Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 242 The Brotherhood Of The Bastard Leaving Home

"The bastard went out of the township pass in Biecheng, this time I went to Duckweed, and I will not return it.

There is only one glass of wine in the world of mortals, and Beichen is famous for being the only immortal. "

This poem is a poem written by Yang Yunfei when he left Shun'an City and stood at the gate of the city.

It probably means that as a concubine, I am about to leave Shun'an City and my hometown.

From then on, like duckweed without roots, drifting with the tide, helpless.

Seeing through the worldly affairs, Yang Yunfei also thought clearly,

It is nothing more than when drinking, you can only pour a glass, which shows loneliness and also expresses your reluctance to friends.

However, it also inspired Yang Yunfei's fighting spirit. He encouraged himself to practice hard and become a famous immortal in Beichen Continent in the future.

Three days passed quickly, and this morning, Yang Yunfei was walking alone on the streets of Shun'an City,

Today is the day when the Yang family concubine's children leave home, Yang Yunfei packed his bags early in the morning,

In fact, there is nothing to clean up. Divine Sense puts the things you need in the storage bag, and you can easily get them done.

Yang Yunfei, who came to the gate of the city, felt it and wrote this poem.

Just when Yang Yunfei glanced at the gate of Shun'an City reluctantly, took out the Magic Treasures long sword, and was about to leave with the sword.

As soon as he turned around, he saw two familiar figures, and then there was a look of joy in his eyes. Obviously, both of them were one step ahead, waiting for him here.

"Hahaha...Brother Yunfei! Isn't it too much for you to leave without saying goodbye?" Qi Yutang laughed.

"Hahaha... yes! I guessed that this kid would leave without saying goodbye, look! I've been hit!

hurry up! It was you who lost, one hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones, not one less. " Zhao Chengzhi smiled proudly.

Zhao Chengzhi guessed before that Yang Yunfei might leave without saying goodbye, so he made a bet with Qi Yutang that the two of them would lie in ambush around the city gate early,

As soon as Yang Yunfei came out, he could see clearly.

In the end, Zhao Chengzhi won. Sure enough, Yang Yunfei hadn't contacted them since the meal that day.

"Hehehe... Why are you here? Actually, you don't need to see me off." Yang Yunfei smiled warmly in his heart.

The reason why I chose to leave quietly is that I don't want to be sad because of parting.

"Guess why we are here? If you guess right, you will get a prize!" Qi Yutang smiled in a mocking manner.

But he was kicked on the ass by Zhao Chengzhi: "I guess you are tall! Hurry up and get one hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones."

Yang Yunfei heard that there was a black line on his forehead, didn't these two bastards come to send own?

"Hehehe... Get lost!" Yang Yunfei yelled at Qi Yutang, the little emotion that had just arisen in his heart disappeared in an instant.


If you dare to scold me, if I had known you were so unfriendly, I would not have come, so that I was planning to go to the Central Plains with you, "

Qi Yutang swears and swears, with an annoyed expression on his face.

"What... what? You want to go to the Central Plains with me?" Yang Yunfei was shocked when he heard the words, and looked at Zhao Chengzhi questioningly.

You know, although these two brothers are also born in concubines, they have relatively conservative personalities. They never thought of leaving Shun'an City too far away, let alone leaving Southern Xinjiang.

Zhao Chengzhi nodded and smiled at Yang Yunfei, confirming that what Qi Yutang said was true.

"This..." Yang Yunfei wanted to say something when he heard the words, but suddenly felt a lump in his throat, his eyes became moist instantly, and he couldn't speak.

Since the two brothers spoke at the same time, it must have been discussed, which means that the two of them will follow him to the Central Plains.

"Hahaha...why are you still crying like a girl? Are you touched? Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Qi Yutang leaned over triumphantly and asked repeatedly.

"You know it!" Zhao Chengzhi kicked Qi Yutang's ass again.

As a result, Qi Yutang staggered and nearly fell, and there happened to be a pile of Demonic Beasts poop on the ground.

