Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 27 The Heart That Breaks The Ice

Lu Chen carried Hao Nande's body on his back and walked towards the Xiaozhufeng. On the way, he met many disciples. Seeing that he was carrying the corpse in a murderous manner, those disciples dodged to avoid him, and then discussed in a low voice. Lu Chen was very concerned about this Hearing that, he just wanted to go back quickly and put his master in the ground for peace.

"Lu Chen! What is this?" Gu Feng asked with concern. He and Zhong Tao went to an appointment for a barbecue. Knowing that he was called away by the Elder, they kept talking and laughing with Zhong Tao in the small courtyard, waiting for Lu Chen to come back. But saw this scene.

"What happened? Isn't this your Master Hao Elder?" Zhong Tao changed his usual hippie smile and said solemnly.

Lu Chen was very moved when he saw the caring expressions of the two, and he felt somewhat comforted, but he suddenly choked up when he wanted to speak, and tears welled into his eyes. Hao Nande's body was put down.

Finding a place that he thought was more suitable, he began to dig desperately with his bare hands, because he had to do the last thing for the Master with his own hands, and tears flowed down his cheeks into the soil, perhaps only in this way can relieve the sadness in his heart.

Zhong Tao and Gu Feng looked at each other, then silently came to Lu Chen and squatted down, and began to help Lu Chen dig with their bare hands.

Lu Chen looked at the two gratefully, and they smiled at each other before continuing to dig.

Baili Elder and Qiu Xueming Elder flew to Xiaozhufeng with their swords, and they were very moved when they saw Lu Chen lying on the ground and focusing on digging holes with their bare hands.

Baili Elder was about to speak, but was stopped by Qiu Xueming Elder, and said to the other party: "Don't disturb them yet! This kid Lu Chen is really filial, and Brother Hao Nande will be relieved if he knows it."

"Senior Brother Qiu is right. If it weren't for my shallow and poor teaching of Cultivation Base, I really want to accept Lu Chen as a disciple." Baili Elder said via voice transmission.

"Brother reminded me, and I will ask later to see if he is willing to worship under my sect. Now that Senior Brother Hao has passed away, Lu Chen has no one to rely on, and I am afraid that things will be difficult in Sect. I do this to comfort Senior Brother Hao It's the spirit of the sky." Qiu Xueming Elder said emotionally, seeming very satisfied with own's decision.

"It would be a blessing for this kid if he could worship under Senior Brother Qiu's sect. How could he not be willing?" Baili Elder laughed through voice transmission.

Although Lu Chen, Zhong Tao, and Gu Feng didn't use Spirit Power, they quickly dug a simple tomb.

At this time, Lu Chen also found Baili Elder and Qiu Xueming Elder not far away. After saying hello, Lu Chen put Hao Nande's body into the tomb.

"Master! I'm sorry for you, I swear that I will uproot the Divine Beast Mountain to avenge you! You go all the way!" Lu Chen cried, looked at Hao Nande in the grave for the last time, and slowly buried the soil.

With the help of Zhong Tao and Gu Feng, the grave of a small hill was soon piled up.

Lu Chen found a slate and poured Spirit Power into the Magical Item

On the long sword, a line of large characters was engraved crookedly. There is no way. Lu Chen has never learned calligraphy, so the fonts are a bit ugly.

Qiu Xueming Elder didn't understand what Lu Chen was doing at first, but finally realized when he remembered the mundane tombstone, and looked at the simplified characters written by Lu Chen, it was really ugly, so he said: "Nephew Lu Chen, let me do this."

After Lu Chen told him the content, Qiu Xueming Elder slapped the stone slab that Lu Chen had engraved just now, a strong breath rushed to the slate, and a burst of dust was lifted to reveal the smooth surface of the slab, as if it had been polished.

Then the two fingers shot out a powerful Spirit Power, and the Spirit Power turned into a beam of light to write on the slate back and forth, and there was another burst of dust and stone chips.

After a few breaths, a tombstone with ancient seal characters in hollowed out seal script was engraved. The characters were dragon and dancing, vigorous and powerful.

Qiu Xueming Elder's hand can stunned Lu Chen, Zhong Tao, and Gu Feng, and secretly admired them.

After the tombstone was erected, Lu Chen took out a few wine glasses from the storage bag, poured the spirit wine, knelt down three times and knocked nine times before finishing the work.

The others simply kowtowed to pay their respects.

After doing all this, Lu Chen calmed down and greeted everyone. Divine Sense took out a set of tables and chairs from Jinzhu World, and took out some spiritual wine to greet everyone.

"Zhong Fatty! Don't you want to eat steak? You and Gu Feng are in charge of roasting it, and he will teach you how to do it." Lu Chen took out the meat of the third-level Demonic Beasts Kaishanmang cattle from the Golden Bead World and said to Zhong Tao.

