Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 236 The Consequences Of Owing

"Hu senior, please don't worry, I won't cause trouble for you, as long as I can sense the position of senior sister and the others, I will leave immediately, okay... okay?"

Seeing that the other party was hesitant, Mu Nianci hurriedly said, as if grabbing a life-saving straw,

He also took out a special communication jade card to prove that what he said was true.

"Hehehe...I'm not a senior, don't call me old, let's go together!" Hu Shilong finally did not refuse, and smiled.

"Hehehe... Thank you Hu senior, uh... I'm sorry I made a mistake, but I thank Hu Dage for taking me in, hehehe..."

Mu Nianci smiled happily upon hearing this, as happy as a child,

Seeing this, Hu Shilong smiled, feeling that being with Mu Nianci was very relaxing.

Immediately, the two held their swords together and flew at a low altitude about two or three meters above the ground.

Obviously, both of them knew that if they flew too high, they would be easily attacked by the strong wind.

Hu Shilong saw that Mu Nianci only had the Cultivation Base that integrated the early stage, so he intentionally controlled the flying speed to prevent Mu Nianci from falling behind.

This heart-warming act made Mu Nianci feel good about Hu Shilong.

an hour later,

When the two of them flew with swords together and passed through a swamp,

Mu Nianci suddenly pointed to the puddle on the left front, and said pleasantly: "Hu Dage! Look there!"

Hu Shilong looked in the direction of Mu Nianci's finger,

I saw a pale blue beam of light rising into the sky about a kilometer in front of the left, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

Such a scene shows that there must be treasures ahead.

Just now he was using Divine Sense to check the communication jade token to see if there were traces of his subordinates nearby, so he didn't notice the scene ahead.

This special communication jade card is somewhat similar to a portable radar. As long as a companion appears nearby, the corresponding red dot will be displayed on the jade card.

Each other can quickly find each other only according to the position of the red dot.

"Go! Go and have a look." Hu Shilong said softly.

Immediately, the two of them accelerated their flying speed and flew towards the direction where the blue light suddenly appeared.

Lu Chen never dreamed that one day he would

Surrounded by countless ants.

And every ant has a van-sized head, and its fighting power is comparable to a cultivator integrated with a middle stage.

There are even some larger bloodthirsty golden ants, and their fighting power is comparable to that of Dzogchen in the fusion period.

If the number is not large, maybe Lu Chen can easily deal with it,

The terrible thing is that there are bloodthirsty golden ants everywhere, whether it is on the ground or in the sky, what the hell is going on.

Lu Chen secretly regretted in his heart, scolding himself for owed money,

If I had known that those five bloodthirsty golden ants had such a big background, why would I ask for trouble?

However, the bloodthirsty golden ants did not give Lu Chen a chance to regret or explain. The bloodthirsty golden ants swarmed towards Lu Chen directly, and buried Lu Chen in the blink of an eye.

"Om..." Suddenly, a buzzing sound resounded through the sky.

Lu Chen directly used the big move Buddha Palm, and countless bloodthirsty golden ants who buried Lu Chen were sent flying by the huge palm print formed by the condensed true essence.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..." The roars of countless bloodthirsty golden ants sounded all around, as if they were shouting for support, or as if they were calling for a charge.

Anyway, countless bloodthirsty golden ants swarmed in again.

"Damn it!" Lu Chen cursed, the feeling of being besieged is really uncomfortable.

Fortunately, my body refining technique has broken through to the Zongti state, otherwise I would have been cut into pieces by these beasts just now.

"Om..." Huge palm prints sandwiched invisible small palm prints, with the aura of destroying the world, non-stop issued from Lu Chen's palm.

Buddha Palm plus the two big moves of Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong smashed countless bloodthirsty golden ants to death.

But the bloodthirsty golden ants seemed to be angry too, even if their companions died, more bloodthirsty golden ants would fill them up.

No way, Lu Chen had no choice but to sacrifice black stones, which instantly became the size of hills under the perfusion of true essence,

While desperately casting Divine Sense, Lu Chen controlled the black stones to hit the bloodthirsty gold ants colony, and at the same time put a handful of Huizhen Pill into his mouth,

Continuously displaying Buddha Palm and Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong, Lu Chen's True Essence Elimination

The consumption is very huge, and it must be replenished in time with the help of Medicine Pill.

"Boom boom boom boom..." The black stones kept rising and falling, hitting the ground with a burst of bangs, the ground shook, and dozens of large pits suddenly appeared on the ground.

Another large piece of bloodthirsty golden ants were smashed into meatloaf.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lu Chen stepped on the "Qinghong" Flying Sword, preparing to retreat,

Because Lu Chen realized that if he continued to entangle, he would have to be consumed to death by these beasts,

The speed at which Medicine Pill recovers its true essence cannot keep up with the speed at which its own true essence is consumed.

Once one's true energy is exhausted, the consequences will be unimaginable.

I saw Lu Chen stepping on the "Qinghong" Flying Sword, his body turned into several afterimages, and flew into the air,

However, there are not a few bloodthirsty golden ants with wings in the air.

And the speed is not slow, and the strength is also stronger. Each end is comparable to a late stage cultivator, and it is also flocking to Lu Chen overwhelmingly.

Lu Chen really regrets it now. If he hadn't abused the powerful group killing skill of the black thunder arc in the endless forest,

At this moment, it must be more than enough to kill these beasts, but the thunder beads in the body are only as small as the tip of a needle.

Lu Chen really didn't dare to use it any more. If Leizhu disappeared because of this, who would he cry to?

In the air, Lu Chen was once again besieged by countless bloodthirsty golden ants with wings, and he couldn't escape. If he fought, he would be dragged to death sooner or later. Biqu library

Lu Chen was also angry, his eyes were fixed, and a blue flame suddenly burst out from his body,

The flame is very coquettish and beautiful, but with a terrifying momentum and a temperature that destroys everything, it spreads rapidly to the surroundings.

Countless bloodthirsty golden ants with wings instantly turned into nothingness in the air.

In order to escape, Lu Chen didn't care to expose the sky fire, Wulian Xinhuo, Wulian Xinhuo did not disappoint Lu Chen, after killing countless bloodthirsty golden ants,

The bloodthirsty golden ant with wings is instinctively afraid of Wulian's heart fire, not daring to get close, but unwilling to retreat.

Lu Chen stood in the air with his sword like a Vulcan. Wherever he went, the bloodthirsty golden ants retreated in horror, but they still surrounded Lu Chen from a distance.

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