Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 28 The Ancient Divine Beast Little Earthworm

At night, Lu Chen really couldn't calm down to practice, as soon as he thought about it, he appeared in the world of golden beads in the next second.


The gold-eating toad, the size of a millstone, sensed Lu Chen's breath, dodged to Lu Chen's feet, and was about to rub its head against Lu Chen's leg to act cute.

Lu Chen kicked out habitually, he didn't want to be stained with this guy's saliva, but this kick missed, and was avoided by the golden-eating toad.

Um? Lu Chen found that the speed of the gold-eating toad seemed to have increased a lot, and he failed to kick this guy several times in a row. Finally, Lu Chen cast Movement Technique, one person and one toad turned into two afterimages, but Lu Chen still missed it.

"Xiao Jin, have you evolved?" Lu Chen asked in surprise. Last time, Xiao Jin cheated a third-level Demonic Beasts inner alchemy from Xiaotian.

"Quack...quack..." The gold-eating toad yelled twice, nodded in a humane way, happy like a child, if Xiaojin's strength was comparable to the Great Consummation of the Qi refining period before, then now there is a Foundation Establishment The strength of the early stage.

The color has also changed slightly. It used to be brown, but now it has become dark red, adding a lot of heavy atmosphere.

The Gold-eating Toad rushed towards Lu Chen triumphantly, and the next second a tragedy happened. There was only a "bang", and the Gold-eating Toad's body was like a football, drawing an arc in the air, and fell in the distance with a muffled sound .

Of course, Lu Chen's Spirit Power is well controlled, otherwise, with his Spirit Power comparable to the Foundation Establishment middle stage and the Foundation Establishment late stage's Divine Sense, he would have kicked him to death.

The Golden Pearl World is about the size of two football fields, and it is basically clear at a glance, and the Tiandao Mantis is still sleeping in the corner, so just ignore it.

Lu Chen came to the egg of the ancient mythical beast. Since it was brought into the world of Jin Zhu last time, the egg has not been moved. A combat power.

Looking at the three-meter-high giant egg, Lu Chen planned to use the temperature to incubate it.

Casting two fireballs in a row to form a large fire pile, Lu Chen focused on two purposes. On the one hand, he continuously injected Spirit Power into the flames to keep the flames burning. On the other hand, Divine Sense controlled the rotation of the dome in the air to ensure Heats evenly.

After half an hour passed like this, Lu Chen suddenly controlled the flames to envelop the giant egg, and the giant egg instantly turned into a fire egg.

After a dozen or so breaths, Lu Chen withdrew the flame, frowned slightly, and he came to the big egg, with his palms on the eggshell, showing an expression that really did.

After half an hour of baking, it is reasonable to say that even a stone should have some temperature. However, Lu Chen's Divine Sense keenly found that the surface temperature of the eggshell did not change at all, even if the flame was increased to burn it.

After touching it with the hand, the palm of the hand

It was cool and cool, as if it hadn't been burned by fire. Lu Chen didn't understand where the heat went. He sighed in his heart at the magic of the giant egg, and wanted to hatch it more and more.

Lu Chen tried to knock the eggshell to make a bang sound, thinking about how to do it, and suddenly thought of the plot in the TV series, and the words "Blood Confession" came to mind.

So Lu Chen took out the Mother-Child Chiba blade and cut his finger, and dripped blood on the giant egg. The blood flowed down the eggshell and fell to the ground without any signs of absorption. It seems that this method is not reliable.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen gathered the Spirit Power in his palm and slowly approached the eggshell. He wanted to inject Spirit Power into it to see if it could absorb Spirit Power.

But when the palm was attached to the eggshell again, Lu Chen's face instantly became terrified. The Spirit Power in his body rushed to the palm like a flood and was absorbed by the giant egg. The eggshell emitted a faint halo. Lu Chen wanted to take it back. The palm, but the palm was firmly attached to it and could not be retracted.

Lu Chen had no choice but to take out the only Spirit Stones, absorb the Spirit Stones with his left hand, and enter the Spiritual Qi into Dantian to transform into Spirit Power, and then the Spirit Power was absorbed by the dome through the palm of his right hand.

Repeating this, when Lu Chen's last piece of Spirit Stones turned into powder, there was not much Spirit Power in his body, but the dome was still absorbing Spirit Power.

