Soon Qiu Xueming brought Lu Chen and Ye Rushuang to Tai Xuan Hall, Qiu Elder sighed and told them to follow in.

Lu Chen saw the white cloth in the middle of the hall at a glance, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Except for Master Dongli and Qiu Elder whom he just met, Lu Chen didn't know anyone else in the hall. At this time, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

Seeing this, Qiu Xueming shook his head and sighed: "Brother Baili! This disciple is Lu Chen, you should tell him what happened!"

The Baili Elder looked at Lu Chen, sighed, and recounted what had happened in self-blame.

Listening to Baili Elder's narration, Lu Chen's face gradually became gloomy and dignified, and he was very angry with Shenshoushan's actions in his heart.

When he heard that master Hao Nande burned his life yuan to escape, Lu Chen's eyes seemed to burst into flames, his fists were clenched tightly, and his nails pierced into the flesh, but he didn't know the pain.

But when he heard the master's last wish, Lu Chen's heartstrings suddenly broke, tears rolled in his eyes, and he turned his head to look at the white cloth on the ground.

Lu Chen couldn't believe it was true even if he was beaten to death. As if all the strength in his body had been emptied, he walked towards the white cloth step by step and knelt down.

"Anyway, I don't have a disciple, why not just let him follow me..."

"Come here... have a drink with the master, it is also useful to practice like this all the time, you have to know how to combine work and rest, you know... haha..."

"Lu Chen! If you can't do it, just give up! Sometimes there's nothing wrong with being an ordinary person..."

"What's wrong? Are you ashamed to ask? Daddy has guarded you at your door for more than two months..."

" must hand this to disciple Lu Chen..."

Memories of the past emerged in Lu Chen's mind. Tears dripped on the white cloth. Lu Chen tremblingly stretched out his hand to pull away the white cloth. There was a gratified smile on Hao Nande's pale face.

"Master... ah..." Lu Chen couldn't bear the grief in his heart anymore, and cried out in a hysterical voice, which echoed in the hall, moving everyone present, and Ye Rushuang watched this scene with tears in her eyes .

"Pfft..." Lu Chen spat out a mouthful of blood in grief and indignation, and passed out.

"Lu Chen!" Ye Rushuang exclaimed, she was moved by Lu Chen's sincere affection for her master, she ran over to support Lu Chen with tears in her eyes, and made him fall into own's arms.

The Cultivation World is a world of ruthlessness and ignorance. No one would have thought that Lu Chen would attach so much importance to friendship that he would faint because of his master's death.

How did they know that Lu Chen came from the earth, and his values ​​are very different from theirs. The concept of being a teacher for one day and a father for life is deeply rooted, not to mention that Hao Nande treats Lu Chen as his own son.

Ye Rushuang's actions made Fan Jianren very angry

Angry, in his eyes, Ye Rushuang was already his favorite woman, but now the own woman is hugging another man in front of him.

Seeing Ye Rushuang's caring look, he felt that the two must be tricky, which made Fan Jianren feel cheated, and made up his mind to kill Lu Chen.

Hongfu Elder also frowned slightly, she could tell at a glance that Lu Chen was a first-level mixed Spiritual Roots of the eighth series, far inferior to her own disciple Ye Rushuang in terms of aptitude.

Although she does not reject her disciples looking for a comprehension companion, Lu Chen is definitely not a good choice. If she hadn't been moved by Lu Chen's actions just now, she would have to stop Ye Rushuang's actions now. Biqu library

"Hey...I didn't expect Junior Brother Hao to be a fool all his life, but he took in a good disciple." Dongli real person sighed, a Spirit Power hit Lu Chen's body, and Lu Chen woke up leisurely.

"Ru Shuang... Thank you." Lu Chen woke up and saw himself lying in Ye Rushuang's arms for the first time. He was very moved and said hoarsely.

"Are...are you okay!" Ye Rushuang asked in a mosquito-like voice, blushing and helped Lu Chen up.

"Hmph!" Fan Jianren snorted inexplicably, and was very angry seeing the two of them flirting.

Lu Chen ignored this seemingly pious son, and turned to the cupped hands of Master Dongli and said, "Please let me take Master's body back for burial, Master Master."

"It's all about your filial piety, so go!" Dongli Master sighed.

