Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 247 Five Stone Platforms

Once the "Cloud Piercing Arrow" is launched, it can form a certain pattern or text in the sky.

And it can last for one to two hours before dispersing, which is enough time for the surrounding cultivators to accurately determine their position according to the signal of "Cloud Piercing Arrow".

All of a sudden, cultivators who could see the signal rushed from all directions to the central area where the "Cloud Piercing Arrow" signal was emitted within a range of dozens of kilometers.

Lu Chen met the lively and lovely Song Wanting by chance and coincidence. Out of their affection for girls, the two went together.

Fortunately, neither of them encountered any powerful Demonic Beasts along the way, even if they were occasionally attacked by some Demonic Beasts comparable to the Dzogchen fusion period.

With Lu Chen around, she could handle it calmly, which made Song Wanting feel very safe, and at the same time marveled at Lu Chen's strength.

In her family, there has never been a clansman who has integrated the early stage and can fight across a large level.

During this period, if you come across Spiritual herbs or other cultivation resources, Lu Chen will take the initiative to give half of them to Song Wanting.

This greatly increased Song Wanting's affection for Lu Chen, and even called "Lu Dage" very affectionately.

After more than an hour, the two flew out of the forest with their swords together,

There is an open land ahead, and as far as the eye can see, there are jagged and towering mountains, surrounded by clouds and mist,

In the sky, there are two light red characters of "Seven Sects" floating, which are very eye-catching.

But judging from the color, it is obviously much lighter than before. It seems that these two words will disappear soon.

At this time, it can already be seen that there are many cultivators flying with swords, flying down the mountain quickly, but these cultivators all have a common feature, they don't fly very high.

As soon as Lu Chen and Song Wanting approached the foot of the mountain, they heard a bustling noise. There were about five or six hundred cultivators gathered in the flat place at the foot of the mountain.

Some are in twos and threes, some are in groups, and of course there are lone rangers who are alone on the side,

Dozens of cultivators form seven small groups, needless to say, you can guess that they are members of the seven major sects.

Especially like the Jade Maiden Palace, all female cultivators are as beautiful as Celestial Immortals, forming a beautiful landscape among the crowd.

They were all talking and discussing, as if waiting for something to happen.

From time to time, there was a lot of laughter, and the scene was like a party.


For Lu Chen and Song Wanting, the Cultivation Base is just an integration of the early stage. Among this group of people, they basically belong to the bottom of the existence.

So their arrival did not attract the attention of the crowd.

"Lu Dage!" Song Wanting leaned closer to Lu Chen unconsciously, grabbed Lu Chen's arm with both hands, and said with a frightened expression on her face.

As soon as the two of them landed, Song Wanting saw an open space the size of a basketball court vacated by everyone in the middle of the field.

There were five corpses with extremely tragic deaths, lying on the ground in disorder, no one dealt with them,

Among them, there are many separated corpses, dead with unsatisfactory eyes, and those who have been severed in the middle, bloody intestines flowing all over the ground, the picture is very horrifying.

Seeing this, Lu Chen also frowned slightly, feeling sick in his heart, and almost vomited out the grilled steak he ate earlier.

I thought to myself, it should have happened here not long ago, the desperate struggle between cultivators,

But even if it is a cultivator battle, if you kill the opponent, you must at least use fireball to deal with the corpse!

This group of people is still chatting and laughing happily, it is really indifferent, sad, and deplorable.

At this time, a man was more than eight feet tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, handsome and unrestrained, with a white face and beardless, broad-faced and heavy-faced, with sharp eyes,

A majestic young cultivator, Yu Jian stood in the air, overlooking all the cultivators present.

He coughed lightly, and his voice spread like a bell, mixed with the faint coercion of Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base.

This made all the cultivators on the scene quiet down, and they all looked up at him.

The man seemed very satisfied with the effect of his control of the situation, and then said with a smile:

"Hehehe... fellow daoists! I am Xia Housheng of the Tianyan Sect, and this cloud piercing arrow was issued by me..."

"Xia Housheng! I didn't expect him to be the Gold Core early stage of Tian Yanzong, the number one genius Xia Housheng,"

A cultivator in the crowd who had heard of Xia Housheng's name said in shock.

"I've also heard about Xia Housheng. It is said that he broke through to the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage when he was less than thirty years old, and he has achieved quite a lot in the way of formation."

Someone in the crowd shared Xia Housheng's message again,

The cultivators in the Tianyan Sect's camp all showed proud expressions when they heard the discussions among the crowd.

"Will Xiahou win? Hahaha... If you offend me, I will kill you anyway," said a cultivator in the crowd who couldn't understand Xiahou winning.

The appearance of the limelight, murmured.

Of course, there were also many cultivators who listened carefully to Xia Housheng's narration, including Lu Chen and Song Wanting.

It turned out that Xia Housheng happened to be teleported nearby. When searching for resources, he accidentally discovered five circular stone platforms here.

Each stone platform is about half the size of a basketball court, and the whole body is hollowed out with mysterious rune lines, faintly exuding a simple and vicissitudes of life.

But what is strange is that the five stone platforms have stood in this wilderness for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, but they have not been covered by vines.

Except for some traces of time, if these stone platforms were not known in advance, they would have been sealed together with the secret realm for countless years.

Anyone would think that these stone platforms were built not long ago.

Because Xia Housheng has made great achievements in the way of formation, after research and comparison, he judged that these five stone platforms are five ancient teleportation arrays.

Then the problem arises, the original secret realm is the power of the ancient cultivator, which sealed a piece of heaven and earth, leaving rich resources for future generations of cultivators.

Then where is the other end of these teleportation arrays? Xia Housheng has made many conjectures.

The most likely thing is that the other end of the teleportation array should be the cultivation dojo left over from the ancient times, or the cultivation gate Immortal Cave.

Maybe I can still get the cultivation inheritance from the ancient times.

Thinking of this possibility, Xia Housheng was very excited.

Immediately took out a large number of Spirit Stones, trying to open the teleportation array, and enjoy this proper ancient Immortal Cave exclusively.

But he searched around the stone platform for a long time, but he couldn't find a formation groove where Spirit Stones could be placed.

Because if the general teleportation array is to be opened, there will be a corresponding formation groove to place the Spirit Stones, with the help of the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Stones to support the operation of the teleportation array.

After checking, Xia Housheng found that none of the five stone platforms had a groove for placing Spirit Stones, so what should we do now?

So Xia Housheng studied the five stone platforms carefully.

In the end, Huang Tian paid off, Xia Housheng finally thought of a kind of teleportation array that was somewhat similar to this stone platform.

The activation of this kind of teleportation array does not rely on Spirit Stones, but requires many cultivators to stand on the stone platform and pour true energy into the stone platform at the same time,

Use a large amount of cultivator's true essence as the energy source for the teleportation array...

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