After recovering from his injuries, Lu Chen drove the flying boat all the way to Longquan City in Chengzhou.

It has to be said that Lu Chen made another small fortune. After beheading the man in black, Lu Chen obtained more than 200 middle-grade Spirit Stones and more than 500 low-grade Spirit Stones from his storage bag, There are quite a few other spiritual herbs, which made Lu Chen very happy. Biqu library

With Spirit Stones, the flying boat can be refueled. Lu Chen immediately took out the flying boat, and boldly put a middle-grade Spirit Stones on it. The flying boat drew a long rainbow in the air like chicken blood, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. in skyrim.

In Ducheng Prefecture, there is a vast forest more than a thousand kilometers away from Longquan City. Because it is close to Longquan City, people call this forest Longquan Forest.

At this time, a girl was walking alone in the Longquan forest, kicking the stones to the distance from time to time to vent her emotions.

"Hmph! You guys know how to bully me, and I won't talk to you anymore." A tall, beautiful young woman in a fiery red dress said aggrievedly, with tears in her eyes and a very sad look. A long golden whip waved at the big tree in front of him.

"Pa... Papa..." The golden long whip glowed with bursts of golden light under the infusion of Spirit Power, and swept towards the big tree with the sound of piercing the air.

"Boom..." A surrounding tree shattered and fell down.

The woman seemed to have not finished venting the anger in her heart, she jumped up high, the golden long whip in her hand shone brightly, with a faint golden arc of lightning flashing on the surface, and lashed out toward the forest with a terrifying aura.

"Boom..." The huge energy destroyed dozens of big trees in front of them, and the scene was in a mess.

The woman seemed to be satisfied with the own method after lightly tapping her toes and landing firmly.

"Roar..." At this time, there was a roar of Demonic Beasts, and the surrounding birds and beasts flew high, and the earth shook accordingly. A giant bear more than three meters high stepped towards the girl at high speed, leaving deep scars wherever it went. footprint.

After seeing the appearance of Demonic Beasts, the woman was shocked and said: "A third-order Demonic Beasts earth bear?"

She didn't expect that she actually ran into the land bear's territory. The sound of destruction just now must have caused the earth bear's dissatisfaction. The earth bear is ferocious by nature, and it is stubborn. Once the prey is determined, it will not let it go easily.

Facing the earth bear with the strength of the Foundation Establishment early stage, the woman secretly thought that she was unlucky, and felt even more wronged in her heart. She ran out to vent because of the failure of the Foundation Establishment and was depressed. She didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Before she had time to think about it, the woman hurriedly used Movement Technique to escape. The earth bear had already approached the woman with a few vertical leaps, and the front paw swung a tree that surrounded it and was snapped off.

The woman turned around and ran away again. She was dressed in fiery red clothes, flashing a red phantom, and shuttled through the forest. The big earth bear was chasing after her, and the roaring sound kept coming closer and closer. If this goes on, he will be caught up in no time.

Lu Chen flew over a forest in a flying boat. According to the map, it is estimated that there are still more than 1,000 kilometers to reach the destination.

I sigh when the flying boat is faster.

Suddenly attracted by the movement of the Demonic Beasts ahead, Lu Chen immediately lowered the flying boat and performed Xuantian Nine Steps to check.

The woman was chased by the earth bear all the way, and a feeling of unwillingness came to her heart. The woman decided not to run away, and took out the golden whip from the storage bag again.

The woman let out a low snort, and the Spirit Power of Dzogchen in the Qi refining period was poured into the golden long whip, and the golden long whip sent out bursts of lightning arcs and slashed at the running earth bear.

But the earth bear didn't care at all, it let the golden whip beat itself, and continued to pounce on the woman.

The woman saw that the own attack failed to cause damage to the earth bear but angered the earth bear, so she quickly cast Movement Technique to jump away.

"Boom..." The place where the woman was standing just now was slapped out of a big hole by the palm of the earth bear, and then rushed towards the woman again.

"Roar..." A thick roar charged at the woman with the power of the soul-stirring sound waves.

Affected by the sound waves, the woman suddenly felt a blur in her mind, and she froze in place like a zombie. She woke up after two breaths, but in front of her eyes appeared the scene of the earth bear opening its bloody mouth, revealing its sharp teeth, rushing towards own .

"Ah..." the woman yelled in horror, closing her eyes in fright.

"Hey..." Lu Chen, who was hiding in the tree, sighed when he saw the woman was in danger, his body turned into an afterimage, and then came to the woman first, wrapped his left hand around the woman's waist, and took out the "small dragon gun" with his right hand Immediately, a blue light shone, and it fiercely poked at the rushing earth bear.

