Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 233 Astral Wind Body Refining

Lu Chen, who was lying on the ground, showed seven or eight horrible wounds. Through the wounds, the white bones in the flesh and blood were clearly visible, which was very hideous.

When his body was slashed like chopping melons and vegetables, Lu Chen finally felt the breath of the strong wind,

What he didn't expect was that the wind in this secret realm was not only invisible, but also extremely fast, making it hard to guard against, and its power was terrifying.

You must know that own Body Refining Realm has reached the spirit body state, and possesses the body of Magic Treasures, which can basically prevent Vajra from being damaged, water and fire.

Coupled with the thick body protection of true essence, even if the cultivator integrated with the middle stage attacks with all its strength, it may not be able to hurt itself.

But this weird wind can easily break through Own's fleshy body, which shows its horror.

Before he had time to think about it, Lu Chen quickly sat down in the Lotus Position, swallowed a healing Medicine Pill, added a few drops of Wannian Stone Marrow Lotion, and began to recover from the injury.

At the same time, run the Chaos Body Refining Technique, and use the process of recovering from injuries to strengthen the physical body.

A few hours later, Lu Chen returned to normal again, and made up his mind that he must quickly refine the Ten Thousand Years Stone Essence Vitality Pill.

Otherwise, why would it take such a long time to recover from the injury? Usually, it’s okay, but if you encounter a cultivator battle, time is equal to life.

Immediately, Lu Chen flew into the air with his sword again, running the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue and Chaos Body Refining Art in his body,

silently in my heart:

"He will be strong, let him be strong, the breeze blows the hills, he will let him do what he wants, and the bright moon will shine on the river..."

This time Lu Chen is going to take the initiative to find the weird wind, and use the wind to practice the technique of chaotic body refining. This is also the original purpose of Lu Chen coming to Yinfeng Valley. Biqu library

I thought it was because the secret realm couldn't complete the body training in this world, but I never thought that there is also a strong wind in the secret realm. Isn't this just in line with Lu Chen's wishes.

As the so-called external training of muscles and bones, internal training of breath, body training is divided into three stages,

Primary body training: skin refining, meat refining, tendon refining;

Intermediate body training: inscription bones, inscription organs, inscription viscera;

Advanced Body Refining: Transforming blood, transforming marrow, transforming veins.

The body training technique that Horn gave Lu Chen at the beginning was a remnant. After being derived from the Chaos Dao Shengjue, the Cultivation Technique not only became more powerful, but the Realm level also changed.

It is divided into nine Realms, namely: Spiritual Realm, Zongti Realm, King Realm, Monarch Realm, Emperor Realm, Sacred Body Realm, Zunti Realm, Emperor Realm, and Divine Realm.

Lu Chen was in the underground cave in the endless forest before, with the help of underground magma

Became a primary body training, reached the body training spiritual state, the combat power is equivalent to the Foundation Establishment stage Dzogchen.

Lu Chen with Yujian in the air didn't dare to fly too high, he was worried that at first, if he couldn't bear the power of the strong wind and fell from the air again, he wouldn't be killed.

Because the wind has no shadow or form, Lu Chen can only judge the approximate location of the wind by relying on his body's instinctive perception of danger.

However, when Lu Chen Yujian was flying, about 40 to 50 meters above the ground, the breeze was mixed with countless sharp auras.

That aura was as fast as lightning, and it arrived in front of Lu Chen almost in the blink of an eye. Lu Chen hurriedly used the Chaos Body Refining Technique desperately.

"Puff puff puff... ah..." Countless winds slashed into Lu Chen's body like big knives again, making a muffled puff sound.

Lu Chen let out another scream, and within less than three breaths, he fell from the air to the ground again, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

However, this time, fortunately, Lu Chen was well prepared. With the blessing of Chaos Body Refining Technique, although his body was still injured, the wound was not as deep and terrifying as before.

