Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 29: Spirit Power Finally Lost To True Yuan

Ye Rushuang came to the mission hall with a cold expression, took out her identity as Jade Slip, took a mission and left.

After Lu Chen left the Tai Xuan Palace that day, the great Elder Fan Zhengshan proposed to the Red Fu Elder that Ye Rushuang and his grandson Fan Jianren form a companion.

At first, Red Fu Elder refused to agree, but then she didn't know why Hong Fu Elder suddenly changed her words. Judging from the constant changes in the master's facial expression, Ye Rushuang guessed that the big Elder must have said something to the master through the sound transmission. is lost.

Ye Rushuang has been following Hongfu Elder since she can remember, and it can be said that Hongfu Elder brought her up. When she was young, Ye Rushuang once thought that Hongfu Elder was her own mother.

But this kind of thinking was severely suppressed in the cradle by Hongfu Elder, who told Ye Rushuang that she was just an abandoned baby that he picked up by accident, and that she was adopted because of her good aptitude and pity.

Red Fu Elder was extremely strict with Ye Rushuang since she was a child, especially her cultivation was even more harsh, so Ye Rushuang did not have any childhood to speak of except for cultivation every day. Even so, she still regarded Hong Fu Elder as her only family member in Ye Rushuang's heart.

So when the Master agreed to Elder Fan Zhengshan's proposal, Ye Rushuang felt very complicated. On the one hand, there were close relatives she owns, and on the other hand, people she didn't like. Ye Rushuang fell into a dilemma.

Not long after Ye Rushuang left the mission hall, Lu Chen also came here. He also received a mission and left.

If a disciple in the Sect Qi refining period needs to leave Sect, he must accept the Sect task, otherwise he can only practice obediently in Sect. However, the cultivator during the Foundation Establishment period does not have too many restrictions, and you only need to report when you go out.

There is no other way for Lu Chen to go all the way on the nine steps of Xuantian. He has already consumed all the Spirit Stones in order to provide Spirit Power for the eggs of ancient mythical beasts. Otherwise, it would be much more convenient and faster to drive the flying boat.

This time he went out, he planned to exchange the resources obtained in the Canglan secret realm with Spirit Stones, otherwise he would not be able to continue his cultivation. After much deliberation, he finally decided to go to Ducheng Prefecture next to Anlin Prefecture. I heard that there is a city there. It is called Longquan City, and the people living in it are all cultivators, and the commodity trade is relatively prosperous, so it is more convenient to sell resources without being targeted by interested people.

Lu Chen hurried all the way, and after about an hour away from Xuantian Sect, he stopped in front of a valley, and suddenly turned his head and shouted into the air: "Your Excellency has followed me for more than an hour, is it okay?" showed up?"

Following Lu Chen's gaze, there was no one behind him, and suddenly a Daoist figure flashed from behind the nearby hill.

The man was dressed in black and looked at Lu Chen calmly with two eyes, and said contemptuously: "I didn't expect you to find me, and I was not disappointed.

Spirit Power is also very strong, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. I guess you are the one who robbed the disciples of various sects in the secret realm! "

Lu Chen was shocked when he heard that, why did he suddenly get targeted? This person must also be a disciple of Xuantian Sect, and he is very powerful. He is a senior brother of the Foundation Establishment middle stage, so why didn't he confront himself in Xuantian Sect? What about the shot?

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't deny it, the man in black flashed a hint of surprise and said, "Tell me the secret that you can bring out the resources from the secret realm, and then hand over all the resources, and I can let you live."

have to! It was this line again, Lu Chen scoffed in his heart, he didn't believe this kind of nonsense at all, "Can you tell me how you got your eye on me?"

"It's okay to tell you, it's not just you, all the disciples who came back from the secret realm were secretly investigated by Situ Elder, and I'm in charge of you." The man in black said, and a Magic Treasures long sword appeared in his hand .

Lu Chen was also startled into a cold sweat when he heard the words. Fortunately, he left Sect. If Situ Kong discovered the secret of own, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"So you have been following me without making a move, because you want to strike at the right place and monopolize the resources, right?" Lu Chen said his own conjecture, otherwise the other party wouldn't have followed him for so long, Mother-Child Chiba also appeared in the hand.

"Sometimes being too smart may not be a good thing. It seems that you don't want to be caught without a fight, so don't blame me for not giving you a chance." It is extremely abnormal to find that Lu Chen's Cultivation Base, which was completed in the Qi Refining period, has a thick and terrifying Spirit Power, no less than that in the Foundation Establishment period. The other party must have a big secret.

