Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 231 This Cultivator Is Not A Good Person

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Early in the morning, Lu Chen was disturbed by the bustling noises around him,

Then he slowly opened his eyes and let out a mouthful of turbid air. After three days of adjustments, Lu Chen has adjusted his own state to the best.

Seeing many cultivators flying up from the ground with swords one after another, the corner of Lu Chen's mouth slightly raised, and he threw out an ordinary Magical Item long sword,

The Magical Item long sword is infused with true essence, and the true essence condenses like substance into a blade as wide as a skateboard, with a faint golden brilliance flashing, very mysterious, just enough for a person to stand on.

Lu Chen stepped on the Magical Item long sword and flew in the direction of the tornado unhurriedly.

Originally, Lu Chen came to Yinfeng Valley to practice the art of body refinement, but good fortune tricked people, there unexpectedly appeared a secret realm sealed in ancient times,

Although he failed to complete his body training plan, being one of the first practitioners to explore the new secret realm was a blessing in disguise.

When Lu Chen Yujian flew and came to a distance of about 3,000 meters from the tornado,

In this sky, there are already dense crowds of cultivators standing in the air, like before, from top to bottom, enclosing the tornado in the middle, forming a huge human wall surrounding it.

There are also cultivators coming from all directions, Yu Jianfei, and the whole sky is very lively.

Probably because the mysterious veil of the tornado has been lifted,

After Lu Chen looked around, he found that there were a lot fewer high rank cultivators flying through the air, and the cultivators flying with Yujian were the main ones in the air.

The four phalanxes of the seven sects in the human wall obviously came here early, or they never left.

"Cousin! I see that many people are inviting the cultivators around to form a team.

Shall we also invite some cultivators to form a team, so that everyone can take care of each other in the secret realm? "

As soon as Lu Chen Yujian came to the area where most fusion period cultivators stopped, he heard the words of a female cultivator next to him.

Seeing that the person speaking was a woman wearing a light blue plain gown, with big eyes and a round face, the eyes revealed innocence and kindness,

But it is the Cultivation Base that integrates the early stage, and it gives people the feeling of a little girl next door who has never been in the world.

"Shut up! Don't bring up this matter again, I have my own opinion!"

Her cousin scolded with a cold expression when she heard the words.

"Oh..." the cyan-robed nun heard this,

He lowered his head and looked very wronged, but he didn't dare to refute.

"Hey... Wanting! You are not familiar with customs, you have to know that Daoist has a sinister heart, not to mention that we are all women, so many things are inconvenient, but don't worry, I will protect you."

Her cousin, probably feeling that Own's tone was a little too harsh, turned her head and comforted her gently.

"Oh... I see!" Wanting admitted her mistake, as if she felt Lu Chen's gaze, she turned her head and lightly stuck out her tongue at Lu Chen, making a funny expression.

Seeing how cute she was, Lu Chen smiled at each other and nodded slightly as a greeting.

"Hmph!" At this moment, her cousin snorted coldly at Lu Chen, and a powerful aura attacked Lu Chen like overwhelming.

The sudden change caught Lu Chen off guard, and his body was a little on the verge of falling, so he quickly circulated his true energy to resist.

He didn't expect that this woman looked pretty, but she had such a temper, she would strike at the slightest disagreement, and the other party's aura struck him like a sledgehammer.

If he hadn't possessed the real energy comparable to the Dzogchen in the fusion period, he probably would have fallen from the sky at this moment.

"Cousin! What are you doing? She's just saying hello." Wanting exclaimed, fearing that her cousin would do something to Lu Chen, she quickly blocked her with her body.

Then he looked at Lu Chen apologetically, motioning for him to leave quickly.

Only then did Lu Chen feel that the other party's aura was withdrawn, and the pressure was swept away, so he hurriedly fled from here with Yu Jian.

When Wanting's cousin saw Lu Chen leaving, she frowned slightly and said:

"Wanting! You're still too naive. That kid looks like a mouse, and is sneaky. He doesn't look like a good person at first sight,"

Seeing Wanting pouted again, with an unconvinced expression on her face, she continued:

"Didn't you realize that he can actually hold my aura? You know, we are separated by a whole big Realm,

This person's true energy is unfathomably deep, and he is very dangerous. You must be careful and guard against this kind of person, and you should not have too much contact with him, you know? "

"Ah? Is he so powerful?" Wanting showed a surprised expression when she heard the words, and then thought about it.

At Chen time in the morning, the set time had come, and Dai Zong came to the front of the crowd alone.

At this time, the tens of thousands of cultivators around became silent and watched

With Dai Zong.

"Hehehe... Fellow daoists! I am grateful to the ancestors for taking care of our future generations of practitioners, leaving countless secret realms. After the decision of the Seven Sect Joint Operation Command Center,

All cultivators from fusion stage and Gold Core early stage can enter the secret realm, and of course cultivators from other realms can challenge the power of the tornado if they are not afraid of death..."

"Hahaha..." Dai Zong's words immediately elicited roars of laughter from the crowd. It is estimated that no fool would take the initiative to die.

Dai Zong raised his hand and pressed down, the scene became quiet again, then smiled and said:

"But when you enter the cultivator in the secret realm, you need to pay 50% of the income when you come out. I believe everyone can understand.

All right! I won't talk nonsense anymore, I wish everyone good luck, I hope you can come back alive, everyone can set off. "

The cultivators of the Expanding Aperture period belonging to the Seven Sects all retreated from the surroundings of the tornado after hearing the news.

Dai Zong's words immediately caused an uproar, countless cultivators were whispering, and the scene suddenly became noisy again.

"What? Seven Sects charge 50% of the proceeds? Why doesn't he grab it! This is too high!" A cultivator in the crowd said outrageously.

"50% income is indeed a bit high, but the secret realm has been dusty for tens of thousands of years, and there must be a lot of incredible resources in it, so 50% is not too high."

After the cultivator finished speaking, Yu Jian flew directly in the direction of the tornado,

Because many cultivators have already started to set off at this moment, he is of course unwilling to be left behind.

Seeing that someone took the lead, no one cared about the 50% profit for a while. Countless cultivators from all directions scrambled to fly towards the tornado with their swords. Biqu library

It didn't take long for many cultivators to gather at the top of the tornado, forming a Daoist stream, swimming upstream like a dragon's gate, flying towards the portal with the flashing mysterious rune until it disappeared.

Lu Chen heard that the Seventh Sect would charge 50% of the income, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,

I thought: "Hehehe... If you can find the hiding place of my resources, why not give you 50%?"

Seeing that many cultivators have passed through the tornado and entered the secret realm, Lu Chen was convinced that the tornado did not threaten him.

Immediately, he turned on the body protection and flew with the sword, leaving an afterimage on the spot...

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