"Hahaha... The Chaos Body Refining Technique really works, come again!" Seeing that the wound was a little smaller than before, Lu Chen felt confident,

Hurry up and eat a healing Medicine Pill again, and hurry up to recover from the injury.

After recovering from the injury, Yujian rushed to the sky again, and then fell from the sky again, and it repeated itself like this, but Lu Chen never tired of it.

If other cultivators see this scene, they will definitely think that Lu Chen is a lunatic,

When others encountered Gang Feng, they would avoid it, but he took the initiative to resist Gang Feng's attack. Isn't this looking for abuse?

It is better to search for more resources if you have this effort.

Young Master Yu Xiao originally thought that by following closely behind, he would be able to catch up with Lu Chen in the secret realm,

But when he entered the portal, he realized that he was in a jungle, and when he looked around,

Except for himself, there were no traces of other cultivators or portals.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

At this time, there was a roar of Demonic Beasts, and Young Master Yu Xiao frowned slightly when he heard the sound,

Looking vigilantly at the direction of the sound, the sound of the running footsteps of the Demonic Beasts was getting closer.

"Tat T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T

Soon one head was two or three meters long, tall and tall, with a big horn on its head.

Demonic Beasts, which resembled lions, appeared in front of Mr. Yu Xiao,

The bowl-sized eyes flashed with a green light, staring at Young Master Yu Xiao firmly, it was very weird and bluffing.

"One-horned, blue-eyed wild lion? Hehehe... It seems that luck is good. Since you, a beast, took the initiative to die, then I will accept your inner alchemy with a smile."

Young Master Yu Xiao smiled confidently after seeing the appearance of Demonic Beasts.

The one-horned and blue-eyed Mad Lion is not a high-level Demonic Beasts, and its combat power is almost comparable to a cultivator integrated with an early stage.

If it was the previous strength, Mr. Yu Xiao might have turned around and ran away long ago.

But after parting with Lu Chen in Qingzhou, he thought that Lu Chen was killed by the flame magic bird, and determined to avenge Lu Chen,

After going back, he worked hard and practiced hard, and the Cultivation Base has broken through from the fusion early stage to the fusion middle stage.

"Roar..." The one-horned, blue-eyed wild lion roared and rushed towards Young Master Yu Xiao.

It doesn't care what Mr. Yu Xiao thinks, it has never seen a prey like a human, and the one-horned, blue-eyed wild lion is very greedy.

"Hmph..." Young Master Yu Xiao snorted coldly.

With a thought, his body turned into several afterimages, and in the next second he was already a certain distance away from the one-horned, blue-eyed mad lion.

The one-horned, blue-eyed wild lion saw that he had jumped into space, let out a low growl, and rushed towards the figure of Young Master Yu Xiao again, at an extremely fast speed, almost in the blink of an eye.

Young Master Yu Xiao's face was cold and calm, his hands kept making seals, his fingertips flashed with light blue brilliance, and the clothes on his body were automatic without wind.

With a sound of "Boom...", a huge clear water appeared out of nowhere in front of him, pouring towards the one-horned, blue-eyed wild lion that was rushing towards him like an overwhelming sea.

"Plop..." The one-horned, blue-eyed Lion made a plop, as if falling into the deep sea.

"Roar... Gudong Gudong... Hou... Gudong Gudong..."

The one-horned, blue-eyed wild lion in the water struggled desperately, drinking a lot of saliva.

It never dreamed of a good land, why it suddenly turned into a big pool,

The terrible thing was that the one-horned and blue-eyed Lion couldn't swim, so he was struggling in the water in a very embarrassing situation, but it didn't help, and he couldn't find a point of strength.

"Hehehe... Is the Young Master's water control technique powerful?" Seeing the one-horned, blue-eyed wild lion turning into a drowned chicken, Young Master Yu Xiao laughed happily.

Immediately after forming a seal again, the huge water flow suddenly disappeared out of thin air, which is very mysterious...

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