In order to keep this secret for himself, he followed Lu Chen to stay away from Xuantian Sect, but now the other party gave it away.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in black, and Divine Sense controlled the Flying Sword to draw a light and shadow in the air and fly towards Lu Chen.

"Hurry up," Lu Chen said in shock, before he had time to think about it, the opponent's Flying Sword had already arrived in front of him.

Lu Chen's Xuantian Nine Steps moved to the extreme to avoid the Flying Sword's attack, and the Mother-Child Chiba blade turned into several green light spots and shot at the opponent.

However, he has been locked by the opponent's Divine Sense, and the Flying Sword kept pressing towards Lu Chen with a white awn, the situation is very bad.

With no choice but to fight recklessly, the little dragon gun turned into five dragon shadows under the infusion of Spirit Power, rushing towards Flying Sword with teeth and claws.


All this happened in the blink of an eye.

Lu Chen flew upside down, fell heavily to the ground, a big hole was stabbed in his stomach, and blood flowed out.

"Hehe...that's all!" The man in black smiled, retracting his protective energy, and the Mother-Child Chiba blade that was originally fixed in the air fell to the ground.

Lu Chen turned over and got up regardless of the pain, staring at

The man in black.

Under Jinzhu's transformation, Lu Chen's Dantian and Meridians are different from ordinary people. Lu Chen has always compared his own Spirit Power storage according to the records in the book, and always thought that his Spirit Power was comparable to Foundation Establishment middle stage, but today Lu Chen realized that he was very wrong.

Spirit Power is Spirit Power after all, even though Lu Chen's Spirit Power is comparable to Foundation Establishment middle stage at the moment, it is still no match for the true energy of Foundation Establishment middle stage, this is a qualitative difference.

Just like comparing gunpowder and explosives with the same reserves, explosives must be more powerful than gunpowder.

Lu Chen felt that he was a bit overbearing, and he quickly thought about the countermeasures in his mind, otherwise he might hate it today. It is estimated that releasing the Gold-eating Toad and the Heavenly Sword Mantis will not help the matter.

"How about it? Do you want to reconsider what I said, as long as you tell the secret of your cultivation and hand over all the resources, I'll let you go for the sake of being in the same sect." The man in black walked towards Lu Chen and said with a smile .

"Dream!" Lu Chen shouted, holding back the pain, and took out a mace from the Golden Bead World, pouring Spirit Power into it, a strong energy made Lu Chen's clothes move without wind, and then slammed hit the man in black.


The five wolves condensed by Spirit Power, like 3D special effects, with the sound of piercing through the air, glowing with light, rushed towards the man in black.

"Haha...there is still a spirit treasure! This strike is not bad." The man in black smiled with greedy eyes in his eyes, and his body protection was activated, and he planned to take this strike hard. In his opinion, Lu Chen would not be able to use his spirit at all. The power of the treasure and own body protection are enough to resist the opponent's attack.

The fact is just as he expected, the wolf condensed from the Spirit Power collided with the own body protection qi, and did not cause much damage except for consuming part of the body protection qi.

"Go to hell!" Lu Chen Lu Chen threw a bead the size of a ping pong ball, and when the bead got close to the man in black, Divine Sense controlled the detonation of the bead.

"Thunderbolt Bead? No..." the man in black said in horror. He saw the thing Lu Chen threw over him a second before the explosion, and his face turned pale with fright, but it exploded before he could escape in time.

"Boom..." A huge explosion sounded, and a mushroom cloud was set off on the spot.

Lu Chen was also blown away by the force of the explosion and fell to the ground again, but he was very satisfied with the effect of this strike.

When the dust settled, Lu Chen spat out the dust in his mouth and got up, looking at the huge pit tens of meters in front of him, he was shocked and said: "The power of a full blow from the Dzogchen during the Foundation Establishment period is too great! Haha...Three hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones really don't have white flowers." Pen Fun Library

That's right! Lu Chen first took out the Lingbao to arouse the opponent's greed, making the opponent think that he was going to resist desperately, so he took it lightly, and then threw the Magic Treasures Thunderbolt.

This thunderbolt bead was bought at Duobao Lou with a lot of money back then. At that time, Lu Chen felt distressed for a while, but he didn't expect to save his life today.

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