After a few more breaths, the Spirit Power in his body was exhausted, Dantian began to slump, sweat dripping down his cheeks, the situation was very critical, Lu Chen had no choice but to burn Blood Essence to provide Spirit Power, but this was not how long he could quench his thirst with poison.

"Quack...quack..." The Gold-eating Toad cried out worriedly, and ran to Lu Chen's side, staring at Lu Chen with its bowl-sized eyes. It instinctively sensed that its master was in danger, but it couldn't help it. , anxiously it was spinning in place.

As if sensing the crisis of Lu Chen's life, a golden light flashed on the surface of the golden bead, and an invisible force separated Lu Chen's palm from the giant egg.

A bloody handprint was left on the eggshell, and Lu Chen fell to the ground, panting heavily.

"You have a conscience!" Lu Chen smiled after the catastrophe, looked at the worried eyes of the Gold-eating Toad beside him, and decided to treat it better in the future.

It's a pity that Lu Chen doesn't have any of his Spirit Stones now, so he can only recover by absorbing Spiritual Qi in the air. However, after absorbing Lu Chen's Spirit Power, the dome stopped moving, and Lu Chen didn't care if it recovered Spirit Power first. Biqu library

Three days later, Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes, and it took three full days to restore himself to his best condition.

Looking at the giant egg that had not changed, Lu Chen didn't even get angry. The egg of some ancient mythical beast almost killed him. In order to vent his anger, Lu Chen kicked on the giant egg.

"Crack..." The gigantic egg exploded along Lu Chen's footprints, which startled Lu Chen, he was just a random kick, how did it explode?


..." The crack gradually extended and the giant egg broke into two pieces, and a vicissitudes of life and simplicity came out, but nothing else happened.

"What's the matter? Why is it empty? Could it be that it has expired after a long time?" Lu Chen muttered.

After the giant egg cracked, there was nothing but an empty eggshell. There was no ancient beast, not even a chicken.

Just when Lu Chen was disappointed, there was a "creaking" sound, and the huge eggshell was gradually disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if being eaten by something.

"This is?" Lu Chen hurriedly used Divine Sense to check, and found a small beige insect smaller than a fly, which was barely noticeable to the naked eye, and was currently nibbling on the eggshell at such a fast speed that it only took half a while. The eggshell has been eaten by it, and it jumped to the edge of the other half of the eggshell to continue nibbling.

It's strange to say that such a big eggshell was eaten by this little bug, and it didn't see it burst.

"Could this be the so-called ancient beast? A little bug?" Lu Chen thought to himself, he knew every plant and tree in the world of the Golden Bead like the back of his hand. If nothing unexpected happened, this little bug should have come from that giant egg hatched.

It's just that Lu Chen didn't know much about these ancient mythical beasts, so he made up his mind to have a chance to learn about the records in this regard and see what this little thing is.

After a while, the little bug finished eating the eggshell, blinked and stared at Lu Chen curiously, and in the next second it had already appeared on the back of Lu Chen's hand.

"What a fast speed!" Lu Chen was shocked. Lu Chen's Divine Sense lock, which is comparable to the Foundation Establishment late stage, didn't even capture its trajectory. If it wasn't for the touch from the back of his hand, he wouldn't have noticed it.

Looking at the little guy on the back of his hand, Lu Chen did not hesitate to run the Beast Control Art, a drop of Blood Essence condensed from his fingers, ready to use the contract seal to tame it.

But the little guy saw the Blood Essence as if he had discovered a delicacy, and he jumped at Lu Chen's finger and started to suck it. The speed was so fast that Lu Chen was so frightened that he quickly shook his hand to shake it away.

After seeing that there were no other wounds on his fingers other than the loss of Blood Essence, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had seen the power of the little guy before, so he glared at it angrily, and in a blink of an eye the little guy flew onto the back of Lu Chen's hand again.

The only difference this time is that Lu Chen feels that he has already established a certain connection with it in the depths of his soul. This connection is the same as the gold-eating toad, which means that Lu Chen can already drive it. As for why this is so, he should devour it with it. Own Blood Essence has something to do with it.

Since he didn't know what species this little bug was, Lu Chen temporarily named it "Little Earthworm" because it resembled a little earthworm.

The gold-eating toad seemed to be very afraid of the "little earthworm", and hid in the corner far away. Lu Chen sternly warned them not to fight and live in harmony, and then left the world of Jinzhu.

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