Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 25 The Bad News Comes

To drive Demonic Beasts requires a powerful spirit as a medium, and to drive two Demonic Beasts, the spirit must be much stronger than ordinary disciples, as long as you search through the soul guide, you will be able to find the mysterious disciple.

"Joke! There are many difficulties and dangers in the secret realm. Your disciple of the beast mountain died in the secret realm, and you come to ask us to explain it. Then can our fallen disciple also ask you for an explanation from the beast mountain?" "At this time, Situ Kong stood up and mocked.

"What Situ fellow daoist said makes sense." Shangguan Yue, Elder of the Jade Girl Palace, echoed.

"Hmph! It's just unreasonable. I don't have time to argue with you. Farewell!" Elder Ouyang Yang of Tianyanzong said coldly, flicked his sleeves and returned to the camp, and then released the flying ship to greet his disciples to leave.

Seeing Ou Yangyang's uneasy Giving face, Dunshan's face was gloomy for a moment, but he didn't dare to act rashly. The overall strength of the Tianyan Sect among the seven sects in southern Xinjiang was slightly stronger than the other six sects, and his Divine Beast Mountain ranked third at best. So I can only watch the ships of Tian Yanzong rise slowly.

Seeing that Tian Yanzong had left, everyone didn't want to stay and continue to entangle, so they broke up unhappy.

Dunshan was very angry at the moment, feeling like he was punching cotton. Seeing the ships of various sects taking off one after another, he could only let it go and make plans when he returned to Sect.

On the deck of the Xuantian Sect flying ship, the atmosphere was a little depressing. Most of the disciples were recovering from breath adjustment. Today, the Elder of the Divine Beast Mountain taught everyone a deep lesson with practical actions. What about genius disciples? Everything is so in front of absolute strength. fragile.

In the corner at the end of the deck, Lu Chen breathed out a foul breath after adjusting his breath. Seeing that Zhong Tao, Gu Feng, Ye Rushuang and others were still adjusting their breath, Lu Chen closed his eyes again and began to think about his future plans.

Now that I have reached the Cultivation Base of the Great Consummation of the Qi Refining Period, the next step is to hit the Foundation Establishment period. It is not impossible to cultivate the cultivator breakthrough bottleneck on my own, but it takes such an awesome and peerless genius to do it, Lu Chen does not think I belong to this type of person, so I still have to rely on Foundation Establishment Dan.

Speaking of Foundation Establishment Dan, his previous plan to learn pill refining was delayed by the trip to Canglan secret realm, and he had to put it on the agenda next.

The egg of the ancient beast obtained in the secret realm this time, when we return to Sect, we have to study it carefully to see if an ancient beast can be hatched.

Master Hao Nande didn't know if he had come back, if he hadn't come back, he had to go to Master Dongli to inquire about him.

After making a short-term plan in his mind, Lu Chen opened his eyes. At this time, most of the disciples had finished adjusting their breath, and whispered about the thrilling journey of own in twos and threes.

At this time, the ancient wind and the bell

Talking and laughing, Tao came to look for Lu Chen.

"Zhong Fatty! Tell me, how did you hook up with the disciple of the Jade Maiden?" Lu Chen stood up and teased.

"Haha...luck, it's just luck, but I heard from Gu Feng that you and Senior Sister Ye were grilling in the secret realm, and that steak made me want to eat it. Did you take Senior Sister Ye down?" At the end of Zhong Tao's speech, he whispered in Lu Chen's ear, with a very wretched smile.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I still have a lot of meat from Kaishanmang cattle in my storage bag. I'll have to roast it again when I get back to Sect. I'll let you eat your fill." Lu Chen laughed.

"Really? That's really great. I feel that if I eat some more, I can hit the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage." Gu Feng said impatiently.

The next few people chatted for a while, the flying ship kept passing through the clouds and mist, when the flying ship gradually descended, everyone got up to look at the edge of the deck, and the mountain gate of Xuantian Sect slowly appeared in everyone's sight .

On the main peak of Xuantian Sect, in the hall of Tai Xuan, Dongli Daoist headed up, staring down.

Elder Fan Zhengshan is seated first on the left, and the young man next to him is his grandson Fan Jianren, followed by Foreign Affairs Elder Chai Jin.

Ye Rushuang's master Hongfu Elder sat first on the right, followed by the law enforcement elder Qiu Xueming, and then there was a pale face, messy breath, and bloodstained clothes. It seemed that this Elder had just experienced a big battle.