The big earth bear's body was already in the air and could not change its direction. Coupled with Lu Chen's speed, he could only watch helplessly as the long spear thrust entered his own throat, roaring unwillingly.

Before the earth bear was about to die, its potential was greatly increased, and the backhand slapped the two of them with a strong vigor as if it were real. Lu Chen was shocked when he saw this. Unexpectedly, the earth bear still had the strength to fight back, so he quickly dodged to avoid it.

However, the woman in his arms still affected Lu Chen's speed. In order to protect the woman, Lu Chen was hit on the back by the rest of the energy, and brought the woman to the ground.

"Pfft..." Lu Chen felt the blood rushing up all over his body, and a mouthful of blood spattered on the woman's face. The woman seemed to have sensed something strange, and opened her eyes to meet Lu Chen's eyes.

I saw Lu Chen pressing the woman under him. The strong outfit already outlined the woman's figure exquisitely and gracefully. Now that the two are in close contact, they both feel each other's warmth. The scene is very embarrassing.

All this happens in a few breaths.

"Ah... a prostitute!" The woman exclaimed, pushed Lu Chen away, then turned and ran away, only to realize when she saw the dead earth bear whose throat was pierced by a long spear thrust beside her. I should have been rescued by the man in front of me, but thinking of the scene of being crushed by him just now, I am a little shy and a little angry.

"What's your name! Open your mouth and shut your mouth, you're a prostitute. Where did I prostitute you? It's really kind and unrewarding!" Lu Chen said angrily, and then put the "Little Dragon Spear" and the corpse of the earth bear into the golden bead. world

, the inner alchemy and flesh body of the third-order Demonic Beasts are Xiaotian's favorite, so they can't be wasted.

"Hey! I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now, why don't I apologize to you." The woman blinked her eyes and showed a lovely smile.

Lu Chen didn't expect the other party to start apologizing so soon, and it was difficult to say anything for a while. Looking at her beautiful red dress, she outlined her figure very gracefully, especially the long and slender legs of dual cultivation, which made people unable to help but imagine .

With fair skin, bright eyes, and a ponytail tied up, she was very youthful and energetic. It was completely different from the usual female cultivators in robes, and had a somewhat modern aura, which made Lu Chen feel a little dazed.

"Oh! Forget it! Forget it!" Lu Chen said impatiently. Realizing that he had lost his composure, he quickly waved his hands to cover up his embarrassment, then turned and left.

"Hey! Don't go! Wait for me." The woman caught up with Lu Chen, and she saw the change in Lu Chen's eyes just now, and she felt a burst of pride.

"Why are you still following me?" Lu Chen asked after seeing the woman following him.

"Who is following you, who stipulated that I can't walk this way?" The woman pointed to the road ahead and smiled.

"Okay! Then you go first!" Lu Chen made a gesture of invitation.

"Hmph! Miss Ben suddenly feels tired again, and wants to rest for a while," the woman clasped her hands in front of her chest, as if what would you do to me.

"Hehe..." Lu Chen was amused by the woman's rascally behavior. Although he didn't know why the other party followed him, Lu Chen didn't intend to continue entangled with her, so he threw the flying boat and was about to leave.

As a result, the woman jumped onto the flying boat first and looked at Lu Chen proudly.

"Come down quickly!" Lu Chen saw black lines all over his head for the first time.

"Hmph! I won't come down!" the woman said bitterly, not treating herself as an outsider at all.

" don't even know where I'm going, why are you following me?" Lu Chen jumped onto the flying boat and said.

"Hee hee... There is only one city, Longquan City, within ten thousand miles of this place. Don't tell me that you are not going to Longquan City." The woman smiled confidently, a little mischievous and cute.

Seeing that the other party mentioned Longquan City, Lu Chen guessed that she should also come out of the cultivator from there, and it would be okay to give her a ride, then ignored her, and Divine Sense controlled the flying boat to take off slowly.

"Hey! What's your name? We are also friends who share weal and woe and help each other. We can't even know our names!" The woman looked at Lu Chen curiously, expecting his answer.

Lu Chen felt that her familiarity was better than Zhong Tao, so he had to tell her her name, but then Lu Chen regretted talking to her.

"Lu Chen, where are you from?"

"Lu Chen, why are you going to Longquan City?"

"Lu Chen, what is your Cultivation Base?"

"I already know your name, don't you want to know mine?"

"Since you don't speak, you must want to know, right? Don't be shy! As long as you ask me, maybe I'll tell you as soon as I'm happy?"

"Okay! You have to remember, my lady's name is Wang Jingxuan..."

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