Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 234 Zongti Realm

As the prince of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, Hu Shilong originally brought more than a dozen Gold Core early stage subordinates to protect himself before entering the secret realm.

As a result, because the secret realm was teleported randomly, when Hu Shilong got his feet firmly on the ground, he appeared alone in a grand canyon.

But he is not in a hurry, because he himself has the strength of the Dzogchen fusion period, and is proficient in the way of poison.

Coupled with the unique communication jade card of Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, he believed that Xia Ji and all the subordinates would definitely come to join him in a very short time.

Immediately, Hu Shilong Yujian flew out of the canyon.

"Help! Help! Woohoo... senior! Please let me go! May I give you the storage bag?" a woman's voice cried.

I saw that she has a beautiful complexion, bright eyes and bright teeth, about seventeen or eighteen years old, tall and graceful, but she is a stunning beauty, even with tears on her face at the moment, she is even more lovable.

As the woman said, she hurriedly took out the storage bag at her waist and handed it to the other party, but the other party dismissed it.

"Hahaha... let you go? It's not impossible, as long as you follow me, just once, you won't suffer, and you will be very comfortable... Hahaha..."

At this time, a man's voice sounded, and he smiled obscenely, with a greedy look in his eyes.

I saw that man in his forties, with a burly figure, a Chinese character face, and a righteous face, but he didn't want to find resources, and he was here to do this kind of business of robbing women.

"Senior! Please let me go, please? I can give you Spirit Stones. My brothers and sisters are all Gold Core early stage cultivators. They have a lot of Spirit Stones.

As long as you let me go, I'll take you to them and ask them to give you a lot of Spirit Stones, okay? "

The woman prayed again,

At this moment, she really regrets that she came to participate in the secret realm of Shadowwind Valley, and at the same time resents herself for being unlucky,

As soon as I entered the secret realm, I was seen by this middle-aged cultivator, and then he blocked his own Cultivation Base, and asked himself to be his dao companion, doing that fish-and-water thing.

He also said that the sky is the quilt, the ground is the mat, the mountains and rivers are the pillows, and the breeze is the joy...these are all obscene and shameless words, which make people very sick.

"Hmph... are you threatening me?" The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

Immediately, he couldn't wait to rush to the woman.

"Ah... help!" The woman cried out in shock, her face turned pale with fright when she saw this.

I was tripped and fell to the ground when I was backing up, and I kept moving back with my hands and feet

However, he couldn't get rid of the clutches of the middle-aged cultivator.

Emergency moment,

"Keng..." Just as the middle-aged man threw the poor woman down,

A golden Sword Ray struck suddenly, flying towards the middle-aged man with fierce power.

The middle-aged man felt the aura of Sword Ray, and his reaction was not slow. He used the Movement Technique to quickly soar into the air, and then flew out horizontally.

After stabilizing his figure, he looked vigilantly at the direction where Sword Ray was attacking,

At this time, a young son, Yu Jian stopped in the air, looking at him with contempt.

The visitor was wearing a black robe, a sapphire ribbon, and an exquisite Magic Treasures jade crown. His face was sharp, mature and handsome, with black eyebrows like swords, a cynical smile and eyes of contempt.

When the middle-aged cultivator saw that he couldn't see the other party's Cultivation Base, he felt a "thump" in his heart, and without saying a word, he turned around and used Movement Technique to escape.

The corner of the young man's mouth rose slightly, and he didn't intend to chase after him deliberately.

Because only he himself knows that that person has been poisoned by own, and he will definitely die in a short time.

Immediately, the young man raised his hand and shot out a beam of true energy, which entered the woman's body and released the seal in her body.

"Ex... senior! Thank you for saving your life, Junior is grateful."

The woman saw that she was a handsome young man with a dignified appearance, an extraordinary appearance, an elegant temperament, and deep eyes, and she became a little shy for a while.

"You're welcome, I happened to pass by too, so you're lucky." The young man smiled, and was about to leave after speaking.

Although the woman in front of me has a beautiful complexion, bright eyes and white teeth, and a graceful appearance, she is also a pretty beauty,

But with his identity and status, what kind of beauty has he not seen? What kind of beauty has not slept?

So he didn't care about it.

"Senior...Excuse me...May I ask your surname? My name is Mu Nianci." The woman summoned up her courage and asked shyly.

Since ancient times, heroes love beauties, but beauties also love handsome men. I have to say that this young man is very lethal to beauties.

"Hu Shilong!" The young man said with a faint smile.

After leaving the canyon, Hu Shilong flew in a random direction, and it didn't take long before he heard a woman's cry for help.

After Hu Shilong heard the sound, the mysterious Yujian flew over and rescued Mu Nianci. This was probably the first time in his life that he rescued someone.

Just when Hu Shilong was about to leave, Mu Nianci stopped him...

Somewhere in the secret realm

In the original place, a young cultivator, eyes closed, sitting on the Flying Sword in Lotus Position, standing in the air,

The clothes all over his body have turned into strips of cloth, scattered downwards and fluttering with the wind, revealing his strong muscles, looking very healthy.

"Ding, ding, ding..." Countless invisible winds struck the cultivator's skin, making a crisp sound of ding, ding, ding.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the cultivator's skin is flashing a faint golden halo,

Countless winds slashed at the cultivator like countless sharp knives, but they couldn't hurt at all, not even a little scratch.

This person is exactly Lu Chen who used the Gangfeng to practice the Chaos Body Refining Technique.

After repeated failures and repeated attempts, he added the mystery and power of the Chaos Body Refining Technique.

Lu Chen was seriously injured from the very beginning, and couldn't hold on for even three seconds, so he fell from the sky.

Until the injury gradually reduced, and at the same time, the time spent in the air under the attack of the strong wind gradually increased.

Then Gang Feng could only leave some white scratches on the surface of his body, and the time he stayed in the air was even longer.

In the end, a faint golden halo appeared on the surface of the body, and the strong wind was almost like a breeze blowing on the face, causing no harm to Lu Chen at all.

After Lu Chen felt this change, he knew that he had completed the intermediate stage of body training: Minggu, Mingfu, Mingzang; the Minggu stage.

Then the technique of body refining breakthrough to Zongti Realm, and because the Realm of body cultivator is relatively simple, Zongti Realm is equivalent to having the strength of Dzogchen in the fusion period,

Immediately, Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes, and a bright light shot out from his eyes, which was very compelling.

Feeling the strength of his physical body, Lu Chen reckoned that even if he stood still, despite the late stage cultivator's attack, it would be difficult for the opponent to hurt him at all.

Next, Lu Chen performed the water polo technique, washed himself all over, put on a set of clean clothes, and then flew towards Yujian in a random direction.

The middle-aged cultivator who molested Mu Nianci before, because he couldn't see Hu Shilong's Cultivation Base, turned around and ran away. Seeing that the other party didn't chase after him, a hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

However, when he was not yet happy,

Suddenly, I felt a cramping pain in my body, my eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, my skin instantly turned dark brown, my lips turned purple, and the veins all over my body burst out, as if they were about to explode.

"Bang..." fell to the ground, and then the consciousness fell into darkness, life and death disappeared...

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