Zhong Tao originally wanted to piss off Lu Chen, but Gu Feng kicked him on the ass, and then gave him a wink to signal him, so Zhong Tao aggrievedly followed Gu Feng to roast beef.

"Thank you to the two Elders for your words of help!" Lu Chen raised his glass and drank it down.

The two Elders knew what he was talking about in the Tai Xuan hall, and both of them spoke to stop Fan Jianren from doing anything, and they also picked up the wine glasses and drank without evasion.

"Lu Chen! What are your plans next?" Qiu Xueming asked tentatively.

Suddenly being asked this question, Lu Chen was also stunned for a while, yes, now that the Master is gone, Lu Chen was disheartened by what happened in the Tai Xuan Palace, and he was also disappointed in Xuantian Sect, a feeling of having nowhere to rest came from mind.

Taking a sip of his wine, Lu Chen sighed, "Actually, I don't know. My heart is in a mess right now. Let's make plans after today!"

After speaking, Lu Chen poured himself another glass of wine and drank it down.

"Hehe! I can understand your current mood. I see you are very filial. Brother Hao and I have a good relationship on weekdays. How about I accept you in advance as a personal disciple?" Qiu Xueming laughed.

Lu Chen looked at Qiu Xueming Elder gratefully. He saw many people who were the icing on the cake, but it was rare to see those who gave them money in a timely manner. On weekdays, which Elders received personal disciples were not carefully selected.

In the eyes of outsiders, own qualifications are rubbish among rubbish, but Qiu Elder would actually ask himself at this time

Throwing an olive branch, to be honest, Lu Chen admires the character of Qiu Xueming Elder from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Chen hurriedly stood up, wiped his hands on his body, bent over with cupped hands and respectfully said: "Thanks to Master Qiu for your love, but the disciple's qualifications are extremely poor, and I'm worried that being criticized will cause inconvenience to the master, and the boy plans to travel far away. experience, so... I also ask Master to take back the name."

Qiu Xueming originally thought that Lu Chen would be grateful, but when he saw him saluting himself, he was happy, but when he heard Lu Chen's words of refusal, he was embarrassed for a while, and then saw Lu Chen bent down and waited respectfully for his reply.

"Lu Chen, you are so confused! Hurry up and take back what you just said, Senior Brother Qiu won't blame you." Baili Elder persuaded.

But Lu Chen was unmoved, still maintaining a respectful posture.

Qiu Xueming sighed: "Forget it! Forget it! Everyone has his own aspirations, and I won't force you. Get up quickly!"

"Uncle Xie understands!" Lu Chen got up now, and then raised his wine glass to apologize to the two Elders.

"Here comes the steak! How about you two Elders have a taste of my cooking?" Zhong Tao and Gu Feng each came in with two plates of steak. Judging from the oil on the corners of Zhong Tao's mouth, this kid stole a lot.

"This way of eating is really fresh and tastes good!" Baili Elder picked up a piece of steak with chopsticks and took a bite and praised, and Qiu Elder also started eating.

Lu Chen watched the few people talking and laughing, and felt very warm in his heart.

As the saying goes, three cups of wine in the world of mortals, one pot of tea for great achievements in the future.

Zhong Tao used Jiu Jin to say that he would become the top talisman master in Cultivation World in the future.

Gu Feng said that when Tong Wei leaves customs, the two will get married, and will take her to travel the Cultivation World together in the future.

Lu Chen secretly remembered and blessed them.

Qiu Xueming, Elder and Baili Elder looked at the high-spirited looks of these young people, and felt very emotional in their hearts. Which boy has no dream, but the reality is not cruel, and they are unwilling to point it out. After all, some things need to be experienced by themselves to understand.

When asked about Lu Chen's thoughts, under the atmosphere, Lu Chen said his own pill refining plan.

This idea made everyone sigh.

"Okay! You really dare to think about it, but I wish you success as soon as possible, let's toast to your dream!" Zhong Tao patted Lu Chen on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Pill refining is as difficult as the blue sky. There are countless cultivators who have the same idea as Lu Chen, but how many successful ones are there?

"I passed by Changfen Ridge once. It is said that there is a place where corpses were buried in the previous battlefield. It lacks sunlight for many years, and it is easy to form a dark fire. If you want to develop from Alchemy, you can go there to search if you have a chance. Maybe I can subdue a Yinhuo and use it." Qiu Xueming Elder said and took out two Jade Slips and handed them to Lu Chen, saying they were the map of Changfen Ridge.

"Uncle Xie!" Hearing the news, Lu Chen's eyes lit up, and he thanked Jade Slip after taking it.

Then the few people chatted about some irrelevant topics, until it was getting late and they left one after another.

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