"Zhao Chengzhi! Fuck you, daddy will never end with you!" Qi Yutang stabilized his body and directly cast Movement Technique, his body turned into an afterimage and wrestled with Zhao Chengzhi.

"Hahaha... If you have such a brother in life, what more can you ask for?" Yang Yunfei murmured with mixed feelings as he watched the two bastards wrestle together like a treasure.

Yang Yunfei knew very well in his heart that the two of them made such a decision must be because of themselves and because of their friendship.

It's a long way to go, and there are many variables. Maybe it's unknown if you die in a foreign country.

So Yang Yunfei was really moved and shed tears of happiness...

Shadowwind Dale secret realm,

When someone from the Seven Sects sends out a cloud-piercing arrow, all cultivators within a radius of ten thousand miles can see the two big characters "Seven Sects" in the sky that have not been dispersed for a long time.

All of a sudden, there was a turmoil, and everyone guessed that something important must have happened, otherwise wouldn't it be nice for a person to make a fortune in silence?

As the saying goes: a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses come to meet each other;

Two loyal and courageous, the mountains of swords and seas of fire bring their lives to life.

Therefore, the cultivators who saw the signal, no matter they belonged to the Seven Sects, were descendants of other aristocratic families, or Rogue cultivators, all rushed to the direction of the cloud piercing arrow from all directions.

After Yan Zixia was surrounded by three bad cultivators, she made a plan and used the own storage bracelet as bait, and she succeeded in stabilizing the three of them.

This was Yan Zixia's last resort, because two of the three were Dayuan during the fusion period.

Full, one person is fusion late stage,

Cultivation Base, which integrates the late stage by itself, is not their opponent at all.

All three of them wanted to get the treasure worth tens of millions of middle-grade Spirit Stones in the storage bracelet, but Yan Zixia used the excuse of destroying the storage bracelet, and the two sides fell into a brief stalemate.

"What do you want, you are willing to give us the things in the storage bracelet, or at least you have to show us first! What kind of treasure is it!

Otherwise, what if there is no treasure in your storage bracelet? "

After a brief stalemate, the boss seemed to have calmed down the excitement, and figured out many of the key points, calmly and authentically.

The other two heard Dage's words, and they also understood, thinking that if this girl deceived themselves and others, there would be nothing in the storage bracelet?

So the two showed a posture of wanting to do it again.

Yan Zixia had a panoramic view of the changes in the expressions of the few people, knowing that if they were not given a little hope, they would not believe in own.

"You retreat three thousand meters, I will leave two taels of the treasure Enlightenment Tea, and you are not allowed to chase me?"

Yan Zixia said that there was a small finger-sized leaf in her hand, which was sunny green, crystal clear, and shone with a faint halo.

Even if it is only a small piece, it exudes a powerful scent of Sacred, which is refreshing and refreshing.

"Enlightenment tea!" The three bad cultivators exclaimed in unison.

There was a greedy look in his eyes, and his heart seemed to be jumping out, very excited.

Wudao tea is a very rare spiritual thing, if not for the existence of Bodhi Tree, I am afraid that the tea tree of Wudao tea would be among the top ten Spiritual Roots,

Enlightenment tea contains the laws of heaven and earth, and it can make cultivators comprehend the laws of heaven and earth. Even cultivators in the transformation stage will fight desperately.

There are really not many spiritual objects like this in the Cultivation World except Wannian Stone Marrow Dew and Enlightenment Tea, so they are very precious.

Yan Zixia was very satisfied with their performance and waited quietly for their decision.

"Boss?" The other two cultivators looked at their leader and asked what he meant.

"Take out everything in the storage bracelet, and I promise to let you go safely."

The boss fixed his eyes on the storage bracelet on Yan Zixia's wrist,

Since the other party can bring out such a heaven-defying fetish as enlightenment tea, there must be other treasures in the storage bracelet.

If it wasn't for the connection between the storage bracelet and the woman, the other party could destroy all the treasures in the storage bracelet with a single thought.

It is estimated that the boss has already rushed to snatch it.

However, now that he has seen such a heaven-defying fetish as Enlightenment Tea, the boss wants to store all the things in the bracelet even more...

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