Lu Chen carried Hao Nande's body on his back, and was about to leave when he was stopped.

"Nephew Lu Chen, this colorful moon orchid has the effect of purifying Spiritual Roots. Brother Hao asked me to hand it over to you before he died. Now it can be regarded as fulfilling his last wish. Please take it away." Baili Elder said from the storage An orchid-like Spiritual Herbs was taken out of the bag, with seven slender leaves and a colorful flower, which was very beautiful, and a refreshing fragrance permeated the air.

"Thank you!" Lu Chen took the colorful moon orchid, the blood stains on it made Lu Chen cry again, and there was a pang in his heart. At this moment, he finally understood the master's intentions, and he must have sacrificed his life to fight for the purification of Spiritual Roots for himself, tears Flowed down silently again.

"Wait a minute! I would like to report to Master Master, that Hao Elder risked his life to snatch the resources for Sect, which should be handled by Sect. Besides, I think this junior is only a Cultivation Base in the Qi refining period, and the Spiritual Roots are mixed, so I'm afraid he can't make good use of them." This genius is a treasure, and it is more likely to attract others' underestimation and bring troubles to this junior, which will probably disappoint Hao Elder's sincere heart." Seeing that Lu Chen was about to leave, Fan Jianren stopped him aloud.

"This..." Master Dongli didn't expect Fan Jianren to say that suddenly, and he didn't know what to do for a while, so he looked at what Fan Zhengshan meant


Even though he is a Sect Master, at most he can be regarded as the general manager of a branch company, while the big Elder is a department manager assigned by the headquarters. This matter was brought up by his grandson, so it is not easy to reject it directly.

The other Elders wanted to say something but didn't say it, obviously not wanting to offend the big Elder.

Ye Rushuang glanced at Fan Jianren in disgust.

"Maybe you might as well listen to what my grandson has to say!" Elder Fan Zhengshan smiled with a strand of beard, as if he was very satisfied with everyone's attitude towards him.

"Hehe...Then how should we deal with this senior brother?" Seeing that the headmaster was still hesitant to face such an ironclad matter, and the other Elders didn't have any intention of speaking for him, he felt a little disappointed and held back Said in a cold voice with anger.

"In my opinion, Junior Brother, your Spiritual Roots are too miscellaneous and useless. Why don't you contribute this colorful moon orchid to Sect? It's the most practical for you, how about it?" Fan Jianren got up and walked in front of Lu Chen and said, with a confident smile on his face, he thought that Lu Chen would not refuse own's proposal.

Lu Chen gave the other party a contemptuous look after hearing this. He had never seen such a not wanting face before, so he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he directly put the colorful moon orchid into the storage bag, turned around and left with Hao Nande's body on his back.

"Brother, it's not too late to leave after you speak clearly!" Fan Jianren said in front of Lu Chen.

"I said fuck you! Get out!" Lu Chen could no longer hold back the anger in his heart and yelled, don't look at his Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment early stage, if he changed to a place where no one was around, Lu Chen would kill him in minutes .

"Boy looking for death!" Fan Jianren didn't expect that Lu Chen would dare to scold him. When did the disciples in the Qi refining stage become so crazy? After being stunned for a moment, he said coldly, waving his hand to slap Lu Chen across the face.

"Bang..." Lu Chen blocked it with a wave of his hand, and then pushed it out violently.

Because he didn't use Spirit Power, he didn't expect Lu Chen to be so strong, and he took a few steps backwards to stabilize his figure and lost his face.

"Go to hell!" Murderous intent flashed in Fan Jianren's eyes, and the aura of the Foundation Establishment early stage exploded, intending to kill Lu Chen.

"Master! Please save Lu Chen." Ye Rushuang pulled Hong Fu Elder's arm and begged, her eyes worried.

"Stop!" Three voices sounded at the same time, stopping Fan Jianren's movements.

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he didn't want to do anything here. After all, this kid is the grandson of the Elder. If he killed him, he might not survive, but he had already sentenced him to death in his heart. If he had the chance, he would definitely do it. kill him.

Lu Chen kowtowed to thank Ye Rushuang, Hongfu Elder, Qiu Xueming Elder, and Baili Elder respectively, and then walked out of the hall with Hao Nande's body on his back.

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