Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 232 Wannian Ziyunzhi

Lu Chen Yujian came flying, and when he was about two kilometers away from the tornado, his body suddenly felt pulled by an invisible force.

The flying speed suddenly increased a lot. Fortunately, everything was safe and sound. Lu Chen stabilized his mind and let the force pull him forward.

Soon, he flew into a huge tornado with others.

"Hoohoo... Kacha Kacha..." The whistling sound of the tornado, mixed with the thunder and lightning from the sky, could be heard clearly.

Lu Chen, who was in the middle of the tornado, felt amazing, as if his body was flying upwards quickly as if he was riding an elevator.

When it is about to reach the top of the tornado and approach the portal,

Suddenly, I felt a downward resistance. That force seemed to prevent the cultivator from moving forward, and it seemed to be testing the cultivator's Cultivation Base.

Lu Chen operated the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to the extreme, the powerful true essence seemed to break free from some kind of shackles, and the resistance disappeared instantly.

A wide formation light curtain appeared in front of him, the middle of the light curtain was pitch black, and golden brilliance flashed around the light curtain, and countless mysterious runes danced, which was very magical.

Immediately, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth rose slightly, and Yujian plunged into the center of the black hole-like portal.

"Huh? The back of that cultivator is so familiar, isn't that Lu Chen? Hahaha... I have to enter the secret realm quickly, maybe I can catch up with him."

Young Master Yu Xiao had just rushed out of the tornado and was about to move on when he saw a familiar figure.

After confirming that it was Lu Chen, he was very happy, and hurriedly chased after Yu Jian.

After entering the portal, darkness appeared in front of Lu Chen's eyes. He couldn't see his fingers, and his body seemed to be in a state of weightlessness. Seeing this, Lu Chen simply closed his eyes.

After about a dozen breaths, Lu Chen suddenly felt that the soles of his feet were firmly planted, and a strong Spiritual Qi rushed towards his face,

Having experienced the trip to Canglan secret realm, Lu Chen knew that he should have arrived.

Then he opened his eyes and saw a plain with lush grass. Lu Chen looked around subconsciously, but found no trace of the portal.

According to previous rumors, the five members of the death squad entered together and then went out together, but one of them was killed in the middle, and only four of them walked out of the secret realm alive in the end.

It must have just happened to be teleported near the portal, but now so many cultivators enter together,

At the same time as Lu Chen just now, there were not a few cultivators who entered the portal.

But after Lu Chen looked around, he didn't find any other cultivators.

Based on Lu Chen's understanding of formation, guess

It is tested that the secret realm should be covered by some powerful formation,

It can sense the number of cultivators entering the secret realm, and automatically adjust and send randomly according to the number of people.

But then the question came again, how did I get out? Where is the portal? When can I go out? How many days? or months? Or how many years?

Thinking of these questions, Lu Chen frowned, but immediately revealed a surprised expression.

Because it is near the grass not far away, as far as the eye can see,

Lu Chen saw a plant about the size of a bath tub, dark purple all over, with a faint purple halo flashing on the surface, at least one meter high, like a big umbrella, standing obliquely beside the grass.

"My god! This... this is... hahaha... this is Ziyunzhi! What a big Ziyunzhi, how many years will it take to grow to such a big size? Hahaha... ..."

Lu Chen flashed to the side of the purple versicolor, and shouted excitedly,

The excitement is indescribable, and the words are somewhat incoherent.

Ziyunzhi is a ninth-level Spiritual herbs with high medicinal value.

Especially for refining and healing medicine pills, if you can add a little purple versicolor, then the healing effect of the healing medicine pills can be improved 100%.

Immediately, Lu Chen ran Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, wanting to use its powerful analysis function to find out the specific year of this Ziyunzhi plant.

When the right hand touched Ziyunzhi lightly, the specific information about this Ziyunzhi instantly appeared in the mind.

"Wannian Ziyunzhi, seventh-level divine grass, the spirit of herbal crystallization, absorbs the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, gathers the essence of the sun and the moon..."

After reading the message, Lu Chen shrank his pupils and shouted frantically,

"Uh...wahahahaha...oh my god! It's Wannian Ziyunzhi, I can't take it anymore, I really can't stand it, someone will save me, hahaha...

With it, I can find some Spiritual herbs, add Wannian Stone Marrow Dew, and I can refine the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill,

With the Wannian Stone Vitality Pill, as long as there is still one breath left, he can be resurrected quickly with full blood. It is really worthwhile trip, really worthwhile trip! "

Trying to calm down his excitement, Lu Chen took out a Magical Item long sword,

Cut off all the land where purple cloud lucidum grew for thousands of years, and sent them together to the treasure house of the world of golden beads.

Since Lu Chen Cultivation Base breakthrough to fusion early stage, the area of ​​Jinzhu World has expanded again,

Lu Chen specially circled a place, about the size of two football fields, and arranged multiple formations in a row to place some particularly precious things.

After finishing these, Lu Chen Divine Sense

Extending quickly, wherever Divine Sense reaches, I see many Spiritual herbs of different levels,

However, spiritual herbs like Wannian Ziyunzhi have never been found again.

Back then, I was born and died for a few third-level Spiritual herbs wisteria flowers,

Now there are so many pieces of Spiritual herbs here, it's really changing and changing.

After lamenting, Lu Chen, in line with the principle of never leaving empty space, Divine Sense controls the Flying Sword "Qinghong", as long as there is a place where Spiritual herbs grow,

Almost always there will be a big hole, people collect Spiritual herbs, maybe not even a blade of grass grows, at least leave some roots.

Lu Chen dug holes everywhere, even the land. Anyway, the world of gold beads is so big that there is no place to put them.

So much so that wherever Lu Chen went, there were potholes everywhere.

I have to say that the resources in the secret realm are really rich, Spiritual herbs can be seen almost everywhere,

Lu Chen was very busy, digging holes everywhere, gradually moving away from the area he was just teleported to.

"Ah..." A miserable cry suddenly sounded,

Lu Chen had just sent a piece of land together with spiritual herbs into the world of Jinzhu when he heard this scream.

Divine Sense quickly stretched out to check, and found that it was a middle-aged cultivator, whose body seemed to have been cut into several pieces by some sharp knife, and the death condition was very miserable.

"This is?" Lu Chen murmured to himself suspiciously, looking around, he didn't seem to find anything unusual, and there were no traces of Demonic Beasts.

How did this cultivator die? The scene was very weird.

At this time, a breeze blew by,

Lu Chen suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, as if some great crisis was coming to him, but nothing unusual happened around him.

Lu Chen quickly activated the solid qi, looked around vigilantly,

As the throbbing in his heart became more and more intense, Lu Chen hurriedly stepped on the "Qinghong" Flying Sword, preparing to leave this place,

However, Lu Chen, who flew up with Yujian, felt more uneasy in his heart. Just as Yujian was about to land, Lu Chen's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Puff puff puff... ah..." Lu Chen screamed, and fell straight from the air to the ground.

The body seemed to be hit by something invisible and extremely sharp suddenly, making a popping sound.

Like chopping melons and vegetables, chopping into Lu Chen's body,

Several horrible wounds appeared on Lu Chen's body in an instant, bleeding continuously.


Lu Chen, who was falling at an extremely fast speed, fell to the ground, and there was a bang, and the dust immediately flew up.

The pain made him grin his teeth, but he didn't know what happened, and he was terrified...

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