Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 248 Limited Quota

Lu Chen joined the crowd, listening carefully and earnestly. At the same time, he looked curiously at the five stone platforms that Xia Housheng had mentioned.

Each stone platform is like a chess piece magnified countless times, lying quietly at the foot of the mountain.

They are separated in an orderly manner, and they look very ordinary. If Xia Housheng hadn't mentioned its purpose,

I believe that many cultivators will automatically ignore these stone platforms. Didn't Lu Chen also notice these stone platforms when he first came here?

When they heard that these five stone platforms might be the key to entering the ancient Immortal Cave, they immediately caused an uproar.

Some cultivators even jumped onto the nearest stone platform without leaving a trace.

Seeing one person taking the lead, more cultivators swarmed in like a crowded train, jumping onto the stone platform one after another,

So that after a while, the five stone platforms were crowded with many cultivators, and some cultivators even had only one foot on the stone platform,

The other foot was hanging in the air outside the stone platform. If there were no companions pulling him, that person would definitely fall down. Even so, there was still a cultivator trying to climb the stone platform.

According to Lu Chen's visual estimation, each stone platform can accommodate about 30 cultivators, so as not to appear crowded.

But now, there are at least a hundred cultivators crowded on each stone platform, so that there are not many people left under the stone platform.

This is the same as overloading. If the car is overloaded, it may barely be able to run.

Once the teleportation array is overloaded, it will 100% cause space and time disorder during the teleportation process.

At that time, all the transferred cultivators will surely die, or the teleportation array cannot be activated normally at all.

Everyone was scrambling to compete for the stone platform. Xia Housheng didn't care when he saw this, and then smiled and said: "Everyone! Please listen to me, don't you realize that

Is there a corresponding word engraved in the middle of each stone platform? "

Under his reminder, the cultivators standing in the middle of the stone platform all lowered their heads to look for what Xia Housheng said.

"Xia Housheng! I have the third word Gold Core inscribed on my side, so what?"

At this time, standing in the cultivator on the fifth stone platform, someone called Xiahou Sheng's name directly,

He and Xia Housheng are both Gold Core early stage Cultivation Base, seeing Xia Housheng playing tricks, his tone is very impatient.

"Humph! Not so good, Guo Deyang, believe it or not, without my guidance, none of you would ever enter the Immortal Cave of Ancient Cultivation."

Xia Housheng

With a bad tone,

Xia Housheng also knew the cultivator who spoke, and the other party was Guo Deyang from Shenshou Mountain, and the two had never dealt with each other.

"Ex...senior! Senior, please calm down! Our stone platform is engraved with the words Fuchu."

At this time, standing in the cultivator on the first stone platform, someone said boldly.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the reason I used the Cloud Piercing Arrow to summon you here is because I couldn't open the teleportation array by myself.

Otherwise, it won't be your turn. If you want to enter the ancient cultivation Immortal Cave, you'd better listen to me, otherwise I won't accompany you. "

Xia Housheng said in a cold voice with an unhappy expression.

Many cultivators heard that Xia Housheng was going to drop the pick, and the cultivators with low Cultivation Base began to apologize to him, and the cultivators who knew him began to persuade him.

Guo Deyang also stopped talking, and he didn't want to miss such an opportunity to enter the Immortal Cave of Ancient Cultivation.

Seeing that everyone was focusing on himself again, Xia Housheng still had an angry expression on the surface, but in fact, there was not so much anger in his heart.

After all, he also wanted to successfully activate the teleportation array, otherwise why did he put in so much effort?

So Xia Housheng continued to tell everything he knew.

It turned out that according to his inspection, the five stone platforms were respectively engraved with the words "Gold Core" and "Gold Core",

Combining the restrictions of the secret realm on the cultivator Realm, plus the corresponding words engraved on the five stone platforms,

Xia Housheng speculates that each stone platform is also assigned sequentially from the fusion early stage to the Gold Core early stage.

And based on his understanding of the teleportation array, he roughly calculated,

Each stone platform can only accommodate thirty cultivators at most, if there are more, it will be crowded, which is not conducive to the opening of the teleportation array.

In other words, the first stone platform can only accommodate thirty cultivators who merged with the early stage,

The second stone platform can hold 30 people, integrate the cultivator of the middle stage, and so on.

Xia Housheng also said that his Tianyanzong disciples are divided according to Realm, and he needs ten places for each stone platform, otherwise he will not teach everyone how to open the teleportation array.

However, as soon as Xia Housheng finished speaking, he was strongly refuted by many cultivators.

It is said that he is too selfish and only thinks about him, Tian Yanzong. You must know that this secret realm belongs to everyone.

There is even a cultivator from the Central Plains threatening Xia Housheng, if such an unfair distribution,

At worst, everyone will give up the ancient times

Cultivate the Immortal Cave, let’s kill all the cultivators present in the Tianyan Sect,

Or, look for other cultivators who understand formation to come, and don't need Xia Housheng to guide everyone.

Anyway, Xia Housheng's distribution method immediately provoked public outrage, and the situation was very unfavorable to Tian Yanzong.

You must know that there are many Gold Core early stage cultivators present, and he doesn't think that the other party is just talking.

In the end, Xia Housheng also realized this, and finally agreed with everyone,

Everyone, according to their respective strengths, seizes the places on the stone platform until each stone platform gathers 30 cultivators.

But Tian Yanzong can only be, each stone platform has a quota, and there is no need to participate in the challenge competition.

Of course, the rest of the Tianyan Sect disciples can also fight for places based on their own strength.

After everyone discussed the rules, the cultivators crowded on each stone platform retreated one after another.

If anyone thinks that Own is more powerful, he can go up to the stone platform first,

Naturally, there will be cultivators looking for you to challenge. You only need to win three times, and you don’t need to accept challenges from other cultivators.

In this way, one quota is obtained, and so on, until 30 cultivators are determined for each stone platform, and the teleportation array can be opened.

This is a challenge without referees. The outcome is very simple. There are only two endings for War Practitioner.

Either kill the ring defender, or be killed by the opponent. As for whether to admit defeat or beg for mercy to save his life, it depends on the mood of the opponent.

When each stone platform has a cultivator first to appear.

Almost without asking, a cultivator will immediately stand up to challenge the opponent. In order to deter the challenger from behind, the cultivator,

Generally, the shots will be merciless, and the methods are extremely cruel.

They have to use practical actions to tell the next challenge War Practitioner, don't challenge me, or you will die miserably.

As a result, not long after the start of the match, the screams of the cultivator were heard continuously from the five stone platforms. The sound was so miserable that it sent chills down the spine.

Lu Chen was thinking about whether he should compete for the place of Shitai. If he successfully entered the Immortal Cave of Immortal Cave in ancient times,

What about Song Wanting? You can't leave her, a delicate girl, alone outside.

In case something happened to Song Wanting, it was something she didn't want to see.

For a while, Lu Chen fell into distress...

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