Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 241 A Cloud Piercing Arrow

Song Wanting thought about what Lu Chen said after hearing the words, and it seemed that this was the case, but she refused to lower her head to admit it, and said nothing, and looked at Lu Chen angrily.

"Hehehe... Besides, I saved your life just now, so it's fine if you don't want to thank me. If you repay your kindness with revenge, then it's your fault. Does Yin & Yang Baihua Snake know? Hey! That's the one ?”

While eating the barbecue, Lu Chen pointed to a big tree in the distance.

Song Wanting looked in the direction of Lu Chen's finger. A thick thumb was covered with red and black patterns all over her body. A poisonous snake with a triangular head was being firmly nailed to the tree trunk by a long sword.

Although the poisonous snake had died, Song Wanting, who was a girl, was still terrified when she saw it, her back felt chills, and she quickly avoided her eyes.

She has also heard of the Yin & Yang Hundred Flower Snake. It is said that this snake is extremely poisonous. After being bitten, if there is no timely treatment from Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, you will definitely die.

Then I thought that when I rushed out of the tree hole, I really felt a tingling pain in my calf, and then I lost consciousness. If this is the case, the other party really saved me.

"Thank... Thank you!" Song Wanting said in a voice like a mosquito.

Knowing that I might have misunderstood the other party, I felt a little embarrassed.

"Hehehe... come and taste my cooking skills! This is the meat of the fifth-grade Demonic Beasts ground cracking beef. My technology for grilling steaks is unparalleled in the world. You are the only one in the world. You are lucky today." Lu Chen smiled. road.

He didn't pay much attention to Wanting's non-thank you,

Pointing to the simple barbecue frame set up by the Magic Treasures long sword, the pieces of meat on it are still sizzling, looking very appetizing.

"Hmph! Bragging!" Song Wanting was disbelieving when she heard the words, but she still walked over and picked up the two wooden sticks that Lu Chen had prepared before, and used them as chopsticks.

The meat of the fifth-order Demonic Beasts is also very attractive to her.

After taking a small bite, Song Wanting's eyes lit up, and she ate it with big mouthfuls.

To be honest, she has also eaten grilled Demonic Beasts, but she has never tasted such a unique grilled meat.

"Hehehe... eat slowly, there are still a lot here, by the way! Why are you hiding here alone, where is your cousin?"

Lu Chen was very proud to see the other party bowing down under the own food,

Just kidding, in my previous life, in order to chase a girl,

For a while, I learned how to cook all kinds of delicacies on Douyin every day. Can this technology be bad?

It's a pity that the girl didn't get married in the end,

Cooking skills are good.

"Huh... I want you to take care of it!" Song Wanting snorted tenderly,

But he still told the reason why she appeared here alone.

It turned out that her cousin had thought about this beforehand.

Things were exactly as her cousin Mei Ye Qing thought, the two were randomly teleported to the secret realm.

After Song Wanting entered the secret realm, she found that her cousin was not nearby,

So according to the agreement with my cousin in advance, I stayed where I was and waited for my cousin to come to me.

That's why Song Wanting hid herself in the tree hole, preparing to wait for a few days,

If the cousin didn't come to look for her, she went out to look for the cousin again, and this happened just like the previous scene.

"Then what are your plans next? I may leave soon, and I can't accompany you to wait for your cousin."

Lu Chen showed a clear expression when he heard the words, and expressed his own thoughts.

"I...Can I go with you?" Song Wanting asked tentatively.

She has stayed here for almost a day, and she has not seen her cousin come to find her, and the communication jade card has not responded, which shows that the cousin is far away from own.

Cousin shouldn't be able to come in a short time, she can't just wait here all the time.

Meeting Lu Chen again, he can be regarded as an acquaintance, and the fact that the other party is willing to spend Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to save himself shows that the other party should be a good person.

Therefore, Song Wanting proposed to follow Lu Chen, and they could be regarded as taking care of each other.

"Chirp..." Before Lu Chen could reply to Song Wanting,

At this time, a clear and long-lasting sound suddenly came from the distant sky. The sound was huge and had a long history.

Then a fiery red object shot from the bottom up to the sky at high speed, and when it reached the limit, it burst into brilliant light spots like fireworks.

Countless fiery red light spots gathered in the sky, and the word "Seven Sects" did not disperse for a long time.

Lu Chen and Song Wanting looked up in surprise.

"It's the Cloud Piercing Arrow!" Song Wanting exclaimed.

"Cloud piercing arrow?" Lu Chen wondered, he thought who set off fireworks in the secret realm,

Hearing what Song Wanting said, she immediately thought that she had seen records about the Cloud Piercing Arrow before, but she hadn't.

Seeing Lu Chen's puzzled expression, Song Wanting thought he didn't know what the Cloud Piercing Arrow was.

So he smiled and said:

"The Cloud Piercing Arrow is a signal type of Magic Treasures, mostly used in military operations, and it's normal to rarely see it.

Since ancient times, it has been said: An arrow piercing the clouds, thousands of troops and horses will meet each other;

Two loyal and courageous, the mountains of swords and seas of fire bring their lives to life.

Look at the two characters of Qizong

, indicating that people from the Seven Sects are gathering the disciples of the Seven Sects to determine what important discoveries they have made.

If my cousin sees it, she should also rush there, so that I can meet up with my cousin?

Lu Dage! Let's check it out too! "

Song Wanting was very happy when she thought that it was possible to find her cousin quickly.

"Hehehe... How can we miss such a lively event? Let's go!" Lu Chen laughed.

I thought to myself, if the people from the seven major sects gathered their staff with such fanfare, there must be something important happening.

At that time, there will definitely be many cultivators rushing, do you want to give him another vote?

Immediately, the two each held their own swords, preparing to fly in the direction of the Cloud Piercer Arrow.

Lu Chen suddenly pulled Song Wanting back, because with her posture, she could tell at a glance that she was going to point her sword at the sky and soar into the sky,

This startled Lu Chen, otherwise, with her Cultivation Base integrated with the early stage, she would have to be sliced ​​into pieces by the strong wind in the sky.

At first, Wanting Song thought that Lu Chen was taking advantage of her, and her face was a little displeased.

Lu Chen didn't explain anything, he just kicked up and kicked the one next to him,

The body of the fifth-order Demonic Beasts, which was about the size of a bus, kicked into the air, signaling Song Wanting to look into the air.

Song Wanting looked up suspiciously.

At this time, the corpse of the Demonic Beasts ground-splitting cow just flew to a distance of less than fifty meters from the ground.

Suddenly, Song Wanting's pupils shrank, her scalp felt numb, and her legs trembled slightly.

I saw the body of the Demonic Beasts, which was the size of a bus, was suddenly cut into countless pieces by something invisible when it flew into the air, like chopping melons and vegetables.

Then it turned into countless pieces of meat and fell from the sky, making a muffled sound.

"Then... what is that... what?" Song Wanting asked in horror.

"Hehehe...that's Gangfeng, invisible and powerful, I saved your life again, let's go!" Lu Chen smiled triumphantly.

"Thank you Lu Dage, you saved me again," Song Wanting thanked her sincerely.

"You're welcome, let's go!" Lu Chen smiled.

But Song Wanting heard the words but still did not move,

It was only then that Lu Chen realized that the other party's legs were still trembling slightly, and there was still cold sweat on his forehead. It seemed that he was really frightened.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, without pointing a finger, took out the flying boat, and signaled her to come up quickly.

Then Lu Chen drove the flying boat, carrying Song Wanting to the direction where the Cloud Piercing Arrow was launched...

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