"Food is immortal" in Shun'an City. In a luxurious private room on the third floor, the table is already filled with all kinds of precious delicacies.

Yang Yunfei Divine Sense controls the jug, the jug automatically flies up, and then pours down, the spirit wine slowly flows into the wine glass, making a crisp sound.

While Yang Yunfei was drinking tea with a smile on his face, the door of the private room was pushed open, and Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi entered the room together.

"Hahaha...Kaishan bear's paw, wild abalone, multicolored lobster, pearl chicken wings... What a good day today, brother Yunfei is spending so much money?"

Qi Yutang entered the door and saw a table of delicious food, his eyes lit up, and he smiled happily.

"Hahaha... yes! Could it be that today is brother Yunfei's birthday? It doesn't seem right! I remember that a few months ago, brother Yunfei just celebrated his birthday. Could it be that brother Yunfei got rich recently?"

After Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang sat down familiarly, they looked at Yang Yunfei suspiciously and laughed.

"Don't make wild guesses, come on! Let's have a few drinks first, let's talk about it first, no one is allowed to use real energy to dispel the alcohol, today our brothers will not be drunk, hahaha..."

Yang Yunfei raised his wine glass high, raised his head to do the first thing in respect, with a calm smile on his face, but a strange look in his eyes.

Even if Yang Yunfei deliberately concealed it, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang, as brothers for many years, still saw some clues, but neither of them said it first.

Guessing in their hearts that something must happen, they believed that since Yang Yunfei had specially invited the two of them here, he would naturally speak up when it was time to speak.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the few of them first recalled the absurd and embarrassing things they did together in the past, which immediately made everyone laugh heartily.

Then I talked about where the brothel girls had the best figure and the most beautiful women, and among the beauties I knew, which one had the biggest breasts and the most upturned buttocks.

During the period, Zhao Chengzhi also intentionally mentioned the name Sun Lifang. Qi Yutang's expression changed suddenly when he heard the words, and he became depressed, and he just focused on drinking.

Good day, being chatted to death by Zhao Chengzhi like this, the atmosphere became awkward for a while.

Yang Yunfei secretly kicked Zhao Chengzhi hard and gave him a glare. Finally, he changed the topic to their respective futures, before breaking the embarrassment.

The atmosphere eased down.

"Hehehe... hiccup... there is always a banquet in the world, don't know when we will see each other today, here, I wish you two will practice hard and make progress every day, hahaha... Come on! Let's go one more."

Yang Yunfei hiccupped and said with a sleepy smile.

Then he raised the wine glass again and drank the spirit wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Hahaha...Brother Yunfei, what do you mean by this, it will be my...my birthday in a few days, I will invite you again when the time comes, and we brothers can drink to our heart's content again."

Zhao Chengzhi said with a knot in his tongue, it seemed that he was quite drunk.

If the cultivator didn't use his true energy to dispel the alcohol, he would get drunk just like a normal mortal.

"Brother Yunfei...Could it be...Could it be that you are going to travel far away?" Qi Yutang lay on the table and heard the meaning behind Yang Yunfei's words.

Yang Yunfei glanced at the two of them, sighed softly, and told about his leaving Shun'an City.

It turned out that Yang Yunfei, as a concubine, did not have the right to inherit the family property, and in the family he still had to face exclusion and guard against the concubine.

And at a certain age, as a concubine, you must leave the family alone and go out to make a living on your own.

And Yang Yunfei recently had to leave the family because of this incident, and thus left Shun'an City.

Fortunately, Yang Yunfei's family is somewhat humane, and each concubine will give a corresponding fee, about 200,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, as the start-up capital for their own establishment.

Yang Yunfei is a free and easy person, after accepting the facts, he immediately made a choice, if he wanted to go, he would run a little farther, and directly chose to leave southern Xinjiang to develop in the Central Plains.

It's just that before leaving, he didn't forget to say goodbye to the brothers Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang.

So let's make an appointment here for the last reunion, because after this farewell, Tianya is everywhere, and I really don't know when we will meet again.

Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang also sighed when they heard the words, they didn't expect Yang Yunfei to go so far away.

Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi, who were also concubines, felt the same way, but neither of them thought about leaving Shun'an City too far, let alone leaving the southern border area.

In the secret realm of Shadowwind Valley, all cultivators are sent randomly,

Cultivators traveling together usually communicate through own

Get in touch with your teammates by means of means, and then form a team to explore the secret realm together.

Everyone's fate is different. Some cultivators are unlucky, and died tragically on the spot as soon as they were teleported in.

Of course, there are many lucky cultivators. As soon as they entered the secret realm, they got a lot of rich resources.

However, after some cultivators find a partner, they don't think about finding resources, and instead form a team to do some house-robbing activities.

Not to mention, sometimes if you are lucky, you may rob and kill a person, which is worth searching a city.

Yan Zixia's luck was not so good, she brought a total of eleven Gold Core early stage companions, but she didn't meet any of them.

What's even more annoying is that she was surrounded by three bad cultivators, and only one of the three cultivators, like her Cultivation Base, was a late stage Cultivation Base.

And the other two bad cultivators are all Cultivation Base of Dzogchen fusion period,

The three formed a triangle, surrounded by Yan Zixia, with a cat and mouse expression on their faces.

"Seniors! I hand over the storage bag, can you let me go?" Yan Zixia asked with a cold expression.

The hostile gazes of the three bad cultivators made Yan Zixia's heart sink to the bottom, but there was nothing she could do.

"Hahaha...boss! We are really lucky today. Not only did we gain a lot of resources, but we also met such a stunning beauty."

The fusion late stage cultivator, who is thinner among the three, smiled wretchedly,

"That's right! Boss, if you finish your work later, how about letting us brothers enjoy it too?"

Another cultivator who is overweight but is in the Dzogchen fusion period echoed,

"Hahaha...Don't worry, follow me, you will definitely not suffer any disadvantages, and you can do whatever you want later." The cultivator, who is called the boss, said seriously.

Yan Zixia was very angry when she heard the obscene words of several people, but she didn't get carried away by the anger, and she took the lead. After all, the Cultivation Base of several people was there,

As a smart woman, she must always keep calm and think of countermeasures to survive.

"Hehehe... Seniors! Why don't we make a deal?

I guarantee that you can get 10 million middle-grade Spirit Stones, how about some seniors? "

Yan Zixia smiled calmly and said...

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