A white cloth was placed in the center of the hall to cover something, and the atmosphere at the scene was dignified.

"Junior Brother Baili, please tell me what's going on!" Master Dongli sighed and gestured to the injured Elder.

"Senior brother in charge! The sacred beast mountain is really too much. It was obviously brother Hao who discovered the colorful moon orchids first and had already picked them. As a result, three cultivators of the Gold Core stage came to the sacred beast mountain. They insisted that they discovered it first. Brother Hao was asked to hand over the colorful moon orchids. Senior brother Hao is also staunch, and immediately took out Magic Treasures to fight the opponent, and I could only be forced to fight.

Senior Brother Hao managed to secure the top spot with one against two, but I lost to my opponent. When I was in crisis, Senior Brother Hao suddenly appeared and rescued me. He was defeated by one against three. Use the secret method to take me far away.

After we were out of danger, Senior Brother Hao had run out of fuel, and his last wish was to hand over this colorful moon orchid to his disciple Lu Chen, and ask Senior Brother to be the master for us, woo..." Baili Elder It was said with righteous indignation at first, and then it turned into crying.

"Hmph! What a beast mountain, it's really deceiving!" Hongfu Elder said coldly.

"This matter needs to be considered in the long term, otherwise it will easily lead to a large-scale Sect battle, please think twice

. "The Elder Fan Zhengshan stroked his beard and said.

"Just hit him, is our Xuantian Sect still afraid of his beast mountain?" Qiu Xueming, the Elder of the Hall of Law Enforcement, said angrily. He usually had a good relationship with Hao Nande, but now seeing his old friend die tragically is also very sad.

"Okay! You all stop arguing! I will make a decision on this matter. Since Junior Brother Hao has an unfulfilled last wish, please trouble Junior Brother Qiu to go to Tianxuan Square and bring Lu Chen! At this moment, their children have already disappeared from the sky. Lan Shan is back, and by the way, he called Ye Rushuang over too." Master Dongli said with some displeasure.

"Follow the decree of the law!" Qiu Xueming cupped his hands, then stepped back and left, walked out of the Tai Xuan hall, threw the Flying Sword and left in the blink of an eye.

When he heard the words Ye Rushuang, Fan Jianren, the only young man in the hall, was shocked and his heart was very excited.

Today, he was the one who begged his grandfather Fan Zhengshan to propose marriage to him. Fan Zhengshan also doted on this grandson, so he finally agreed to it under Fan Jianren's hard work.

That's why Dongli Daoist, Fan Zhengshan, Hongfu Elder, and Fan Jianren appeared together in the Tai Xuan Hall, but before Fan Zhengshan could speak, a figure rushed in with Hao Nande's body, and the next thing happened in the hall scene.

After the defensive formation barrier of the flying ship was opened, Lu Chen, Zhong Tao, and Gu Feng jumped off the ship, talking and laughing as they prepared to leave.

At this moment, a long rainbow flashed past, and after Qiu Xueming Yujian came to Situ Kong and briefly explained his purpose, Situ Elder, who was still in high spirits, instantly changed his expression.

"Lu Chen! Ye Rushuang, come here." Situ Elder shouted, his voice somewhat helpless and sighing.

"What's going on? Why did Situ Elder call you and Senior Sister Ye all of a sudden?" Gu Feng asked suspiciously.

"Haha... Maybe he wants to match the two of you!" Zhong Tao laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lu Chen scolded, feeling an inexplicable discomfort in his heart.

Ye Rushuang also wondered why the Elder would suddenly stop her.

When Lu Chen and Ye Rushuang came to Situ Kong Elder.

Situ Kong Elder said in a tactful tone as much as possible: "Lu Chen, Ye Rushuang, this is Qiu Elder from the Hall of Law Enforcement. He has something to ask you, so follow Qiu Elder for a while!"

"Brother Situ, please!" Qiu Xueming smiled after confirming their identities, and then took Lu Chen and Ye Rushuang onto the Flying Sword and left.

This scene caused many disciples to discuss and ask who Lu Chen is.

Lu Chen didn't ask what he was doing, but when he saw Qiu Elder's hesitant expression, a sense of uneasiness suddenly surged into his heart.

Ye Rushuang stood on the Flying Sword with Lu Chen, so close contact made her heart bump like a deer, and the girl's mind began to germinate.

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