Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 249 Did I Recruit You To Mess With You?

After a brief consideration, Lu Chen decided to wait and see what happens before making plans.

Because with own strength, competing for a spot on the first stone platform is basically a piece of cake.

At that time, it really won't work, so I can only bring Song Wanting with me. If other people dare to challenge her, just help her deal with it.

After all, no one has stipulated that she cannot replace her in the battle, right?

"Lu Dage! Why don't you fight for a spot! It's definitely not a problem to get a spot with your strength, pen fun library

As for me, you don't have to worry too much, I will find a place to hide and wait for my cousin to be there, hehehe..."

Song Wanting smiled authentically, hiding her inner loss well.

She knows that her strength is low, even if she is also a cultivator who merged with the early stage, she dare not compete for the place on the stone platform.

"What are you thinking! Since we are together, how can I abandon my teammates, don't worry! I have my own way." Lu Chen smiled.

At this time, fierce competition was going on on each stone platform, and there was a flash of swords and swords, overflowing energy, and screams again and again.

The endless slaughter caused the originally white stone platform to be stained red by the cultivator's blood at this moment, which is very hideous and terrifying.

"Wanting!" At this moment, a shout sounded.

Song Wanting followed the prestige and saw that it was her cousin Mei Ye Qing walking with another handsome cultivator, a delighted smile instantly appeared on her face.

"Cousin! As soon as I guessed it, I knew it was possible to meet you here, hehehe... I didn't expect that I would actually meet you. It's really great."

Song Wanting happily walked towards her cousin Mei Yeqing and smiled.

"Hehehe... Seeing that you are safe and sound, I am relieved, by the way! Why are you with this cultivator? Didn't I tell you that he is not a good person?"

As soon as Mei Ye Qing saw Lu Chen, her face immediately changed, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and she didn't care that Lu Chen could hear her own words.

When Lu Chen heard this, his mood instantly became gloomy, and he thought:

"Damn it! Damn bitch! Daddy provoked you and always said that Daddy is not a good person. If Daddy can't beat you now, let's see if Daddy strips your clothes and parades you in the street."

Of course, Lu Chen thought about it in his heart, but he still didn't dare to have too much emotion on the surface. If this woman couldn't understand him and made a move on him, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

"Cousin! Don't say that to Lu Dage! If you don't

It was Lu Dage who came to the rescue, and I might never see you again.

And Lu Dage gave me a lot of resources along the way. "

Song Wanting stood in front of Lu Chen, and quickly explained, as if not allowing her cousin to approach.

Song Wanting's performance made Lu Chen very pleased, and it was not in vain to spend ten thousand years of stone marrow dew to save her.

When Mei Yeqing heard this, she couldn't help but take another look at Lu Chen, although she really looked down on such a small person as Lu Chen.

But when he heard that the other party had saved his cousin's life, the expression on his face softened a little.

"Brother Hua! This is my cousin Song Wanting,

cousin! Let me introduce to you, this is a friend I just met, he is Hua Weiyang, a genius disciple of Hehuan Sect, why don't you hurry up and greet Senior Brother Hua. "

Mei Yeqing pointed to the handsome young man beside her and introduced them to each other with a smile.

Song Wanting saw that although the other party was handsome and extraordinary, she always had a friendly smile on her face,

But it always gives me an uncomfortable feeling, not at all Lu Dage's simple sense of security,

Coupled with my cousin's bad words to Lu Chen,

So Wanting Song didn't listen to her cousin's wishes, and unconsciously glanced at Lu Chen, comparing the two in her mind.

"Hmph..." Mei Yeqing snorted coldly at Lu Chen upon seeing this,

"Uh... you're blaming me too? Your cousin wants to see me, okay? Big sister! I'm innocent, okay?" Lu Chen thought speechlessly when he saw this,

Turn your head and look away quickly to avoid getting caught in the fire.

Mei Ye Qing then smiled apologetically at Hua Weiyang:

"Hehehe...Senior Brother Hua, I'm really sorry, my sister is playing abuse, so please don't blame her."

"Hahaha... Miss Mei is serious, how can I be angry with Miss Song, let's go back to Sect's camp first."

Hua Weiyang always maintained a gentle and elegant posture, smiling.

Before, Mei Ye Qing encountered an extremely difficult Demonic Beasts and suffered some injuries. Fortunately, Hua Weiyang, who happened to pass by, rescued her and was able to escape.

Coupled with Hua Weiyang's good looks, and his ability to please girls, the two became acquainted after coming and going, and they walked together together.

"Lu...Lu Dage! I..." Knowing that she was about to leave her cousin after meeting her, Song Wanting came here on purpose, saying goodbye to Lu Chen with some embarrassment.

"Hehehe... go! With your cousin protecting you, I

Also more at ease. ” Lu Chen said with a gratified smile,

He felt that Song Wanting was better at dealing with people than her cousin.

After Song Wanting followed her cousin and left, Lu Chen looked towards the first stone platform.

At this moment, after fierce mutual fighting, there are already twenty-five early stage cultivators standing on the stone platform.

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, and Yu Jian flew directly onto the first stone platform.

He didn't challenge anyone, but made it clear that he wanted a spot.

The cultivator who was integrated with the early stage in the audience saw someone flying up to the stone stage again, and it was a young boy, which immediately attracted everyone's booing.

Because according to common sense, a cultivator that has just broken through and integrated into the early stage is definitely not as strong as the old-style fusion early stage cultivator, and its strength is relatively weaker.

As for Lu Chen's age, it goes without saying that he belongs to the cultivator who has just broken through and merged into the early stage.

If you look carefully, most of the cultivators who successfully got the quota on stage are middle-aged cultivators of a certain age.

There are only a few cultivators who are similar in age to Lu Chen, but they all have a strong Sect as their backstage, and they are among the best in Sect.

So that not long after Lu Chen flew onto the stone platform, someone yelled at him.

"Where did you come from? You just broke through to the fusion early stage! I advise you not to get involved in the Immortal Cave of Ancient Cultivation, otherwise you won't know how you died.

If you retreat now, I will pretend nothing happened. "

The speaker was a middle-aged cultivator who looked to be in his forties,

I saw that man, he was born full of Heaven Court, with a square base, a nose like a gall hanging out, and eyes like bright stars. He really matched the three mountains, and the five mountains were evenly matched. Coupled with his tall stature, he really looked like a hero.

He has stayed in the early stage of fusion for many years, and now he has the opportunity to enter the Immortal Cave of ancient comprehension, maybe he can go one step further, of course he does not want to miss this opportunity.

Seeing that Lu Chen is young, I only think that he is ignorant and unwilling to do more harm, so I kindly remind him, hoping that Lu Chen can withdraw voluntarily.

"Hehehe... Thank you senior for your kindness, please senior!" Lu Chen cupped hands respectfully.

Although we all belong to the cultivator who integrated the early stage, but the other party is old after all,

And to be able to say what he just said, no matter what, he is kind and kind, which deserves Lu Chen's respect.

Lu Chen is such a person, if you respect me one foot, I will pay you back one foot, with clear grievances and grievances...

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