people under the branch offices are relatively small and familiar with each other, so they generally don’t fight. Otherwise, it will cause a large-scale Sect battle, which no one wants to see.

"Then how do you want me to explain it to the Elder of Shield Mountain?" Tianyan Zong Ou Yangyang asked, showing no emotion.

"I have a piece of Magic Treasures here, called the soul mirror, which can check the strength of the disciple's soul. I hope you will cooperate with me to find the murderer." Dunshan Elder said and took out a small bronze mirror from the storage bag.

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